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Everything posted by Cerbaho-WG

  1. Porcello has been throwing trash tonight. I think a shakeup of the lineup wouldn't hurt at this point.
  2. "we need a run to tie" It's the 4th inning, hahahahaha. Shut up Hawk.
  3. QUOTE (Thad Bosley @ Sep 10, 2012 -> 08:17 PM) Then don't. +1
  4. QUOTE (JoeCoolMan24 @ Sep 10, 2012 -> 08:08 PM) He was getting by with smoke and mirrors all season. I'd like to find the thread, but all year long I was telling people he wouldn't last. I said something about his ERA being around 4 by the end of the season, and it appears I could be very right. Congratulations, you foresaw a rookie over his career high in innings getting tired.
  5. Good to see we're stuck in our old ways. How's Cabrera moving?
  6. I hate to post this again, but this is just too hilarious: "The median household income for a Chicagoan is $38,625 thus the average Chicagoan who works 240 days a year makes appx. $19/hour." Hahahahahaha. f***ing awesome.
  7. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Sep 10, 2012 -> 04:07 PM) The average CPS teacher, who has about 14 years of experience, gets a total compensation equal to about $74,798/year or $34.50/hour. The average percentage of CPS students who meet or exceed state standards is 66%. The percentage of CPS 11th graders who meet college readiness benchmarks is 21% in Reading, 19% in Math, 11% in Science and 38% in English. The average Chicagoan works a comparable schedule to a CPS teacher, yet earns half as much in total compensation, 33 fewer days off, higher health care costs for lower quality health benefits and either a 401(k) that they contribute heavily into or no retirement package at all. http://www.chicagonow.com/windy-city-young...r-compensation/ But keep b****ing and spreading the myth, teachers! Do you understand the difference between a mean (average) and a median?
  8. QUOTE (SoxFan1 @ Sep 10, 2012 -> 01:17 PM) If people decided to up and go on strike in most jobs, they'd get fired and replaced with someone willing to put up with the crap. CPS teachers apparently don't have to worry about that. This post is indicative of how clueless some people are. Instead of going, "Wow, I wish I had the right to organize so I could have decent pay" you're basically saying that everyone should be pathetic and miserable like you. I also love how that ChicagoNow post compares the average teacher salary with the median Chicagoan's income. If you don't see the problem in that comparison, you probably shouldn't be in this thread at all.
  9. QUOTE (SoxFan1 @ Sep 9, 2012 -> 11:53 PM) Guess what, everyone else in the f***ing country is working their ass off in s***ty work places and getting less money than they deserve too. Ah, yes, everyone should be as pathetic as me in my working conditions.
  10. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Sep 9, 2012 -> 04:50 PM) They would be 1-8 against any team NOT named White Sox the last 2 weeks. I agree with you that I'm getting the 2008 vibe right now. Oh well, go Angels, and how about we beat the f***ing Tigers tomorrow?
  11. QUOTE (JoeCoolMan24 @ Sep 9, 2012 -> 04:41 PM) f***ING REY OLMEDO. Oh my god, where was Tyler Flowers? Was announced as a PH earlier.
  12. Hahahahahahahaha holy f*** worst pitch selection ever
  13. Alright, tying run at the plate. Swing really hard, Dayan.
  14. Alright, let's hit an 18-run homer and win this s***.
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