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South Side Hit Men

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Posts posted by South Side Hit Men

  1. 6 minutes ago, chitown87 said:

    I thought he said he hurt it rounding third, not on the slide?

    Nope, watch the play, the heel sticks into the clay as he was sliding. He was going full "Eloy" speed rounding third through home, came up limping after planting his heel before home plate.


    Then again, he hurt himself jumping up and down after Giolito's no hitter. 

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  2. 1 minute ago, chw42 said:


    Most of the guys over at FanGraphs have us winning this series. There's also 1 that has us winning the World Series.

    Twins play great at home, but the Astros have good pitching beyond Verlander, surprised few there picked Houston. 

    Oakland should be slight favorites based on being accustomed to their ballpark and last at bat, but it's a pretty even series on paper.

    Marlins have good young starters as well, wouldn't be surprised if they advance.

    • Like 1
  3. Don't have the same confidence I had in 1983 or 2005 heading into the postseason, but looking forward to this series and beyond.

    Planning on hitting Goose Island Clybourn to watch the game, may audible to Fulton which opened specially today (typically closed Tuesdays) just for the game.

    Most anxious to see the roster for the first round, hoping it is released online before I hit the train.


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  4. 12 hours ago, Quin said:

    Oh yeah, it's not good. Just including Mazara is pointless.

    Also, @South Side Hit Men's "original value" post is worthless because we're not in a full length season where players get a regular season to adjust, rest, etc.

    Posted the full salaries because previous posts including with "Mods", or other posters, are unaware of the actual salaries paid this season.

    This six players identified as "completely worthless" were all negative WAR players.

  5. 11 hours ago, Balta1701 said:

    With Madrigals ability to control the bat and put the ball in play there’s almost no reason for him to ever sacrifice bunt. If he swings away he’ll get hits what, 1/3 of the time, and most of the other times he will have a good chance of making a productive out.

    I agree on the bunt aspect. What I mean by sacrifice is taking a pitch to allow a runner to steal second, like in Sunday's game where Tim had the base stolen, but Nick fouled it with one strike.

    You will NEVER EVER read a post of mine advocating for sacrifice bunts from any player beyond a very very narrow circumstance.

  6. 7 minutes ago, Harry Chappas said:

    I think the Sox is worse.  If Fried is back for Atlanta they are tough.

    Reds can beat anyone.

    Could be (Sox pod worst). If betting, I would take the Reds of the four on the other side. They are playing the best right now, and have the best starting pitching in the pod. Marlins gave good young starters, Cubs could be in trouble there. I expect Houston to beat the Twins.

    No excuse not to reseed (vs. set brackets). The other three sports reseed. Now the best team has an additional hurdle, possibly playing the best remaining team in Round Two.

    Is Manfred MLB expecting massive interest due to office bracket pools? Note to Manfred, nobody is working in offices these days.

  7. Nick could be considered hitting second with more experience. He needs to be able to sacrifice some at bats to allow a runner to run or move guys over. They have him lower now to allow him to think one thing, hit the ball. Needs to work on base running as well.

    The only lineup changes I proposed during the year, which I continue now, is swapping out Parrot (Grandal/McCann & Abreu/Eloy for rest days) and playing Engel more (RF in season, LF now for Eloy).

    Eloy should DH in the playoffs unless 100%. Grandal will sit out at minimum with Lucas starts under this scenario, I’m good with it, not sure Hahn would allow it.


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