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  1. Seriously. Do people remember when Cease gave up like 7 runs in an inning in his first start after the trade deadline LAST YEAR?
  2. I don't think the GM choosing not to speak 3 days before the trade deadline is that "bad."
  3. Please fire Grifol after this game. Literally do anything.
  4. I see Thorpe and Baldwin make a bad play together (moreso Thorpe) and I just think how Grifol should not be anywhere near these guys.
  5. Those two things have nothing to do with each other.
  6. Yeah I worded it wrong. He ultimately does need to trade them, but he doesn't need to in the next 3 days if the offers aren't where they should be.
  7. Quite the play for a guy who has pitched very well for 5 months.
  8. This doesn't make sense. He doesn't need to trade Robert or Crochet right now. It sounds like he does know what to do, which is not trade them. Crochet has basically forced his hand to not be moved, anyway.
  9. The only person that seems to think Skubal is on the market is him.
  10. I'm really confused on what you guys want from him.
  11. Your last paragraph is insane. What are you talking about?
  12. Who knows? It's a Jerry Reinsdorf ran team.
  13. Why are people whining about Getz in here on a trade that isn’t in the same ballpark as what the return on Robert would need to be?
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