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Everything posted by CWSOX45

  1. I'm still positive after a 14-13 start in April. The White Sox usually struggle in the first two months of the season, and I think if we come out of May over .500 this team will make a run and overtake the Royals for first. I'm not nervous about the Twins, the only teams they have really beat regularly have been the Devil Rays and Tigers. Once the offense comes around, (or whenever Gary Ward is removed) whatever comes first this team will be fun to watch. All we need to do is get Buehrle and Colon some run support, along with Loaiza and if Garland keeps it up, who knows what can happen. CWSOX45
  2. Yeah. I hope we get the game in. CWSOX45
  3. KC's Bullpen continues to struggle giving up 3 runs in the 6th. Boston leads 4-2 CWSOX45
  4. I thought we were getting Ted Lilly in the last game? I'm prob. wrong. CWSOX45
  5. CWSOX45

    Bird Dies

    Another reason to hate the Cubs. CWSOX45 :fyou
  6. Nice Roman, I hate Twins fans too. Cub fans are the worst, but Twin fans piss me off cuz they don't realize their team was a bunch of underachieving misfits. CWSOX45
  7. What the hell is wrong with Ulacia? Wasn't he doing well in Single A a couple years ago? Hope he can get it together. CWSOX45
  8. Was this said on a message board or you heard it on the radio? Message boards. CWSOX45
  9. I'm not saying I think they're finished, the part about today being a turning point was a quote from a KC fan on the site. I didn't really address that. Sorry. CWSOX45
  10. lol maybe the ledge jumping is something we should keep doing ....it seems to work for us huh............ I remember on Friday a bunch of us were absolutly miserable, what a difference two days can make! Oakland CWSOX45
  11. Not only that, but if they were to be politically correct they would have said "More U.S. Cellular Field Violence" f***ers. :fyou CWSOX45
  12. Man those guys are going absolutly insane over there! Can't say I blame them, one of them said that when they finish the season under .500 they'll look back on this game as a major turning point!!! GOD I LOVE IT!! CWSOX45
  13. Kansas City's bullpen is now finally showing it's true form. It won't be long now hopefully. CWSOX45
  14. That's how you manufacture runs when your team isn't hitting well. Way to go Daubach!! CWSOX45
  15. The obvious choice is Marte, but I'd like them to call up Edwin Almonte or Arnaldo Munoz to get some bullpen experience in the biggs while Koch is on the DL. CWSOX45
  16. The call-ups of Willie Harris and Joe Borchard would bring revived energy for thist team...no more Julio Ramirez the II (Aaron Rowand.) CWSOX45
  17. Right now it doesn't look good.....Kansas City continues to roll...if we are in third place by the end of this series I'm going to be one REAL pissed off Sox fan. CWSOX45 like i said eariler.. i would be happy with passing .500 by the end of the season.. now ill be happy if we hold onto it till the end of the month............... ahh doesnt get any better than this does it folks........... LOL....I don't know, it's the season that seems to get better and better! CWSOX45
  18. Not really...Just trying to stay positive.. CWSOX45
  19. I'm right behind you...we'll I'd never eat a pencil but it's giving me a major headache......... CWSOX45
  20. Should have been canned a long time ago.... CWSOX45
  21. Toronto beat Kansas City 6-5 CWSOX45
  22. Seems like any pitcher now-a-days is Cy Young against the Sox. CWSOX45
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