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Adam G

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Everything posted by Adam G

  1. QUOTE(Felix @ Dec 30, 2005 -> 01:32 PM) They gained a legit leadoff hitter to get on for Mauer and Morneau and middle infielder in Juan Castillo, replaced Jaque Jones with Rondell White (who is arguably better), they will have Francisco Liriano and Scott Baker for an entire season (who are better than Lohse and whoever else they had starting), and they signed Tony Bastilla, who only gets paid if he makes the opening day roster, so its a pretty good signing. I guess it was the "improved dramatically" part of your post that I didnt understand. They may have made some nice under the radar moves, but there's nothing dramatic about their improvement.
  2. QUOTE(Felix @ Dec 30, 2005 -> 01:08 PM) So are you saying that Minnesota hasn't done anything, although they have improved dramatically over last years team? They have? Rondell White and Luis Castillo?
  3. QUOTE(qwerty @ Dec 30, 2005 -> 12:47 PM) The sox making the playoffs easily? LOLOLOL. It seems to me that we've gotten a lot better and our competition has either stayed put or fallen back. The division is ours for the taking, IMO.
  4. QUOTE(Felix @ Dec 30, 2005 -> 12:02 PM) Personally, I'd take someone who is consistantly good over someone that is only good one half of the year anyday of the week. Buehrle didnt really have a stellar second half last year. He was the odds on favorite for the Cy Young at the break.
  5. QUOTE(Felix @ Dec 30, 2005 -> 11:58 AM) Ever heard of a guy named Mark Buehrle? He's prettty good. No one's a bigger Buehrle fan than me. But he wasnt nearly the pitcher Contreras was in the second half last year, not to mention the playoffs.
  6. QUOTE(Damen @ Dec 30, 2005 -> 11:54 AM) So you believe that a team with this rotation Buerhle Garland Garcia Vazquez McCarthy and a lineup with Tejada/Konerko/Thome at the heart is worse off? Well, we wouldnt have a clear cut #1 pitcher anymore. But I wasnt saying that the lineup wouldnt be better, because it probably would be. I was just replying to you calling Contreras replaceable, which isnt really true. We wouldnt be able to fill his spot in the rotation with someone of a similar caliber.
  7. QUOTE(Damen @ Dec 30, 2005 -> 11:49 AM) Why would you not want Tejada on the Sox, in exchange for an inferior SS and a replaceable pitcher? Contreras was the best pitcher in baseball in the second half and in the playoffs last year. Replacing that isnt that easy.
  8. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Dec 30, 2005 -> 11:47 AM) Regardless I still think he is a great leader, on two different teams. You know, we might both be right. Historically, with Oakland and his first season in Baltimore, maybe he was the best clubhouse guy around. Perhaps it took a season like last year and then management's inaction this offseason for Tejada to show his true colors.
  9. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Dec 30, 2005 -> 11:36 AM) I would stick to having other people defend your ideas. Hard to debate when you're twisting my words.
  10. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Dec 30, 2005 -> 11:27 AM) And then he said it. He said he would tear a team apart from within. He can defend himself. *IF* not *WOULD*
  11. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Dec 30, 2005 -> 11:12 AM) HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA. Whew, that was a good laugh. That really shows you how much cubs fans know. Tejada is WELL known in the league to be one of the best clubhouse guys, a real team leader and a motivator. He has an extreme desire to win, and comes to play every day. I believe he hasnt missed a game in like 4 years. The guy is a gamer, your source sucks. Sweet, post up a link or something confirming that so I can throw it back at the Cub fan I know. Because going public with trade demands when you make $12 million/year is prima facie evidence of being a b****, unfortunately.
  12. QUOTE(JimH @ Dec 30, 2005 -> 11:01 AM) What was his first name? Allan B. Muchin. One of the founding members of Katten Muchin Zavis Rosemann, a 600 attorney law firm. www.kmz.com. He also is a part owner of the Bulls.
  13. QUOTE(fathom @ Dec 30, 2005 -> 10:52 AM) Well, Cubs fans are idiots (no s***) because Tejada on their team would win them probably 10 more games than Prior. If he doesnt tear them apart from the inside out.
  14. QUOTE(JimH @ Dec 30, 2005 -> 10:57 AM) Mr. Brzozowski or Mr. Judelson or Mr. Malkin or Mr. Mazer or Mr. Munchin or Mr. Pinsky or Mr. Pogofsky or Mr. Takiff or Mr. Ury or Mr. Stern or Mr. Walsh? Mr. Muchin taught one of my classes in law school.
  15. QUOTE(103 mph screwball @ Dec 30, 2005 -> 10:11 AM) What would be better for the Sox hostile takeover of the Chicago baseball market this off season, than snatching the player the scrub fans have targeted as their savior. The Cub fans I talk to want absolutely no part of Tejada. They're under the impression that he's a real SOB, clubhouse cancer type. Many in Baltimore said that he gave up on the team in the second half last year.
