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Sheriff Joe's Round them up immigration policy


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I am not sure if this plan will work and neither does the state legislator.

New Immigration policy


I just finsihed reading a book called "we can win the war on crime". This guy is a great sheriff and he makes prisoners suffer which is a good thing he made the prisoners wear pink underwear, pink handcuffs, made all there TV be Disney and Weather Channel. He also took away all of the exercise equipment and made them live in Tent cities during the summer which the Tempeture got to above 115 and his jails are ran like the 1930's. And of course he is always fighting the ACLU which make him my hero. If more prisons were ran like his then I wouldn't mind if the Death Penalty comes off the books. They need to treat these thugs like scumb which they are.

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QUOTE(minors @ Jun 13, 2006 -> 08:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
And of course he is always fighting the ACLU which make him my hero.

So apparently you don't have a problem with being pulled over just to see if you have any drugs on you? *waits for the "I have nothing to hide, so it's ok" argument*

That was one of Sheriff Joe's ideas laughed at by the ACLU.


Some kind of hero.

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So apparently you don't have a problem with being pulled over just to see if you have any drugs on you? *waits for the "I have nothing to hide, so it's ok" argument*

That was one of Sheriff Joe's ideas laughed at by the ACLU.


Some kind of hero.



You took the words right out of my mouth if I have nothing to hide then I could give a s***. This guy treats the murdering thugs like they should be treated like scum. No TV and no what ever food they want, no exercise equipment and no nicely cooled cells. It is time we stop cuddling and babying these thugs and maybe then we can win the war on crime.

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QUOTE(minors @ Jun 13, 2006 -> 11:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You took the words right out of my mouth if I have nothing to hide then I could give a s***. This guy treats the murdering thugs like they should be treated like scum. No TV and no what ever food they want, no exercise equipment and no nicely cooled cells. It is time we stop cuddling and babying these thugs and maybe then we can win the war on crime.

Just curious, do you think we should treat a murderer the same way we would should treat a drug possesor?


Why are you so willing to give up your freedom? I thought the terrorists hated us because of our freedom.

Whose side are you on?

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QUOTE(santo=dorf @ Jun 13, 2006 -> 11:53 PM)
Just curious, do you think we should treat a murderer the same way we would should treat a drug possesor?


Why are you so willing to give up your freedom? I thought the terrorists hated us because of our freedom.

Whose side are you on?



Treat all criminals equally I say.........like s***bags.

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Just curious, do you think we should treat a murderer the same way we would should treat a drug possesor?


Why are you so willing to give up your freedom? I thought the terrorists hated us because of our freedom.

Whose side are you on?



Some freedoms have to be given up for greater good if not this country will be overrun by the terrorists and the thugs and it would not be a place I would want to live in anyway. And to your other question yes all thugs should be treated the same and by that I mean do not coddle these thugs. Make to where being in prison is a bad thing and that when they get out they will think twice about committing crime. There are alot of people who commit crime just so they can go to prison because it is better than what they were living in.


Treat all criminals equally I say.........like s***bags.



Right on Nuke. That is why when I hear liberals talk about LWOP I get sick to my stomach because what kind of punishment are we really giving them lets see... Satellite Tv, 3 solid meals, exercise equipment and nice air conditioning. The people who kill just to get to prison and have a better life well that is so punishment.

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QUOTE(minors @ Jun 13, 2006 -> 11:50 PM)
You took the words right out of my mouth if I have nothing to hide then I could give a s***. This guy treats the murdering thugs like they should be treated like scum. No TV and no what ever food they want, no exercise equipment and no nicely cooled cells. It is time we stop cuddling and babying these thugs and maybe then we can win the war on crime.

The precedent is not "If I have nothing to hide," the legal precedent is that they must get a probable cause. Personal privacy is one of the key liberties enshrined in the Constitution.


Concerns about abuses against civil liberties are met with "Why should I worry? Government has never abused its authority before and I've got nothing to hide!" Except for the Palmer Raids, McCarthyism, the Red Scare and COINTELPRO, you'd be right. True to form, the government has abused their new powers on numerous occasions. Let's not forget that the Federal Intelligence Court of Appeals stated that the Patriot Act's seizure policies may not meet Fourth Amendment guidelines but they "almost certainly come close". We must be willing to distinguish between the necessary powers to catch terrorists and overkill that poses a threat to innocent citizens.


And let's get philosophical -- no person can lose their status as a human being. Only we can choose to view them as 'less than human'. In doing so, we become less than human in our treatment.


