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Everything posted by Soxfest

  1. Sweeney is due to make an out , law of averages
  2. Lee is terrible he has regressed the last 2 years trade him NOW
  3. Lee is on pace to break MLB record for Strikeouts in a year , he looks horrible.
  4. With MINN sweeping DET we need this one, PK is looking as bad as I have ever seen him.
  5. Soxfest

    Kim Jong Il

    He is like a 10 year old straved for attention about every week he says something for attention
  6. No one in Germany can sit down tonight because there ass is full of splinters jumping on and off the bandwagon.
  7. They will be 10 games under by June , that is the s***ty team we lost too.
  8. APU all Illinois Taco Bells get ALL produce from local produce retailers not Fl. So if you want ,Boycott FL TB because they are the only ones using FL Tomatoes. Locally they supply 12 TB's in central Illinois , you need a new cause.
  9. Team does not wake up it will be Thursday not later
  10. That is 100% JM call on 2-0 bunt
  11. A blind squirrel like JM, only finds an acorn so many times.
  12. JM should of been fired in series versus Seattle when Sweet Lou make him look like a 12 year old in the playoffs. JM is ass backwards.
  13. 0-2 with MB and BC, the offense got 2 of 4 runs on check swing and bad throw, I am not all doom and gloom but the pressure on JG tommorrow is alot. Offense as I stated before series seems to have ALOT of trouble with young pitchers , it just baffles me this has happened 75% of the time the last 4 or 5 years. We are already in a MUST win because coming home 0-3 versus Kansas s***TY is terrible. JM again is a BAD manager, White , TG bunting 2-0. This is dissapointing against a weak sister team like this, HELL there best player is OUT. Colon now 9-1 in day games
  14. Amen. Oldroman you are right, 2 poor pitchers
  15. Yeah he is seeing alot of pitches ...........going by him
  16. Let Rios play , Rowand adds nothing
  17. Keep striking out LEE, nice JOB
  18. This is great , White blows
  19. Molto. I simply mean I know you guys are excited about the move , and I hope everything goes without a hitch for you guys.
  20. I hope it is all you hope for.
  21. Again we make a lousy pitcher look like Cy Young. 2 runs based on a check swing is not good in 15 innings.
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