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T R U last won the day on November 2 2023

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About T R U

  • Birthday 08/14/1984

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  • Favorite Sox Minor League Affiliate
    Birmingham Barons (AA)
  • What do you like about Soxtalk?
    Whatever happened to QWERTY??
  • Favorite Sox player
    Colson Montgomery
  • Favorite Sox minor leaguer
    Jose Avalos
  • Favorite Sox moment
    Acquiring stud catcher Jack Parkman from the Cleveland Guardians
  • Favorite Former Sox Player
    Frank Thomas

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  1. It’s wild to me that these guys all thought this team would be better than last year by just making some defensive changes and here we are 50+ games under .500 and we’re still in July. Yikes.
  2. DeJong is a 0.0 WAR sub .700 OPS player.. were not getting s%*# for him
  3. Really? I think he looks completely disinterested. Much like the end of last year when this season was long over.
  4. He's a really good pitcher that should still be in the White Sox rotation. He's not, and the only reason for that is because the Sox wouldn't pay him what hes worth. It's the same reason were about to lose Crochet as well. Like I said, it sucks.
  5. Who gives a f*** about the city and fans? That's what we've been taught anyways.
  6. Did you watch it? I tuned in on MLB TV mid celebration and its just like, he would be our ace and the only reason he isn't is because the owner has no desire to pay people high level money. It sucks.
  7. hes trying to protect himself and his financial future.
  8. Honestly, I think he just has no interest in playing for this shitty team.
  9. Not gonna lie, I feel sick to my stomach watching him celebrate with the Padres.
  10. Dude is cooking 7/13 - 6 IP 1 hit 7/20 - 7 IP 1 hit 7/25 - 8 IP 0 hits in progress
  11. Completely disagree, but I guess were about to find out.
  12. This is a little differernt of a situation though. Im sure there is a limit he has for the amount of innings he was to pitch this season. If he gets to that cap, you're basically asking him to compromise his health for the benefit of only the team.
  13. Crochet has plenty of leverage, if he says hes not pitching in the post season the team that trades for him can't make him.
  14. It absolutely kills negotiations because I can't imagine a scenario where a team wants to trade for him and sign him to whatever extension hes looking for in the next few days. There's way too much risk in that for another team who as of right now knows nothing at all about him. And if you believe what has been reported, the Sox already tried to talk extension with him and it went nowhere immediately which tells me his ask is probably not realistic.
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