The guy has an irrational hard-on for authority and has taken a s*** all over the Constitution and the civil liberties enshrined in the document.


A site detailing the guy's numerous moronic ideas:



Taken from the site:

1:With Arpaio, real law enforcement takes a backseat to publicity stunts.


As an example in one of Arpaio's latest stunts, and at a time when there were 12 unsolved execution-style murders in the county, he staged a massive prostitution round-up publicity stunt.


This two month "sting operation" involved over 350 deputies that were pulled off other investigative details and patrol that resulted in 80 cases that have all been declined for prosecution by the Maricopa County Attorney's Office.


Nicholas Hentoff of Phoenix wrote in a letter to the Editor of the Arizona Republic" If Joe Arpaio continues to spend the county's scarce law enforcement dollars on chasing consenting adults engaged in private sexual activity, while child murders and sexual assaults remain unsolved, he should be the one to explain to the next grieving mother why her child's killer has not been caught, prosecuted and put in prison. And the taxpayers should send him a message by electing a new sheriff who doesn't treat public funds as his private public relations piggybank."


2: He lives in a fantasy world of self-importance.


His claims of arresting Elvis Presley, breaking the French Connection, and being in weekly shoot-outs suggest a serious mental problem.


Some of his other claims include:


Arpaio: Invented the idea of housing inmates in tents.


Truth: This is untrue, the Arizona Department of Correction has used tents for decades. Facilities in other states also used tents before Arpaio.


Arpaio: Claims credit for feeding green bologna (surplus food) to inmates


Truth: Jails and prisons here in Arizona and all over the country feed surplus food to inmates and done so for many years.


For more of Joe Arpaio's outrageous claims, see our "Truth" page


3: Millions of tax dollars have been wasted on lawsuits


Lawsuits brought against Arpaio by employees, former employees, inmates, and the families of dead inmates have cost the county millions and Arpaio has misled the public about the cost to taxpayers of lawsuits.


The case of Scott Norberg, who died in jail, is a good example. Arpaio has frequently said the $8.25 million settlement cost the county nothing and was covered by insurance. What he does not say is that, at the time of the settlement, the county had a $1 million deductible.


Because of these lawsuits, the deductible for the sheriff's office insurance coverage has increase from $1 million to $5 million per incident.


4: He is responsible for a critical and dangerous shortage of personnel in both the jails and patrol.


This condition is unsafe for the officers, the inmates, and the public. This situation leads to more lawsuits which results in more millions of tax dollars wasted.


Arpaio has created a critical and dangerous shortage of deputy sheriffs needed to perform fundamental law enforcement services in the unincorporated areas of the County.


Deputies that could be assigned to patrol, are assigned instead as personal bodyguards for Sheriff Arpaio.


Detention officers, desperately needed in the jails, are assigned to the labor-intensive, publicity-producing chain gangs in order to get Arpaio on more TV news programs.


Projects that bolster Arpaio's ego, satisfy his need for publicity, and insure his personal safety are all fully staffed. Unfortunately, at the same time on the streets and in the jails of the county, lives are placed at risk by Arpaio's self-serving abuse of authority .


Also Sheriff Arpaio has the largest executive staff of any police agency in Arizona and perhaps the United States . By comparison, the Los Angles County Sheriff's Department, the nation's largest, has half as many on the executive staff. The millions spend on excess executive positions should be used to hire employees that could be assigned where really needed.


5: Hundreds of current sheriff's office employees, represented by a number of employee organizations, have expressed a vote of no confidence in Sheriff Arpaio.


Police officers associations throughout the State of Arizona have voted "no confidence" in Joe Arpaio as Sheriff! These include; State of Arizona Fraternal Order of Police, Fraternal Order of Police Lodge Five, Maricopa County Deputies Association, Arizona Cops.


If the police officers in the State of Arizona have no confidence in Joe, why should you?


6: The self proclaimed "Toughest Sheriff in America " is too fearful to debate other candidates.


There have been several debates scheduled this year between the candidates that are running for the Office of Sheriff. All the candidates have appeared minus one, Joe Arpaio.


Why is Joe so afraid to debate his policies in public with the other candidates? Could it be that he couldn't read from his "scripted" speech that he has given hundreds of times before other public gatherings where he makes his outlandish claims to fame.


