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He'll Grab Some Bench
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Everything posted by doUrememberwhen

  1. Hey we could have Joe borchard come in and pop it up just as much, but he'll also tear the cover off the ball once and friggin while
  2. Truer words have rarely been spoken on this site.
  3. I motion to send Ozzie home after the 8th inning EVERY game. His continuously stupid choices(or lack of any choice)in tight spots are really wearing thin. Maybe he can go on the DL for brain-freeze. In the words of comic book store guy--Worste 9th inning coach ever!
  4. I'm all for trading for a Pittsburgh reliever, but the men I wan't is Mike Gonzalez.
  5. Ah... so i havent smoked myself completely retarded
  6. Thx...I think they had a graphic that said it was 3 during the game anyone else see that??
  7. HMMMM..... Coulda sworn they charged him with 3
  8. I dunno personally i think he was good getting the grounders when he needed them just had a rough inn. which i also thought should have only charged 2 ERs to him but what say do i have
  9. The guy is GREAT while at 3 spring games i halfway talked to the guy and got two hats and a ball signed by him. By far the easiest person to approach at ST. MANSOOOOOOOOOOOOON!!!!!!!
  10. Have u seen Cotts out there walking anything that stands in the batters box?
  11. Try the rest of the entire regular season
  12. OKAY, well if we want to talk about his "impeccable" control, I think think he would have drilled him if he wanted, but maybe he didn't want a baserunner and was just sending a message. Either way y throw a 2 seamer when u can just hurl a heater at his head?
  13. i believe, i mean who wouldn't. IT'S ESPN
  14. Actually, I was a sinker-ball/2-seam pitcher and like to think my control was top notch, and it happened to me all the time. It's as simple as too losse a grips over the leather and the ball can fly 20 feet to the right. I gotta believe him just because of my experience. jmho
  15. My thaughts exactly, he has seen good pitches and hit them very well. The bottom line is that he needs to stick with what he's been doing and not get dissapoited, seeing as he has absolutely been tearing the cover off the ball to all the wrong places.
  16. kewl lemme know what he says, i'm in class and can't see. thanx in advance
  17. Man i'm sorry i started this mess, this should be perged from the entire website.
  18. Maybe we can pry him away from what di dhe call it again? life after baseball
  19. Fahk that sux, heres one for u Hawk. Get well soon!!!!
  20. Sorry just thaught i'd take my time sh it on one nut kruk
  21. On baseball tonight commented on the lack of attendance tonight. Obviously he didn't see who we were playin.
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