  16. QUOTE(SoxFan101 @ Dec 29, 2005 -> 09:52 PM) Id say for Garland Mental, Coop, and AJ are what helped the most and for Contreras Mechanics, Mental, Coop, and AJ were what helped the most. Uribe's defense while helped was prob the smallest denominator in factoring in their improvements. It was just interesting how far the pitching staff came last year, both starters and relievers. To me it seems like AJ was the one common denominator.
  17. QUOTE(JUGGERNAUT @ Dec 29, 2005 -> 04:34 PM) The Uribe question in this deal is the biggest & easiest to overlook. What was the biggest difference maker in 2005 for Garland & Contreras? Mechanics, Mental, or Uribe? Did they have less jams in 2005 than 2004? Did they get out of less jams in 2005 than 2004? Just how many of those jams ended with spectacular plays by Uribe? Can Tejada be expected to make those plays? I'll take AJ for $500, Alex.
  18. QUOTE(fathom @ Dec 29, 2005 -> 02:07 PM) Big difference is that one agreed to 3/29, while the other wants about 3/39. I think that Contreras will likely get traded now. All along, I thought Garland was the pitcher that would be traded, but now that he's signed, I'll be very shocked if Contreras starts the 2006 season on the Sox. That's all Garland signed for, but I bet he started off asking in the $12 million range. If we can get Count for 3/33, it might happen.
  19. QUOTE(ZoomSlowik @ Dec 27, 2005 -> 10:45 AM) His antics have to reach T.O. levels to really decrease his value. Yeah, I dunno about that. If you're a team that he hasnt specifically stated that he wants to be traded to, you'll always be wondering when the next time he'll go off is. I wouldnt want him in my clubhouse if he was a GM, when you take into account his attitude, his contract, and his age. No one doubts his talent, but numbers alone do not a desireable team player make. Rafael Palmeiro is still good for 30/100 a season but you're not going to see teams lining up for his services. He led the league in Ks/9 innings last season, that's a pretty neat trick for an underachiever. And then there's the age factor, where Prior is just heading into his prime and has at least 10 more years to look forward to, where Manny has probably peaked and is on the downside of a very expensive career. He's going to be baseball's version of Allan Houston. If you're talking about next season and next season alone, then I'd agree with you. But anything beyond that, I disagree. Age, attitude, and money. I dunno about that either. Remember two years ago when the clubhouse disintigrated over freakin Steve Stone? Chemistry is always a concern, regardless of your record. And one hitter does not an All Star slugger make. One wonders what Manny would do if he didnt have Manny Ortiz and Jim Thome in the same lineup.
  20. QUOTE(JUGGERNAUT @ Dec 26, 2005 -> 09:30 PM) No freaken way! There is no way the RedSox are accepting ONLY Prior in exchange for Manny. Only Prior? He's headed into the prime of his career and very well might be a perennial Cy Young candidate, Manny is a $20 million a year malcontent. And pitching almost always >>>> hitting anyway.
  21. QUOTE(maggsmaggs @ Dec 26, 2005 -> 02:51 PM) We traded him to open a spot for Anderson. We wouldn't trade back for him. We traded Rowand to get Thome, not because we wanted to move him.
  22. QUOTE(YASNY @ Dec 26, 2005 -> 06:46 AM) Add those together and that comes to 130% of the Sox victories. Interesting stat. You're making my head hurt dude. lol hungover
  23. QUOTE(GreenSox @ Dec 24, 2005 -> 09:53 AM) He's a lot better than Eaton - and Eaton brought in some decent talent. I have yet to see a trade proposal that nets the Sox what the Padres got for Eaton. Was Eaton in the same contract situation?
  24. QUOTE(WHarris1 @ Dec 23, 2005 -> 01:41 PM) Why would we trade Garland for another SP? Kinda defeats the purpose, no? Money, as in he makes the minimum. He's also only a second year player (so we basically own him for the next four) and he was pretty much the Orioles best pitcher last year, when healthy. He's on the cusp of something good. The Orioles are reluctant to let him go. And lest we forget that Garland is a one year rental at this point.
  25. QUOTE(Chek2002 @ Dec 23, 2005 -> 11:33 AM) I saw this rumor out there: "Reports now indicate that now the Chicago White Sox may be the third team involved in the Tejada deal. The trade would have to be something like this: The Cubs get Tejada and cash , and Baltimore gets Contreras, Garland, and OF prospect Ryan Sweeney from the White Sox, and the White Sox get Prior and a prospect from Baltimore." It's no secret Kenny Williams has been trying to move Jon Garland, who's already turned down at least one contract extension. This deal would greatly improve Baltimore's rotation giving them two front of the rotation starters in one shot. It would also give the White Sox more room financially to sign Buehrle to an extension after the '07 season." What do you think? Contreras, Garland, and Sweeney for Prior? Gag me.
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