Several years ago Sheriff Arpaio visited the outlying patrol districts of the Sheriff's Office to what was suppose to be a "question and answer" meeting between his employees. Instead at each of these four meetings he started out with his canned political speech telling the deputies how important he was and that they depended upon him for their jobs. At District's Two and Three, he was politely asked by Patrol Sergeant's in attendance if he could answer questions from the deputies. He hesitantly stated that he wasn't prepared to answer any questions but would try. He was then asked basic questions that involved officer safety issues, the lack of training, and pay issues. Arpaio fumbled trying to answer, and on several occasions sidestepped the question entirely. Weeks after these meetings, the deputies and sergeants that asked these questions to Sheriff Arpaio were transferred to newly created positions within the office. One assignment was being stationed in the basement of the main jail on graveyard to answer a telephone that never rang, and another to the property room, inventorying items in storage.


7: Arpaio routinely abuses his authority for personal, political, and vindictive reasons.


Two Republicans and an Independent running against Arpaio have all alleged abuses of power on the part of Sheriff Arpaio. In 2002, the county settled a lawsuit out of court with former employee Steve Barnes for wrongful termination after he blew the whistle on questionable tactics by the sheriff's office.


Barnes claimed that Arpaio's office wiretapped former Arpaio aide Tom Bearup and that it had targeted County Attorney Rick Romley for surveillance. Bearup, W. Steven Martin and Dan Saban, all running for sheriff against Arpaio this year, have also reported that they have been followed and harassed by sheriff's deputies.


Another example would also be the arrest of Nick Tarr, otherwise known as "Joe Arizona". In 2020 there were three hot propositions involving Indian gaming in Arizona, Nick's "Joe Arizona" character supported racetracks having slot machines, Sheriff Joe was supporting a proposition that kept Indian gaming on Indian land. For Halloween Nick decided to campaign in downtown Phoenix dressed as an officer. He went into his prop closet can came out with an old uniform shirt from DPS, his trademark "I Love Arizona" t-shirt, and a pair of Arpaio's pink boxer shorts.


Dave Hendersott, chief Deputy of the Sheriff's Office spotted Nick and he called DPS twice to have them come out and give Nick a citation. DPS officers came out and decided there was no crime. Undaunted, Hendershott then ordered his own deputies to arrest Tarr of impersonating an officer.


The charges against Tarr we later dropped and Tarr now has a lawsuit against the Sheriff's Office.


8: Many community leaders and concerned organizations have looked beyond the smokescreen to see the corruption and incompetence of the Arpaio administration.


Sheriff Joe used to boast of 80% approval ratings amongst the voters of Maricopa County . But as the truth gets out about how he really runs one of the nations largest Sheriff's Offices, his popularity is taking a nose dive! Currently the O'Neal survey lists his approval rating at only 35%


As an example, the Son's of Italy dropped Arpaio as being a "Top Cop" cited controversy over allegations of people dying or being seriously injured while being held in Arpaio's jails. "I just believe that law enforcement officers, like Caesar's wife, must be above suspicion," De Sanctis said, making reference to William Shakespeare's "Julius Caesar." "There's too much controversy right now for us to include Sheriff Arpaio in our report," she said.


He lies about his personal history, the cost of lawsuits, the effectiveness of his programs, and the money he claims to have saved taxpayers. He takes false credit for posses, chain gangs, tent jails, feeding surplus food to inmates, and pink underwear.


There are numerous examples that we can find where Sheriff Joe has outright lied to the public.


As an example, Arpaio spent over $10,000 in tax payer money to have Arizona State University study recidivism in his jail system. ASU found that there was no change in the rate at which inmates returned to the jail. Joe has discounted this study as false and continues to claim that his jail program has reduced crime in the valley.


Another claim is that Sheriff Joe has saved county tax payers millions of dollars because of his innovative programs. Then why can't he control his budget? Why was he $7 million dollars in the hole in 1999/2000/2001 and where did the money go? Why was Loretta Barkell put into the Finance Director with a title of Deputy Chief? Because the BOS put her there and told Chief Hendershott that if he got a handle on the budget he would get his raise.


10: Arpaio's self-serving and ego-driven actions have severely damaged relations between the sheriff's office and other government organizations.


Joe Arpaio filed a law suit against the BOS over the money and he hired outside attorneys to represent him. Joe and County Attorney Richard Romley have never got along in any way. He has never advised the City of Phoenix P.D. of his "Joe Shows" or asked if they wanted help and just moved in.



The guy is a liar and a jackbooted thug. My favorite part of all this was the ASU study that showed there was no change in the rate at which inmates returned to the jail after he paid them $10,000 to study it.

