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Posts posted by Buehrle>Wood

  1. 8 minutes ago, Bob Sacamano said:

    Just bring a positive defensive player. If you bring back TA for cheaper, move him to 2B.

    Probably 0 chance of happening I realize but I'd love to explore a lower aav over 3 years with the plan to move him to 2b after a year. 27-30 million but that's likely non-starter. 

  2. 1 minute ago, Lip Man 1 said:

    Depends on your definition of "marketable."

    Guys flips off fans, appears to lose concentration of the field, has embarrassing off the field headlines and can't stay healthy.

    If that's your definition of "marketability" I admire you. 

    Nobody gives a f*** about athletes baby mama drama. I can assure you of that. Flipping off opponent fans is still legitimately hilarious no matter how many times this website tries to make it a thing. Get out of the soxtalk bubble.

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  3. 39 minutes ago, JoeC said:

    That's 150 innings we won't get back....

    I want him back. Much ado about lack of leadership in the bullpen early last year. This dude then comes in and pitches in every game the last 2 months. At least has to be difficult for Kopech to complain about a hangnail when he turns around and sees Shaw behind him. 

  4. 1 hour ago, baseball_gal_aly said:

    I'd argue that Burger on the Sox was not an MLB player. He became one on the Marlins. 


    Lol yeah he wasn't a MLB player after putting up 1.5 war in 88 games. This is some next level copium to try and justify being wrong on the trade. It's okay.

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  5. 4 hours ago, GREEDY said:


    Soxfest is 85% middle aged men in Fake XXL Jerseys standing in line for autographs all weekend.  

    That's not increasing overall viewership or youth interest.  

    Honestly, if you are the type of fan that enjoyed Soxfest, take the money you would have spent and go to spring training.  The vibe at Camelback is everything that is good about fanfests, plus good weather, and no lines. 

    I haven't actually been since I was a kid, but there were plenty of kids there. I know because I made friends going

  6. 13 hours ago, greg775 said:

    Could one of you chicagoans tell me how to get from Naperville to champaign, Illinois via car? How do I catch I 57 from Diehl Road in Naperdale? Is it an annoying/dangerous drive or ? Thank u much.

    I don't know form naperville in particular but i57 itself could not be a more easy/boring drive getting on around tinley area


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  7. 23 hours ago, greg775 said:

    Hey Harry, I enjoy following h.s. football. I know not many on here care but I did have an observation about BR.

    I watched last night's doubling-up of Rita and I will give coach Q credit. I can't think of any level of football where having two QBs trade off (each get a possession then immediately switch for the next possession) actually works. It's always a disaster and the coach finally picks one.

    Rice has used the two QB shuffle all season and last night it actually worked better than it has all season. The two BR QBs each bring something different. I'm still not a fan of two QBs but coach Q did get this team to the point the two QB system appears to be OK, pretty efficient in fact of late.

    They got a playoff berth and considering the difficulty of BR schedule, the team could conceivavbly start peaking with that strong running back who is headed to Navy and maybe make a run. Probably not but the h.s. kids played hard for Q last night for sure. Rita got hit with a sledgehammer. I actually think Rita prolly would win a rematch.

    Fraser is coming to my town for something in January and I hope to hook up with him and meet him and talk BR and UNC. We have some friends in common. Peace out, sorry for boring non h.s. football fans but I enjoy following BR's fortunes every fall/early winter. I'm actually going to be in town next weekend and may check out the Rice playoff game, prolly not if it's at some weird location and not 99th and P.

    Have to imagine Rice is still better than most playoff teams. Any CCL team is going to play a gauntlet schedule. Certainly wouldn't want them as your "easy" 5-4 first round opponent.

  8. 18 minutes ago, Balta1701 said:

    An owner is willing to disrespect their GM by publicly announcing personnel decisions and goals without consulting the GM,  is generally a bad thing in every way possible. Chris Getz proved he was ok with this on the day he was hired. Kim Ng just resigned from a job because the owner decided to undercut her. 

    What did Jerry announce then?

  9. 1 minute ago, Harold's Leg Lift said:

    That kind of thinking is fine and dandy but I'm going to continue to get irrationally angry about unfounded rumors.  AAAARRRRRGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    It's an unfounded rumor that he's unqualified for the job?

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