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Everything posted by nitetrain8601

  1. Im with you on this Chisoxfn. I think Willie will prove to be wayyyyyyyyy more useful than many think on this board.
  2. If that's the case the Bears should really try a trade with the Vikes. Williams, Johnson, or Edwards with the first, and Antrelle or Carlos Rodgers with the second pick. 2nd round could be Troy Williamson.
  3. I also think the Vikes will take Antrelle and end up getting Williamson or Parrish with their other picks(don't know how smart that second pick would be). Also Mel Kiper thinks the Bucs will take Caddy Williams with the 5th pick.
  4. Mel Kiper said he has the Bears taking Cedric Benson taken by the Bears with the 4th and that if he has a better workout than R. Brown, then they could flip-flop(either one is good for me). Here's his board as he sees it. 1)Alex Smith 2)Ronnie Brown 3)Aaron Rodgers 4)Cedric Benson 5)don't remember
  5. I think you would have to. Look at the Flying Illini back in the late 80's. They weren't even undefeated, but when they loss against Michigan(a team they beat twice that year) it was dissapointing because it was one of those years they should've been there. I feel the same for this Illini team.
  6. QUOTE(AnthraxFan93 @ Mar 4, 2005 -> 12:07 AM) Okay After reading this thread I remade the Sox... I bought every FA that was worth a damn then traded them away Starting Lineup RF- Carl Crawford 2b- Tadahito Uguchi, SS- Jose Reyes 1b- Mark Teixeira LF- Migeul Caberea CF- Aaron Rowand 3B- Dave McPhearson DH- Nick Swisher C- Joe Mauer SP 1. Jake Peavy 2. Oliver Perez 3. Carlos Zambrno 4. Rich Harden 5, Bradon Webb I think I honestly now have about 15 of the top 100 rookies on my team.. The Barons have 6 on their roster by them selves. Won the first game and made a 500K profit. BTW.. I took about 2-3 hours to perfect the roster, and get everything squared away. love ur rotation, u should win lots of games on that alone.....if there is a guy by the name of J Allen in FA, pick him up immediately and put him at 2nd base. He turned into a GG winner my first season putting him there(he's orginally a CF) and he's a great contact hitter. Also there's a CF prospect in the Expos organization(I think it's Jerry Owens) in 1A and he turns into a great all around hitter. I like your team though. You might not turn profit or much of it after the first season, but after the second season you should, so don't worry.
  7. Yeah, honestly, I thought the Bears thing was going to be a big deal and it wasn't at all. This won't be either.
  8. if you have your budget on high, then that's pretty good. I have mine on medium, so I even traded Dye, Everett, Buehrle, Marte, and El Duque. Your team should do fine, I would suggest you do trade Dye for someone cheaper though.
  9. thats jus the nature of the game in terms of the bench time...as far as findin the stats for ur players at the end of the season you have to do that before you advance to the playoffs....jus go to team management and then go to pitching rotation and check the stats
  10. 1) I charge 35 for lower deck and 25 for upper deck in my 3rd season 2)get young good prospects and cheap good players my pitching staff was Zambrano, Harden, Oliver Perez, Jerome Williams, and Edwin Jackson all who were young and inexpensive. Anyone making over 3 million will not be good for your team. Question - What do the ads do if you buy them?
  11. if you're in owner mode, it's actually smarter for you to keep those prospects because you'll lose money(even if you win a WS) right away. You have to wait until you build up your stadium at least a little bit before going out and trading for all the big name guys. You'll see what I'm talking about.
  12. Ok, I finally turned profit after my third season(4 million) so I ask, "what should I invest my money in?" I have the normal stadium(only 20,000 seats, hotdog concession stand and that's about it) so what should I do so I make profit again? Oh yes, I won the World Series in my third year and the only White Sox still on the team was AJ Pierzynski. Everyone else were a bunch of young guys. My starting rotation was all under 25(Zambrano, Harden, Oliver Perez, Edwin Jackson, Jerome Williams) and all the position players were prospects that came up).
  13. If you created Iguchi first, then he's probably not there. If you created after the roster download, then go to create/edit player then search for created player.
  14. Yeah, it's hard making a profit in owner mode. I won the World Series my first year with the Sox and only made $67,000. The next year I went into debt and by the third year I lost the White Sox. I'm doing it on medium also, but the only time you could raise ticket prices are against, your rivals, and the first place in the league which sometimes won't be in the AL. Very Very Hard. I'm going to start up a new one tommorow and trade a bunch of players away. In my last year I made the wildcard with: Carlos Zambrano Rich Harden Jerome Williams Casey Lamel(came from Phillies system and only was 23) Edwin Jackson My bullpen was 25 and younger with the exception of Lidge. The only guys that remained from the White Sox of today were Crede, Harris(after I resigned him in the offseason from trading him) and Posednik who's on the pine because I have about 7 minor leaguers ready for the big leagues.
  15. Same as last year, if a pitch is in the hot spot(at stomach or higher) press up and any direction you want to hit it at and it will be a fly ball. I actually have no problems hitting HR's. I have a harder time hitting singles. I always get extra base hits.
  16. Oh yeah, the closest thing I find to Jerry Owens is the Nationals 2nd best prospect in 1A, CF- J. Corey....I'm pretty sure he's Jesse Owens though he only has 85 speed.
  17. Thanks, I'll be applying that. And also, I like putting a medium setting instead of high setting for the owner mode so it's like I'm try to build up all the way. It's much harder, but that's how in real life it works.
  18. Check the Nationals, I don't know. Oh yeah, I effed up in my first season of Owner mode. Bought a bunch of entertainment, but didn't buy any concessions whatsoever. Was in debt 8 million dollars by mid-June. I also love though how you could trade for anyone without having to worry about payroll because you're the boss. I love this. And all the managers and coaches in the game are great. Ozzie was tossed in one of my games and my pitching coach called all the shots and I wasn't able to just like in real life such as pitching change and pinch runners.
  19. BTW, this game has the Sox 1980 Alternate jersey in there.
  20. Nope, all rosters are of Jan 12th. White Sox are ranked 12th in pitchings, 14th in hitting, 9th in fielding and 9th in speed/running
  21. Great move by the Cowboys. This is a move for Bill Parcells mostly since he just doesn't want to develop a QB.
  22. Ok, there is no number rating on the players, but everything is right where it should be IMO with the exception of AJ Pierzynski. He's very underrated in the game. 2nd worst player on the Sox 25 man rotation only ahead of Jon Adkins.
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