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Everything posted by NWINFan

  1. Of course he doesn't. All the more reason to impeach him. He has to answer to this stuff one way or another even if he doesn't resign or otherwise be removed. And this whole thing needs to be completely investigated regardless where that investigation goes.
  2. The only trouble with this logic is that it has been the owners who have driven up the salaries. It started with the very beginning of free agency in the late 1970s when some owners tried to buy pennants. Smaller market teams couldn't compete. That is where we are at now.
  3. They wouldn't have a chance anyway. This is not to be blamed on injuries.
  4. These are good questions. I am hoping for a real investigation into this. And unlike the JFK assassination, I would like a full set of facts to come out no matter how uncomfortable they may make us feel. The main thing is that we cannot underestimate how bad this was. This is one reason Trump has to go.
  5. Things can change a great deal in four years. If Biden even has a moderately successful presidency in dealing with the pandemic and the economy, the political landscape will be drastically different. People may like four yeas of a more "laid back" presidency of Biden than the constant uproar of Trump. Additionally, it is hard to keep up with the constant lies of Trump in real time. Perhaps, all the lies will finally cause true disillusion when fully examined. One thing I am fairly sure of is that I doubt that Cruz or Hawley will be able to claim the Trump mantle. I don't think either will get away with things as easily as Trump did.
  6. But then again, the demographics are changing. Yes, the GOP can win the Electoral College without the popular vote, but that window is narrowing a bit. Texas is changing and so are some other states. Florida has been going to the Republicans, but if a Dem can win that state that would doom most Republican candidates. And now they have the Trump legacy. White rural voters are important but they may wake up one day and realize the GOP is doing nothing for them.
  7. As well they should. I wouldn't trust this guy with anything considering his state of mind right now. He still hasn't conceded even thought everything is official now. The Democrats still really have not recovered from their Vietnam legacy. Trump will be a huge stain on the GOP for a long time. Placating the crazies is not really not worth it. The Republicans have to remember Trump lost the popular vote twice. Now there is Georgia. If I was an influential Republican, I'd tell Cruz and Hawley to stick it up their opportunistic asses and that neither will get near the 2024 presidential nomination. But then again, I am not an influential Republican.
  8. Who is that stupid shit Chip Moran?
  9. At the very least Trump should be impeached. Even if the Senate doesn't convict, Trump will be the only president to be impeached on two different occasions. That is one sure way to move on. To take no action against Trump would be a travesty. He's nothing but a criminal.
  10. Many have been saying that we need to have a dialogue with Trump supporters to understand what they think and want. What kind of dialogue can we have now? And you Trumpies: How would you like it if a mob stormed the White House to terrorize Trump, his family, and his staff? Would that make America great again? We have a god damned thug in power, and we shouldn't have to wait 13 days to rid the country of him. He should be prosecuted as soon as possible.
  11. Amazing. Trump flags and MAGA hats all over the place. Nothing like denying reality and they are damaging our country. I am old enough to remember when President Kennedy was shot down in the street like a wild animal. This ranks with that.
  12. I am beginning to think there are no honorable people left in the Trump Administration. There certainly seems to be no honor among Republican congressmen and senators. A long time ago GOP leadership should have pulled the reins in on Trump. Instead they encouraged and enabled him. They're still doing it even after this. What pisses me off is that this election wasn't stolen. All of this is for nothing. Several times I have visited D.C. I have enjoyed sitting in the House and Senate gallery. I have seen legislation passed. I was in the House gallery when the first President Bush sent in a presidential veto. I have visited my congressman and one of my senators. That is one great thing about this country. Our government was open to us. I saw on TV once when an Iowan was talking to Senator Grassley at a town hall and the senator actually listened. Now we have this shit. How open can our government be now when the thugs have pulled this shit? You Trump lovers can stick up you fascist ass.
  13. The new Congress doesn't have to wait until the 20th. The new Congressional term began a couple of days ago. Pelosi has been re-elected as speaker. Regardless, Schummer is the man now.
  14. I don't know. Maybe someone would have a conscience for a minute? By the way, Schummer is now majority leader of the United States Senate. It can be a little easier to convict Trump now.
  15. The minute any Republican can get to a safe place, he should march to the White House and tell Trump to resign. If he refuses, tell him he will be impeached and removed within 24 hours. Get this lunatic out of the White House.
  16. I guess they were right when they said Ivanka was "dumb as a brick." This Trump family is sick. Time for the 25th amendment and the arrest of Donald Trump.
  17. Hey, you turdball, Ted Cruz! How do you like your presidential chances now? Hey, didn't your father kill JFK?
  18. Yes, it does need to end. It's about time the damned Republicans do something. This has gotten so out of hand, it's pathetic. Are we supposed to let Trump remain in power after he lost the election, exhausted all his legal remedies, and saw what happened in Georgia? And then let the country be run by lunatics? Every GOP Congressman needs to withdraw their objections and certify the election result. Then shut down the capitol until this shit cools down. Way to go, GOP. Let this lunatic president completely subvert the democracy, Time to impeach and convict now and put an end to this shit.
  19. The gerrymandering will help, but if I was a Republican I wouldn't too cocky about 2022. Yes, the party in power usually takes a beating in the midterm, but if Biden even has moderate success in managing the Pandemic and reviving the economy, 2022 can be a different story. Plus the country might enjoy not having the constant uproar of a Trump presidency. But then again, the Dems are like the old Cubs and Sox teams: Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.
  20. This is most likely true and shows the idiocy of the Electoral College challenge. The Georgia races were winnable and the EC challenge is not. If I was a Republican, I'd be sick of the whole Trump thing by now. Eric Trump was on Fox threatening Republican congressman with primary challenges if they didn't back the Electoral College nonsense. Eric Trump has never held any office nor was he politically active until his dad ran. He has done nothing for the GOP and never will. I wouldn't want to put up with threats made by this self-entitled, spoiled brat. Instead anyone in the GOP should make it clear to the Trump kids that they are not wanted and any attempt made by them to run for any office will be met with stiff opposition. That is, if the Republicans want their party back.
  21. Just an example of how Trump demeaning the electoral process has backfired on him. Say everything is rigged and discourage people from participating. And lose votes in the process. Or push opponents to come out because they fear disenfranchisement. It is plain stupid and also damaging to the country. Trump's election was a fluke; his loss wasn't. MAGA hats are deluding themselves.
  22. It is getting stranger and stranger. Suddenly, elections don't mean anything. Sometimes, I just think the Republicans are fully realizing that they are the minority party and they will take power whenever they can regardless of it is legitimate or not. The GOP always portrayed themselves as the flag-waving patriots. Now, it seems like they forgot what democracy is all about.
  23. You are probably very right about this. And this is the real scary part.
  24. I saw a brief interview with GOP pollster, Frank Luntz. He thought the results will be known by Wednesday morning, and it will be very bad news for the GOP. He thinks the Dems are more unified and enthusiastic. In addition, he stated that he saw billboards in Georgia encouraging people not to vote. The situation in crazy down there and really difficult to predict. Meanwhile, the Republican challenge to the Electoral College is a complete joke and a waste of time. And there is nothing Mike Pence can do about it. He has no authority or power to do a damned thing. Enough already.
  25. No surprise here. Trump sues everyone. What should happen is this: The House should impeach, the Senate should convict, and Trump should be thrown out before he does any more damage to this country.
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