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Wise Master Buehrle

He'll Grab Some Bench
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Everything posted by Wise Master Buehrle

  1. Man, i just got home and I'm so happy to see the Sox won. w00t!
  2. That sucks! I wanted the Expos to win anyways, they've gone thorugh too much crap....
  3. Why don't they worry about their horrible umpires, instead of batting fricking practice.
  4. Right after I said that he gave up 2 hits, post deleted. ~_~
  5. BIG HURT!!!!!!!! I hope MB cinches up and hunkers down, we can hit this guy! On the no aluminum bats in BP, that's pure crap, the MLB must have a pole up their ass or something, that's just retarded.
  6. Well now it would be 10-1 Yankees at this point and time.
  7. Well it's true. They would have gotten just as many if not more runs that first inning.
  8. 1) Who will win the series (CHW/DET) (2 points)CHW? 2) Will Carl Everett hit a homerun (Y/N) (2 points)YES? 3) How many errors will the Sox make (4 points)2? 4) Which Sox starter will have the most innings pitched (4 points)buerhle? 5) How many hits will Jon Garland allow (5 points)8? 6) What will R. Alomar's OBP be for the series (I'll give .050 either way) (5 points).350? 7) How many times will Miguel Olivo reach base (4 points)4? 8) Who will have more RBI, Magglio Ordonez or Carlos Lee (2 points)Carlos Lee? 9) Who will lead the AL Central after the series (2 points)Sox? 10) Will Mike Maroth lose his 19th game of the season (Y/N) (2 points)Yes? TIEBREAKER: Run differential (Sox runs minus Tigers runs) 9 Just put down random stuff because the game started!
  9. Uhhh, the Yankees would already have like, 4 or 5 runs, witht he way he pitched that first inning.
  10. They're going to take x-rays, Carl moved to right and Aaron is in center.
  11. OK it would probably be 5-1 Yankees at this point and time...
  12. Well my friend is a Cards fan, and he got tickets for Monday, obviously I'll be going to root on the Cardinals. This is gonna be fun, I'm gonna wear my Sox hat (just to piss 'em off , they got nothing to say if I get them back with "Season series 4 to 2:), and I'll be buying myself a Sosa Cork shirt at sometime. This is going to be fun
  13. I'll try to be there, sure it'll be a blast!
  14. You have to realize, the Yankees HAD to go into this game wanting to win badly, they did, they probably mgiht have roughed up Mark a little bit as well, probably not as badly, but still a little. The Yankees wanted to win this game badly, I think they would have gotten it no matter who was starting.
  15. Cotts hasn't shut down anybody. He was fortunate to get outta a few jams and the Rangers not taking advantage of oppurtunities. But in no ways has he shut anybody down... Got out of a few jams, exactly. That's what Cotts does, that's what Cotts did. No one would have known that it wouldn't happen again, no one would have known that his confidence still isn't that high even after a 1 run start against the RANGERS. Texas 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 6 1 Chi White Sox 0 3 1 0 0 1 0 2 X 7 5 0 W: N. Cotts (1-0); L: J. Dominguez (0-2) HR: CWS: F. Thomas (32), C. Everett (24), J. Valentin 2 (21) That's 1 run, he got out of jams, that's what Cotts does.
  16. Peoples main problem is that Manuel started Cotts. Manuel is not Miss Cleo's husband. He's not to know if Cotts is going to do well or not. Cotts dismantled the Rangers, another great offensive team. I think nervousness got him again, I think he's more comfortable pitching at the Cell.
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