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Everything posted by Soxbadger

  1. True on Oden. But at the same time ESPN really likes Tucker and you think the tie breaker would be that Indiana is a top 25 team and most likely going to the NCAA tournament and it is at their arena. Much better chance for an upset/good game in the Wisconsin/Indiana match up than the OSU / Purdue. I mean it goes wihtout saying that the worst game is UNC-Miami, but lord knows that we couldnt go a night with out the shining light that is ACC basketball.
  2. I think it will be close tomorrow. Its very hard to win away games in the Big 10. At the same time, I do not think Indiana matches up against Wisconsin on paper well at all.
  3. Just noticed I wont even be getting the game tomorrow lol. Not sure why OSU v Purdue or UNC v Miami are better games either
  4. I hope you mean the Cowboy Dave O'Brien and not the announcer. Or well i guess I would take being paid to be an announcer. The game should be good, if it was anywhere else but at IU Wisconsin would hvae to be a heavy favorite. But an away game is always tough.
  5. I think the only White out that will be important is the announcers saying "White is out with foul trouble." Going to be interesting how he will try and defend all of the Wisconsin big men.
  6. Starting to see some Indiana fans talking s*** about the Wisconsin game Weds and how they are going to destroy the Badgers. Should be very fun.
  7. I posted that at half time. At that point Wisconsin had shot 2 ft's to Iowa's 8. It seemed like the refs were playing the score imo. When the Badgers would get over 10 they would start to call fouls against them. When Iowa would start to get it close to 4 then all of a sudden the whistle went the other way (atleast in the second). In the first it appeared like Iowa was hacking the badgers and it was getting no calls. And on the other end every single touch was a whistle. It just was a wierd game and I thought it might be one that the Badgers let slip away. If they didnt shoot well they probably would have lost. And if Tucker didnt have one of his best games ever.
  8. The guy should get nothing. It sounds like Harris was just goofing around on a show. Stuff like this will make people not want to appear on public access shows. Because I doubt that Harris was even paid.
  9. Wisconsin started the game down 9, but it doesnt seem like there is going to be any Michigan upset now. Cant say ive actually seen the game though as its not on tv.
  10. Ive never gone but have fun everyone who will be there. When I start having real money I will be at all these things, after I buy my season tickets of course.
  11. Trade your ebst players to the A's. Thats what I would do if I was joining...
  12. I thought the title meant "Miss Baseball" and you were going to crown the best looking wife, girlfriend. Then I realize its just talking about OOTP something I already am involved in.
  13. I just think its hard to compete against: If you play at ND you are going to be on national television every week. You are going to be over-hyped, over-rated, and make millions off of this when you go into the NFL draft. Or you can go to Wisconsin, Illinois, Iowa, etc where half of your games may not even be on television.
  14. I still think that comparitively more top recruits follow the going to big time winning programs, than go to 2-9 programs. Sure you are going to find 1-2 teams a year that have a top 25 class and are not one of the power teams. But in the end most of the top talent is still going to the same schools.
  15. Because in the X years the NCAA has existed this has always been how it was done. The best players went to the best colleges regardless of playing time as a true freshman (completely unheard of) as they were almost always redshirted. Right now what Zook is doing at Illinios goes against almost all recruiting hsitory. The reasons why you would chose ND over Illinois are numerous, and pretty apparent. (Chances of winning, national exposure, chances of being drafted in first round, etc)
  16. I dont see the Belicheck-Weber comparison at all. This just seems like an attempt to start an argument.
  17. After that offensive performance the classy thing for Weber to have done is offer Indiana another prospect. Illinois did OSU and Wisconsin a huge solid tonight.
  18. Okay I was just wondering about the sound. It seemed the game against Wisconsin was much louder. But the crowd also seems to have gotten into the game much more since the point I posted.
  19. Does the Illini crowd seem really quiet for a team that is supposed to be playing a hated rival? I mean Ive heard more yelling on message boards about Eric Gordon than im seeing in a 5 point game....
  20. And the hiring of Self has screwed Illinois. Self built up connections in Illinois and Chicago, and then left the school high and dry. He then used those connections to get guys like Collins and Wright to come to KU. If Self never builds those connections, who knows how well Weber can recruit in Illinois.
  21. Thats like saying: Self with his lack of success in the tournament is gonzo in 2 years. Well unless of course he starts to win. Self better be hoping that he can get a 2 seed because the farther down he starts to go the harder its going to be for his team to just out talent its opponent.
  22. Wisconsin made the tourney last year based on their previous success and the fact that they did really well to start the season before the injuries/dq's took place. I still think Illinois has a chance to make the NCAA tournament, they just need to win against teams they are supposed to beat. Also if they can do some things in the Big 10 tourney, its likely that they may be in. I cant imagine that the Big 10 will only send 3 teams to the NCAA so that leaves room for another team outside of Wisconsin, OSU, and Indiana. I would also be interested in who people were thinking should replace Weber and why he would do better.
  23. I dont consider Lovie one of the top 5 coaches in the NFL so I dont believe he deserves 5mil per season. I really dont believe many coaches are worth that much money, although since there are no salary cap ramifications many times teams will pay their guy significantly more than the value he is really worth. As for the tampa 2, its really impossible to say 1 person was behind it. Most will site Dungy, herm edwards, and Kiffin as mainly responsible, others say it was Dungy, Kiffin and Lovie, in the end its really impossible to seperate any of them. But its not very hard to say that Ron Rivera has a clear grasp of the basic concept, plus I like the Johnson wrinkles he adds to it, like blitzing cb's. I like lovie, i just do not think its realistic that the Bears will pay a coach top dollar. Therefore Id rather get something back for him, then watch him walk in a year.
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