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Wise Master Buehrle

He'll Grab Some Bench
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Everything posted by Wise Master Buehrle

  1. ANd Ramirez is absent, meaning it's official that he's been suspended by the Red Sox.
  2. I guess that was a temporary logo for 2003 because they didn't have that one finished yet. I like the T-Bird better.
  3. http://toronto.bluejays.mlb.com/NASApp/mlb...ex.jsp?c_id=tor I, personally, don't like it, it looks too much like a football logo, instead of a baseball logo, but that's just me.
  4. I was reading stuff on the Red SOx board and they're talking about "Channel 7" saying that the Red Sox suspended him.
  5. Nice job PK. http://chicago.whitesox.mlb.com/NASApp/mlb...t=.jsp&c_id=mlb
  6. It's going to be funny how tired they are later today...
  7. That's true I suppose, number one is great. Still, having a number 45 or something would have been cool too.
  8. I might, MIGHT, like 5% chance that I will go to next Mondays game against Minnesota, that's only if my friend has an extra ticket, which I doubt.
  9. School will most likely slow down attendance, if not, kudos to all of you who go despite school!
  10. There are RIAA FANS? That's news to me...
  11. http://www.dvdaficionado.com/dvds.html?cat=1&id=konan ^My DVD Collection... I like that website.
  12. Too bad he's our only player on the top 50 or whatever.
  13. 1) Who will win the series (CHW/BOS/Split) (2 points)? CHW 2) Which team's 3-4-5 hitters will have more RBI (CHW/BOS) (2 points)?CHW 3) How many errors will the Sox make (4 points)? 1 4) How many walks will Mark Buehrle issue (4 points)? 2 5) How many batters will the bullpen face in the series (within 2 either way) (5 points)? 12 6) How many substitutions will Manuel make to position players (5 points)?3 7) Who will lead the Sox in slugging percentage (4 points)?Frank Thomas 8) Will Joe Crede hit a HR (Y/N) (2 points)?Yes 9) Who will lead the AL Central after the series (2 points)?White Sox 10) Will David Ortiz have an RBI (Y/N) (2 points)?No TIEBREAKER: Attendance for Wednesday's ESPN game 21,838
  14. Nuts, todays game should have been like the one I was at yesterday, that game sucked.
  15. I don't mind them, Bartolo seems to read them and step up his performence. Or, have Rafael interpret them, whichever.
  16. Haha, sounds like my dorm floor. There are 7 Sox fans and the rest Flubbie fans. So, of course for the floor meeting I donned the "Sosa Cork Co." shirt. Should be interesting as the race heats up... I'm going to the game on the 19th of next month...Any chance I can get one of those shirts then? If so, where? Vendors outside of the ballpark walk around selling them. They usually aren't too hard to find. They should sell those at Wrigley too, I want one, but am not going to be able to buy one for today.
  17. Oh yeah........ Anyways, sounds like more Sox fans then Tigers fans Poor Tiggers.
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