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Message to Kenny Williams....


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The SO CALLED easy part of schedule is over and we played bad throughout . This could get ugly very fast. :huh:

I have a real bad feeling about this, the only way we will be successful is if that idiot Manuel is fired.



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This team has so much talent yet such an idiot for a manager. Two of three to the Orioles, its an embarassing time to be a Sox fan. Whered all that hope we have at the start of the season go? And when are the Royals gonna fall? Theyll fall soon and this division will be up for grabs. If we want it, were gonna have to get our butts in gear and take it!

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Despite how they play, this team is very talented, and it's not KW's nor JM's fault if they fail to do the job that they're being paid millions to do.

it's KW's fault because he put a team together that has no speed so manufacturing runs is nearly impossible and for 3 seasons now we have needed a power hitting left handed bat for the middle of the line up and he has failed to produce one...


but you make a good point..manuel didnt lose this game tonight..the bullpen did..white and gordon are veterans and they need to start pitching like they are

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Despite how they play, this team is very talented, and it's not KW's nor JM's fault if they fail to do the job that they're being paid millions to do.

it's KW's fault because he put a team together that has no speed so manufacturing runs is nearly impossible and for 3 seasons now we have needed a power hitting left handed bat for the middle of the line up and he has failed to produce one...


but you make a good point..manuel didnt lose this game tonight..the bullpen did..white and gordon are veterans and they need to start pitching like they are

The need for a speedy lineup and a powerful lefty is only being discussed because our 3-5 hitters have about 30 combined RBI. If they were producing and had around 45 or 50 RBI (which they SHOULD have), we'd have about 4 more wins and this would not be a topic of discussion.

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Despite how they play, this team is very talented, and it's not KW's nor JM's fault if they fail to do the job that they're being paid millions to do.

it's KW's fault because he put a team together that has no speed so manufacturing runs is nearly impossible and for 3 seasons now we have needed a power hitting left handed bat for the middle of the line up and he has failed to produce one...


but you make a good point..manuel didnt lose this game tonight..the bullpen did..white and gordon are veterans and they need to start pitching like they are

The need for a speedy lineup and a powerful lefty is only being discussed because our 3-5 hitters have about 30 combined RBI. If they were producing and had around 45 or 50 RBI (which they SHOULD have), we'd have about 4 more wins and this would not be a topic of discussion.

we should have 4 more wins anyways if the bullpen would do its job...but we have known we have needed a lefty bat in the middle of the line up since lou pineilla showed everyone how easy it was to stop us..we have needed a lefty for more than just this month..for two years now this team has under achieved and a big part of thart is because its so right handed

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Despite how they play, this team is very talented, and it's not KW's nor JM's fault if they fail to do the job that they're being paid millions to do.

it's KW's fault because he put a team together that has no speed so manufacturing runs is nearly impossible and for 3 seasons now we have needed a power hitting left handed bat for the middle of the line up and he has failed to produce one...


but you make a good point..manuel didnt lose this game tonight..the bullpen did..white and gordon are veterans and they need to start pitching like they are

The need for a speedy lineup and a powerful lefty is only being discussed because our 3-5 hitters have about 30 combined RBI. If they were producing and had around 45 or 50 RBI (which they SHOULD have), we'd have about 4 more wins and this would not be a topic of discussion.

we should have 4 more wins anyways if the bullpen would do its job...but we have known we have needed a lefty bat in the middle of the line up since lou pineilla showed everyone how easy it was to stop us..we have needed a lefty for more than just this month..for two years now this team has under achieved and a big part of thart is because its so right handed

It's time to call up Borchard and send Rowand down, he had his chance, and Rios is no center fielder.



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Despite how they play, this team is very talented, and it's not KW's nor JM's fault if they fail to do the job that they're being paid millions to do.

it's KW's fault because he put a team together that has no speed so manufacturing runs is nearly impossible and for 3 seasons now we have needed a power hitting left handed bat for the middle of the line up and he has failed to produce one...


but you make a good point..manuel didnt lose this game tonight..the bullpen did..white and gordon are veterans and they need to start pitching like they are

The need for a speedy lineup and a powerful lefty is only being discussed because our 3-5 hitters have about 30 combined RBI. If they were producing and had around 45 or 50 RBI (which they SHOULD have), we'd have about 4 more wins and this would not be a topic of discussion.

we should have 4 more wins anyways if the bullpen would do its job...but we have known we have needed a lefty bat in the middle of the line up since lou pineilla showed everyone how easy it was to stop us..we have needed a lefty for more than just this month..for two years now this team has under achieved and a big part of thart is because its so right handed

I don't buy into the whole "lefty, righty" topic.


