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Posts posted by Kyyle23

  1. 10 minutes ago, ChiSox59 said:

    I think they need an OF. Reading tea leaves I think Fletcher and AV hit the IL. Which means Gavin is playing 1B, even tho he isn’t an OF, that leaves Pham, Robert and Colas covering the OF. Which is actually a good thing, but do need a 4th OF. Baldwin can play OF, but he’s mainly played IF this season. 

    Isn’t Deloach still on the roster 

    • Like 2
  2. 3 hours ago, sin city sox fan said:

    The only thing that could possibly bring a small amount of joy to Sox fans this year would be beating the Cubs.   And Pedro manages the staff so we have Flexon starting the opener.   I swear the pile of crap can’t do anything right.

    Give him a break, he is helping Jerry spread bullshit to the fans 

    • Haha 1
  3. 1 hour ago, nrockway said:

    he was an interim coach for a season and a half on a tanking team. had basically the same winning percentage as Hoiberg. Donovan has had one .500+ season in his tenure with a roster ostensibly built to win. He mismanaged several players who have gone on to have great careers on different teams. I don't see a difference between Donovan and Boylen except that one is a slick talker and the other is a buffoon. 

    Donovan has more accomplishments in his little pinky than Boylen will have in his entire lifetime.  You are sitting here defending a national embarrassment who installed a punch clock in the wall and talked in cliches his entire time and was ushered out shortly after everyone realized that not only was he hurting the vets but he was hurting the rookies too.  It’s hilarious that you point to Markannen as some sort of a feather in his cap like Lauri was showing all those chops under Boylen and then regressed terribly under Billy lmao.

    And if you want to say that Pedro’s failure is shared by TLR like you are bagging on Hoiberg, I’m fine with that too

  4. 16 minutes ago, nrockway said:

    I think Boylen gets too much s%*# for what is ultimately Hoiberg's failure. He only became the coach because players were going to him instead of their head coach for in-game adjustments. You look at what "legendary coach" Billy Donovan has done and I'd argue he's just as bad, maybe worse than Boylen. At least Boylen got something out of future all-star Lauri Markkanen by actually letting him touch the ball. Pretty much every player has regressed under Donovan besides DeRozan, and improved when they left the team.

    I don't think there's an analogy for Grifol, it was just a stupid hire all around. He's supposed to be a player's coach except everyone seems to hates him. Eddie Rodriguez is a specific problem that Pedro should be blamed for. Rodriguez doesn't have any idea when a good time to send a player is. We've seen the multitude of times he's sent the runner in a stupid situation (how about trying to send Maldonado coming from first base when Correa's holding the ball at the grass), what about all the runners he hasn't sent? I can think of at least two, and the Sox don't often have a runner on or rounding third base. This is literally the coaching staff squandering runs, it's about the only things they can actually control are these signs and bullpen decisions. I hate the 'aggressive style of play' on the base paths for this team, it's generally dumb baseball, it's  especially so with this collection of unathletic, old players. 

    lol I couldn’t disagree with this enough

    • Thanks 1
  5. 11 minutes ago, chitownsportsfan said:

    Shades of it for sure. Sad thing is that awful Bulls team had some talent. This Sox team, well, I dunno. Rotten all around.

    The end result will be the same, hugely embarrassing team with no real direction going forward, and a lot of really really awful quotes and incidents 

    edit: I have to account for sin city Sox fans theory that we will run the table til the title so the above is a -likely- scenario

    • Like 1
  6. 3 minutes ago, T R U said:

    Really starting to feel like this guy isn't getting fired in season and hes just doing what Getz is instructing.

    There's just no scenario where a professional sports team looks at this disaster and doesn't make a change in leadership.

    Looks remarkably like the Jim Boylen bulls era does it not?


    huh wonder who was at the top of that pile of s%*# 

    • Like 3
  7. 18 minutes ago, Texsox said:

    I agree. And if it gets some fans excited even better. They will still lose 100 games, they will still not have enough talent in the system to compete anytime soon. They will still be injury prone. They will still have a stubborn owner that values loyalty over wins. They will still be skipped over by premier free agents. They will still have a revolving door of coaches and managers with no clear plan for player development. 

    I'm not saying it doesn't need to be done, I'm saying it's not going to get me to watch more games, attend any games, etc. I'm not going to fall for another facelift to think this changes much of anything in isolation. 

    Ok, I’m just not interested in your repeatedly explaining that you believe nothing helps.  We are good.

  8. 7 minutes ago, Texsox said:

    We are also so far beyond putting another bandaid on it. To me it's like the car is totaled and were thinking a new hood ornament will make a difference. He's just another symptom of a much bigger organizational problem. If it makes some fans happy, fire away, but it isn't going to move the needle much for me. Especially when he stays in house or brings in another person from an organization like KC. 



    The point is there is no band aid.  It’s an open festering wound and we have nothing to stop it.  the point is that this guy actually is actively hurting development in favor of playing vets, and we are now starting another rebuild.  The point is that Pedro is not the guy and never was


  9. 7 minutes ago, Texsox said:

    How many times have we fallen for that same play? Anybody would be better than TLR. 


    We are so far beyond “careful what you wish for” stage in a coaching search.  I don’t fucking care who replaces Pedro, Pedro sucks and is embarrassing and all I can do is hope the next guy isn’t the same.  Pedro is just as bad as TLR was, I don’t feel like “oh s%*# man we shouldn’t have fired TLR look what happened!”  TLR probably would have 16 or 17 wins with this bunch and would have fallen asleep in the dugout five times in the 3-22 start.  

    get this clown out, hire a new guy and pray he isn’t a clown too 

  10. 6 hours ago, greg775 said:

    Not in this era. Since teams adopted tanking there's much less outrage and no embarrassment. They can pretend it's all part of the plan and there's a segment of the fan base that loves gutting a roster then waiting for the mysterious young guys to emerge. The real key to winning? Have an owner with ego AND with $$ to back it up. Have a mixture of free agent stars (Harper types) to go with younguns (Robert types, Tatis, Sale when we traded him). Let's face it. We're one of those teams (Sixers) that don't mind losing.

    You are aware that the Sixers have been one of the better teams out of the East for the last decade, right.  They have averaged 50 wins and been to the semifinals 5 times lol


    i agree that Jerry doesn’t mind losing but I believe the Sixers do lol

    • Like 2
  11. 15 minutes ago, WhiteSox2023 said:

    True, but it is now looking like it may have been a fluke season with where the Diamondbacks are at this season.



    It may be a fluke but at this point I can’t really say he is on the same plane as Getz.   Lightning in a bottle or not, Barfield has experienced success through his work

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