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  1. I think we have to see the record after the season ends. It would be great if the team has a solid couple of months to finish off the year.
  2. The Cubs and Sox actually played 2 -1 game series in each park then played 2- 2 game series in each park which resulted in no game today. I am sure it has happened before but like you I can never remember it happening resulting on Sunday off?
  3. I would assume he won't be traded now until the winter. Hopefully he fixes any issues so his trade value is high.
  4. SCCWS


    I think it is important for a player to be healthy before we judge their ability to perform. I have no idea if Robert is really healthy or not. I assume he is close to healthy since he is playing pretty regularly but maybe he is not.
  5. This team was not built to win. They were a AAA team with a few good players. The blame is strictly on management or actually mis-management.
  6. Agree but probably based on saving to pay 2 managers in the same half-season.
  7. I would have traded him but maybe the return was not good enough. But like you said, we better hope to hell his value does not decease when we try and move him in the off-season. I would have kept Robert though, in hopes his value goes up by next winter. It is a crap-shoot.
  8. Timmy: I asked this question 3 weeks ago and no one answered. What is Grifol's contract terms? He is in year 2 but how many years did he sign for? If it is 3 years, I got to think he is gone but that means the Sox have to eat the 3rd year. But if is it 4 or more? The White Sox may eat 1 year but if it is 4 or more I am not sure since the Sox seem to care less about winning.
  9. 6 months from now and both Crochet and Robert could have a different profile. I think Crochet may be be time to make the best deal and I think Robert might be better waiting another 6 months. But both guys have some "fragile" in them that hopefully goes away.
  10. I would ask the question "How many years are the White Sox committed to Grifol. If it is 2 year then it is a no-brainer. If it is 3 or more years , this organization my not assume it is a no-brainer. They staffed this team to fail and they did a good job with that.
  11. It is such an awful season for the White Sox as the games head toward the All Star break. We do see a few bright spots on our roster but the overall team is just awful. I haven't looked at the standings in a while but did today. The White Sox are actually 33 games back of Cleveland. The worst teams in the league are still 7 games behind the 2nd( 2 teams) worst teams in the standings. Our attendance is bad but not the worst at 27th. What a dreadful year we are watching or not watching as we hit the All Star game's arrival in a few weeks.
  12. JR is not going to pay 2 salaries to a manager this season. Heck, he is probably at least in a 3 year deal so maybe the Sox try another year and then dump him at some point next season. Suppose this is a 5 year deal and we are in year 2? I think I saw that Pedro is actually number 2 behind Counsell.
  13. Buehrle 2.0 would be a great addition. But it is just game 1. Let's see how he is after his 10th start.
  14. There must be an affiliate closer than going to Chicago? Like Birmingham? ......... just kidding.
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