I think that if you have QUALITY hitters (which the Sox do), it doesn't matter what side of the plate they stand on. These men are professionals, and it shouldn't matter what the guy before them or behind them are doing -- whether they're in an all lefty, all righty, or mixed lineup, they are paid to do a job, and they aren't doing it, so far.


Same goes for our pen. They are a talented bunch of pitchers, and they need to step up and show some pride. They had a 2 run lead and choked it away. Simply unacceptable.

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Rowand has no business with a under.200 average playing anymore.

We need Borchard up here right now...



How are his numbers in AAA?


Also, I remember seeing someone say that he's injured -- is he all better now?

he hit a homer tonight

But is his injury all healed?

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Normally, I'd like to agree, but I don't think we can blame Jerry for the lack of offense from guys like Maggs, CLee, and Konerko... That, and the bullpen is terrible. What's a manager to do with stiffs like Rick White and Tom Gordon in his 'pen?

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Despite how they play, this team is very talented, and it's not KW's nor JM's fault if they fail to do the job that they're being paid millions to do.

it's KW's fault because he put a team together that has no speed so manufacturing runs is nearly impossible and for 3 seasons now we have needed a power hitting left handed bat for the middle of the line up and he has failed to produce one...


but you make a good point..manuel didnt lose this game tonight..the bullpen did..white and gordon are veterans and they need to start pitching like they are

The need for a speedy lineup and a powerful lefty is only being discussed because our 3-5 hitters have about 30 combined RBI. If they were producing and had around 45 or 50 RBI (which they SHOULD have), we'd have about 4 more wins and this would not be a topic of discussion.

we should have 4 more wins anyways if the bullpen would do its job...but we have known we have needed a lefty bat in the middle of the line up since lou pineilla showed everyone how easy it was to stop us..we have needed a lefty for more than just this month..for two years now this team has under achieved and a big part of thart is because its so right handed

I don't buy into the whole "lefty, righty" topic.


I think that if you have QUALITY hitters (which the Sox do), it doesn't matter what side of the plate they stand on. These men are professionals, and it shouldn't matter what the guy before them or behind them are doing -- whether they're in an all lefty, all righty, or mixed lineup, they are paid to do a job, and they aren't doing it, so far.


Same goes for our pen. They are a talented bunch of pitchers, and they need to step up and show some pride. They had a 2 run lead and choked it away. Simply unacceptable.

if you dont buy the lefty right logic then why is every team in baseball dying for left handed relief pitching???.

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This team looks as motivated and aggressive as Manuel Does. Now where does that come from? This team is way too flat for the talent they have and I dont care what anyone says, Jerry is a BAD manger. He sucked in 2000. That team won in spite of him it seemed. he f***ed up a lot by tinkering. If they majority of your games are won by a score of 15-10, how much control does the manager have then? That what they did in 2000 and havent showed that offense since. Jerry sucks and needs to be fired yessterday. Wally Backman can get thius team moving int he right direction quickly. Now there's a motivator/ass kicker. Just the guy we need.

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if you dont buy the lefty right logic then why is every team in baseball dying for left handed relief pitching???.

Maybe they're buying into it too, I don't know.


All I know is that if you have good players who do their job, it doesn't matter what hand they hit/throw with -- you'll win lots of games.


And every team isn't dying for left-handed relief help. Nearly every team is dying for pitching PERIOD help because the league has too many teams and the talent has been extremely diluted -- but that's a discussion for a different thread.

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This team looks as motivated and aggressive as Manuel Does. Now where does that come from?

If a player's motivation needs to come from an exterior source, there is something wrong with that player.


Any successful player gets their motivation from within. If they have pride, they want to do their best on every play, every game.


Maybe the Sox don't have that kind of spirit. So far, they don't seem to. And if they don't, this season is going to be VERY long, and we'll see the team dismantled come the trade deadline.

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