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I believe it was you that got onto me about cutting and pasting from an extermist webpage. But here is the bottom line Joe is uber popular and wins elections crushes liberal recall elections and how does he do it because the people like him he punishes the criminals the way they should be and cuts out the free ride that prisoners have in other states.

Edited by minors
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QUOTE(minors @ Jun 14, 2006 -> 01:32 AM)
I believe it was you that got onto me about cutting and pasting from an extermist webpage. But here is the bottom line Joe is uber popular and wins elections crushes liberal recall elections and how does he do it because the people like him he punishes the criminals the way they should be and cuts out the free ride that prisoners have in other states.



LOL!!! Did he really get on you about copying info from extremist websites?!


Talk about the pot calling the kettle black!

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LOL!!! Did he really get on you about copying info from extremist websites?!


Talk about the pot calling the kettle black!


Well it was either him or Rex one of them. I am almost sure it was Lowercase. It was about the DP pro death penalty.com I cut and paste the story and was ripped for it. And of all the websites on Joe he chooses this one that looks to be outdated anyway talking about recalling him in 2005

Edited by minors
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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Jun 14, 2006 -> 01:33 AM)
LOL!!! Did he really get on you about copying info from extremist websites?!


Talk about the pot calling the kettle black!

Except that I cited the source in my post...Oh yeah, then it becomes a citation.


And I'm pretty sure that it is not a liberal extremist who runs the site.


Arpaio.com was developed in 1998 by Lieutenant Roy Reyer, who is now retired. In 1997, Roy was assigned to the Community Services section of the Sheriff's Office and was directly involved in "setting up" the first "Joe Shows" under the direction of David Hendershott. Roy became concerned and wrote a memorandum outlining problems he observed to Chief Roe, then the Chief Deputy under Sheriff Arpaio.



It's a person who worked with him that can't stand him. But that still doesn't change the fact that Arpaio's treatment of criminals does nothing to lesson the recitivism rate at his prison.

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QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Jun 14, 2006 -> 01:37 AM)
Except that I cited the source in my post...Oh yeah, then it becomes a citation.


And I'm pretty sure that it is not a liberal extremist who runs the site.


Arpaio.com was developed in 1998 by Lieutenant Roy Reyer, who is now retired. In 1997, Roy was assigned to the Community Services section of the Sheriff's Office and was directly involved in "setting up" the first "Joe Shows" under the direction of David Hendershott. Roy became concerned and wrote a memorandum outlining problems he observed to Chief Roe, then the Chief Deputy under Sheriff Arpaio.



It's a person who worked with him that can't stand him. But that still doesn't change the fact that Arpaio's treatment of criminals does nothing to lesson the recitivism rate at his prison.



My mistake, it's an ex-employee who has a chip on his shoulder. ( How dare I dispute the accuracy of him! ) Even if that did end up being true I couldn't care less. The fact that he treats criminals like scum instead of coddling them alone makes me a fan of his. Also, if he's so horrible then why is it that he keeps on getting re-elected every time?

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Except that I cited the source in my post...Oh yeah, then it becomes a citation.


And I'm pretty sure that it is not a liberal extremist who runs the site.


Arpaio.com was developed in 1998 by Lieutenant Roy Reyer, who is now retired. In 1997, Roy was assigned to the Community Services section of the Sheriff's Office and was directly involved in "setting up" the first "Joe Shows" under the direction of David Hendershott. Roy became concerned and wrote a memorandum outlining problems he observed to Chief Roe, then the Chief Deputy under Sheriff Arpaio.



It's a person who worked with him that can't stand him. But that still doesn't change the fact that Arpaio's treatment of criminals does nothing to lesson the recitivism rate at his prison.


Well now this comes from a one sided site a person who has a grude against Joe for whatever reason. I can post a link that shows all the good he has done here it. Joe

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Jun 14, 2006 -> 01:42 AM)
My mistake, it's an ex-employee who has a chip on his shoulder. ( How dare I dispute the accuracy of him! ) Even if that did end up being true I couldn't care less. The fact that he treats criminals like scum instead of coddling them alone makes me a fan of his. Also, if he's so horrible then why is it that he keeps on getting re-elected every time?

His popularity is decreasing. But the mentality is "the fact that he treats criminals like scum" is appealing to some voters -- no matter how much the facts clearly show that this treatment does nothing to lower the rate of recitivism into their prison system.


It's Truthiness at its finest to believe in what the Sheriff is selling -- it may not be true, but it certainly feels true.


