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How screwed we are for the future


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If things keep going the way they are we're going to be rebuilding once again in the 2003 season. I know this has been brought up a lot, but With that said, how many good position prospects do we have down in the minor leagues?


I only know a few of the Sox good prospects. So any insight on this subject would be helpful.



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The next portion of the list should be up tomorrow. I'm just getting stats together, etc. Everything is written and we should roll through the list starting tomorrow.


Sorry about the slowness lately. Were working on getting everything set so we get rolling on all of this.

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The next portion of the list should be up tomorrow.  I'm just getting stats together, etc.  Everything is written and we should roll through the list starting tomorrow.


Sorry about the slowness lately.  Were working on getting everything set so we get rolling on all of this.

lol. Don't worry about it, I totally forgot about the prospect listing that you're putting together! I did enjoy reading the first one though, learned a lot about our lower prospects. I do appreciate you and others putting that together though.



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If things keep going the way they are we're going to be rebuilding once again in the 2003 season. I know this has been brought up a lot, but With that said, how many good position prospects do we have down in the minor leagues?


I only know a few of the Sox good prospects. So any insight on this subject would be helpful.



All I know is that our really good position prospects that will be All-Stars for years and years in a row are Reed and Webster....and Borchard, if you count him.


Otherwise, I am f***ing clueless.

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If things keep going the way they are we're going to be rebuilding once again in the 2003 season. I know this has been brought up a lot, but With that said, how many good position prospects do we have down in the minor leagues?


I only know a few of the Sox good prospects. So any insight on this subject would be helpful.



All I know is that our really good position prospects that will be All-Stars for years and years in a row are Reed and Webster....and Borchard, if you count him.


Otherwise, I am f***ing clueless.

WSF-Same here. I know that Ruddy Yan is having a good year in A. But I'm not sure if he'll end up in the Big Leagues some day.



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If things keep going the way they are we're going to be rebuilding once again in the 2003 season. I know this has been brought up a lot, but With that said, how many good position prospects do we have down in the minor leagues?


I only know a few of the Sox good prospects. So any insight on this subject would be helpful.



All I know is that our really good position prospects that will be All-Stars for years and years in a row are Reed and Webster....and Borchard, if you count him.


Otherwise, I am f***ing clueless.

First lessson. None of them are all stars for years to come. A LARGE majority of cant miss prospects, actually MISS.

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If things keep going the way they are we're going to be rebuilding once again in the 2003 season. I know this has been brought up a lot, but With that said, how many good position prospects do we have down in the minor leagues?


I only know a few of the Sox good prospects. So any insight on this subject would be helpful.



All I know is that our really good position prospects that will be All-Stars for years and years in a row are Reed and Webster....and Borchard, if you count him.


Otherwise, I am f***ing clueless.

First lessson. None of them are all stars for years to come. A LARGE majority of cant miss prospects, actually MISS.

Paul Konerko was a can't miss prospect.


Now he always misses...the ball that is(offensively and defensively). Or if he isn't missing the ball, he's grounding into a DP.


I remember seeing the first round of the 1998 draft...and like half the guys are in the league and are putting up solid numbers somewhere. That was the year we drafted Kipper....and now he is pitching lights out in Pittsburgh.

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Maybe we need a new ballpark. The ghost of old Comiskey is haunting new Comiskey and we are hexed to forever getting seven hits in every 38 at bats.

But never more than two in the same inning I hope. That might be good or something.


I figure we don't have alot of great prospects now but we have some liquid assets...


Bartolo, E-Lo, CLee, PK maybe, Maggs even

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If things keep going the way they are we're going to be rebuilding once again in the 2003 season. I know this has been brought up a lot, but With that said, how many good position prospects do we have down in the minor leagues?


I only know a few of the Sox good prospects. So any insight on this subject would be helpful.



All I know is that our really good position prospects that will be All-Stars for years and years in a row are Reed and Webster....and Borchard, if you count him.


Otherwise, I am f***ing clueless.

First lessson. None of them are all stars for years to come. A LARGE majority of cant miss prospects, actually MISS.

Paul Konerko was a can't miss prospect.


Now he always misses...the ball that is(offensively and defensively). Or if he isn't missing the ball, he's grounding into a DP.


I remember seeing the first round of the 1998 draft...and like half the guys are in the league and are putting up solid numbers somewhere. That was the year we drafted Kipper....and now he is pitching lights out in Pittsburgh.

Will somebody please tell me what the hell happened to that guy? I've heard some rumblings about a hip condition similar to Albert Belles, but I would like more concrete info. Anybody know?

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If things keep going the way they are we're going to be rebuilding once again in the 2003 season. I know this has been brought up a lot, but With that said, how many good position prospects do we have down in the minor leagues?


I only know a few of the Sox good prospects. So any insight on this subject would be helpful.



All I know is that our really good position prospects that will be All-Stars for years and years in a row are Reed and Webster....and Borchard, if you count him.


Otherwise, I am f***ing clueless.

First lessson. None of them are all stars for years to come. A LARGE majority of cant miss prospects, actually MISS.

This is what I was saying the other day. Some people on here spend so much time following and evaluating our minor league talent, but SO often the "sure stars" fall flat on their faces when they reach the major leagues. It just seems pointless to me to speculate until you see what they do on the big stage. Afterall, Mark Buehrle came out of no where and went from AA to our ace in just 1 year. I don't know where he was in terms of ranking in our minor league system, but I think he was basically middle-of-the-pack. Meanwhile, guys who are ranked highly in our minor league system like Jon Rauch has struggled everytime he's been given a shot at success in the majors.


Maybe Sylvia Browne can tell us which youngsters will pan out

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If things keep going the way they are we're going to be rebuilding once again in the 2003 season. I know this has been brought up a lot, but With that said, how many good position prospects do we have down in the minor leagues?


I only know a few of the Sox good prospects. So any insight on this subject would be helpful.



All I know is that our really good position prospects that will be All-Stars for years and years in a row are Reed and Webster....and Borchard, if you count him.


Otherwise, I am f***ing clueless.

First lessson. None of them are all stars for years to come. A LARGE majority of cant miss prospects, actually MISS.

Paul Konerko was a can't miss prospect.


Now he always misses...the ball that is(offensively and defensively). Or if he isn't missing the ball, he's grounding into a DP.


I remember seeing the first round of the 1998 draft...and like half the guys are in the league and are putting up solid numbers somewhere. That was the year we drafted Kipper....and now he is pitching lights out in Pittsburgh.

Will somebody please tell me what the hell happened to that guy? I've heard some rumblings about a hip condition similar to Albert Belles, but I would like more concrete info. Anybody know?

His hip is very messed up.


I know for a fact that he came up as a catcher in the LA farm system, but because of his hip, he had to move to either 3B or 1B. Since he is slow as hell and has little range, 3B just didn't work for him, so his only place to go was 1B. He obviously had a pretty accurate arm from behind the plate, because he turns the 3-6-3 like no other. He just has no range.

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