And it isn't just liberals who are pissed at him. A lot of conservatives are angry that he is nothing but a jackbooted ass (you know, the conservatives that still care about the Constitution and civil liberties) As an example, I give you something straight from the idiot's mouth:


"Freedom to make our choice... freedom to make our choice... that's garbage!"

--Sheriff Joe Arpaio,

Penn & Teller's Bulls*** discussing the "War On Drugs"


And oh yeah, he may very well be a kiddie porn maker (from 2001):

Sheriff Joe and his posse webcasting a jail netcam showing female inmates use the toilet - assistant attorney general Thackeray asked Arpaio to shut the site (crime.com) down after getting complaints from activists who have condemned Jailcam as a violation of privacy rights of people who have not been charged with a crime. - Complaints about the site were collected by Donna Hamm, head of Middle Ground, an inmate rights group. Because some of the women in the holding cell could be juveniles, "I think he's potentially an international child pornographer," Hamm said. ... She has requested a federal civil rights investigation.


Wouldn't a citizen go to jail for doing this?

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His popularity is decreasing. But the mentality is "the fact that he treats criminals like scum" is appealing to some voters -- no matter how much the facts clearly show that this treatment does nothing to lower the rate of recitivism into their prison system.


It's Truthiness at its finest to believe in what the Sheriff is selling -- it may not be true, but it certainly feels true.


And it isn't just liberals who are pissed at him. A lot of conservatives are angry that he is nothing but a jackbooted ass (you know, the conservatives that still care about the Constitution and civil liberties) As an example, I give you something straight from the idiot's mouth:


"Freedom to make our choice... freedom to make our choice... that's garbage!"

--Sheriff Joe Arpaio,

Penn & Teller's Bulls*** discussing the "War On Drugs"


And oh yeah, he may very well be a kiddie porn maker (from 2001):

Sheriff Joe and his posse webcasting a jail netcam showing female inmates use the toilet - assistant attorney general Thackeray asked Arpaio to shut the site (crime.com) down after getting complaints from activists who have condemned Jailcam as a violation of privacy rights of people who have not been charged with a crime. - Complaints about the site were collected by Donna Hamm, head of Middle Ground, an inmate rights group. Because some of the women in the holding cell could be juveniles, "I think he's potentially an international child pornographer," Hamm said. ... She has requested a federal civil rights investigation.


Wouldn't a citizen go to jail for doing this?


Again Liberals will say anything to hide the fact they can't beat him in a election. From what it sounds like he could be Gov of Arizona (or wherever he is from) today. Also if he supposingly an"international child pornographer" why has he won 2 elections since then and a recall plus still holding his job and nothing coming out about this, the answer these charges were BS. Just a liberal trying to get a make a create a huge story.

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QUOTE(minors @ Jun 14, 2006 -> 02:04 AM)
Again Liberals will say anything to hide the fact they can't beat him in a election. From what it sounds like he could be Gov of Arizona (or wherever he is from) today. Also if he supposingly an"international child pornographer" why has he won 2 elections since then and a recall plus still holding his job and nothing coming out about this, the answer these charges were BS. Just a liberal trying to get a make a create a huge story.



You pretty much said everything I felt like saying on that issue. Methinks that these leftists are throwing all sorts of random s*** his way and seeing if any of it will stick.

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QUOTE(minors @ Jun 14, 2006 -> 02:04 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Again Liberals will say anything to hide the fact they can't beat him in a election. From what it sounds like he could be Gov of Arizona (or wherever he is from) today. Also if he supposingly an"international child pornographer" why has he won 2 elections since then and a recall plus still holding his job and nothing coming out about this, the answer these charges were BS. Just a liberal trying to get a make a create a huge story.

Why are you so obsessed with election results? You sound like a f***ing political version of a Cubs fan.


Face it, the guy is an egotistical asshole who likes to s*** all over the constitution, and waste tax dollars just to try and show who's boss.


I also find it quite comical that you and Nuke consider murderers and people arrested for petty drug possesion to be on the same level. I wonder how many of Nuke's army buds have smoke some doob or drove a little bit tipsy before. They're all the same kind of thugs.

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QUOTE(santo=dorf @ Jun 14, 2006 -> 05:40 AM)
Why are you so obsessed with election results? You sound like a f***ing political version of a Cubs fan.


Face it, the guy is an egotistical asshole who likes to s*** all over the constitution, and waste tax dollars just to try and show who's boss.


I also find it quite comical that you and Nuke consider murderers and people arrested for petty drug possesion to be on the same level. I wonder how many of Nuke's army buds have smoke some doob or drove a little bit tipsy before. They're all the same kind of thugs.



Trust me when I say this........you get caught smoking dope or you get a DUI in the Army and you're life becomes a living hell. Sheriff whats-his-name aint got s*** on a pissed off command sergeant major. Just ask any of the dudes Ive seen it happen to.

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I don't believe that random traffic stops for drugs are warranted in any situation, nor do I believe that someone doing 30 days for dope should be in the same jail as a murdering gang-banger.


That all said, I still like this guy on the whole. Prison should be prison, not band camp. If that happened more often, they prison would have an actual deterrent effect (something it currently lacks). I haven't read anything he has done with the prisons (patrol aside for now) that I disagreed with.

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Why are you so obsessed with election results? You sound like a f***ing political version of a Cubs fan.


Face it, the guy is an egotistical asshole who likes to s*** all over the constitution, and waste tax dollars just to try and show who's boss.


I also find it quite comical that you and Nuke consider murderers and people arrested for petty drug possesion to be on the same level. I wonder how many of Nuke's army buds have smoke some doob or drove a little bit tipsy before. They're all the same kind of thugs.



Why? Maybe because I am responding to a posts that continally harp that he is losing popularty, and that he isn't very popular which is total bull. Also I don't agree that a druggie and a murder should be given the same sentence but in NO way should they be treated any better than a murder. A prisoner should be treated like scum it is as simple as that.

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  • 1 month later...

Got this e-mail of the List of Sheriff Joe's acconplishment while sheriff. Some good things done to the thugs in prison














Sheriff Joe Arpaio (in Arizona) who created the "tent city jail":




He has jail meals down to 40 cents a serving and charges the inmates






He stopped smoking and porno magazines in the jails. Took away their


weights. Cut off all but "G" movies.




He started chain gangs so the inmates could do free work on county


city projects.




Then he started chain gangs for women so he wouldn't get sued for






He took away cable TV until he found out there was a federal court


that required cable TV for jails. So he hooked up the cable TV again


let in the Disne y channel and the weather channel.




When asked why the weather channel he replied, so they will know how


it's gonna be while they are working on my chain gangs.




He cut off coffee since it has zero nutritional value.




When the inmates complained, he told them, "This isn't the


If you don't like it, don't come back."




He bought Newt Gingrich's lecture series on videotape that he pipes


the jails.




When asked by a reporter if he had any l ecture series by a Democrat,


replied that a democratic lecture series might explain why a! lot of


inmates were in his jails in the first place.




More on the Arizona Sheriff:




With temperatures being even hotter than usual in Phoenix (116


just set a new record), the Associated Press reports: About 2,000


living in a barbed-wire-surrounded tent encampment at the Maricopa


Jail have been given permission to strip down to their


pink boxer shorts.




On Wednesday, hundreds of men wearing boxers were either curled up on


their bunk beds or chatted in the tents, which reached 138 degrees


the week before.




Many were also swathed in wet, pink towels as sweat collected on


chests and dripped down to their pink socks.




"It feels like we are in a furnace," said James Zanzot, an inmate who

ha s

lived in the tents for 1 year. "It's inhumane."




Joe Arpaio, the tough-guy sheriff who crea! ted the tent city and long


started making his prisoners wear pink, and eat bologna sandwiches, is


one bit sympathetic. He said Wednesday that he told all of the


"It's 120 degrees in Iraq and our soldiers are living in tents too,


they have to wear full battle gear, but they didn't commit any crimes,


shut your damned mouths!"


Way to go, Sheriff! Maybe if all prisons were like this one there would be

a lot less crime and/or repeat offenders. Criminals should be punished for

their crimes - not live in luxury until it's time for their parole, only

to go out and commit another crime so they can get back in to live on

taxpayers money and enjoy things taxpayers can't afford to have for



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QUOTE(minors @ Jul 29, 2006 -> 03:05 PM)
Jail have been given permission to strip down to their


pink boxer shorts.

On Wednesday, hundreds of men wearing boxers were either curled up on


their bunk beds or chatted in the tents, which reached 138 degrees


the week before.

Many were also swathed in wet, pink towels as sweat collected on


chests and dripped down to their pink socks.





I heard about this and I believe this is definitely cruel and unusual punishment. If he is such a good sheriff then why have these 2 serial killers been on the loose for more than a year now. He is clueless on these cases while more people are becoming victims of these people. Lets see him do something about these killers.

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