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Posts posted by Heads22

  1. i dont get it...do these people really think because they can imitate others that we look at them as heros and any crazy s*** that comes out of their mouth will become rallying cries for the masses?

    Unfortunately, YES, a lot of people are total sheep and live and die on every move that these people make. This "culture" is so full of star-crossed followers that some idiots don't even know the name of our Vice President, but can rattle off the title of every movie Tom Cruise has ever been in.


    A huge segment of the American population is a complete embarrassment. The Kennedys are royalty, people chased another country's princess to her death, and we're more concerned with Michael Jackson's nose, Britney Spears' inflating and deflating tits and where R. Kelly's allegedly sticking his meat than we are with a potential global crisis. It's the lowest common denominator at an all-time low, and it's sad.

    I cant remember the exact numbers but in a poll for 18 year olds I think it was, a good majority of them could not locate the Pacific Ocean. That is just sad. Fortunately there are enough smart kids to keep this country dominant in the future...


    And just thinking about it, can you imagine the current generation running the country? Like me, wsc, wsf and bighurt as Americas leaders? Thats kinda insane. Some of the vocabulary they may use and such... :lol:

    I believe it was locating Iraq and/or Afghanistan. You'd have to be in a coma not to be able to locate the Pacific.

    Umm, no, there were American teens who couldnt find the Pacific. Like 18 percent I think. There was like 60% who could not find Iraq, which is still pretty bad.

    That just can't be right. I know America lags behind other countries but there's no way a bunch of 18-year-olds can't locate the Pacific unless they are doped up, not taking the test seriously, dead or something. :huh:

    hell, I can drive to the pacific :) Takes me 15 minutes.

    Well, I gust got done shoveling 3.75 inches of our driveway and the snow ain't stopping anytime soon here in Iowa. In southern Iowa they were expect a half inch of ice.

  2. i dont get it...do these people really think because they can imitate others that we look at them as heros and any crazy s*** that comes out of their mouth will become rallying cries for the masses?

    Unfortunately, YES, a lot of people are total sheep and live and die on every move that these people make. This "culture" is so full of star-crossed followers that some idiots don't even know the name of our Vice President, but can rattle off the title of every movie Tom Cruise has ever been in.


    A huge segment of the American population is a complete embarrassment. The Kennedys are royalty, people chased another country's princess to her death, and we're more concerned with Michael Jackson's nose, Britney Spears' inflating and deflating tits and where R. Kelly's allegedly sticking his meat than we are with a potential global crisis. It's the lowest common denominator at an all-time low, and it's sad.

    I cant remember the exact numbers but in a poll for 18 year olds I think it was, a good majority of them could not locate the Pacific Ocean. That is just sad. Fortunately there are enough smart kids to keep this country dominant in the future...


    And just thinking about it, can you imagine the current generation running the country? Like me, wsc, wsf and bighurt as Americas leaders? Thats kinda insane. Some of the vocabulary they may use and such... :lol:

    I believe it was locating Iraq and/or Afghanistan. You'd have to be in a coma not to be able to locate the Pacific.

    Umm, no, there were American teens who couldnt find the Pacific. Like 18 percent I think. There was like 60% who could not find Iraq, which is still pretty bad.

    That just can't be right. I know America lags behind other countries but there's no way a bunch of 18-year-olds can't locate the Pacific unless they are doped up, not taking the test seriously, dead or something. :huh:

  3. i dont get it...do these people really think because they can imitate others that we look at them as heros and any crazy s*** that comes out of their mouth will become rallying cries for the masses?

    Unfortunately, YES, a lot of people are total sheep and live and die on every move that these people make. This "culture" is so full of star-crossed followers that some idiots don't even know the name of our Vice President, but can rattle off the title of every movie Tom Cruise has ever been in.


    A huge segment of the American population is a complete embarrassment. The Kennedys are royalty, people chased another country's princess to her death, and we're more concerned with Michael Jackson's nose, Britney Spears' inflating and deflating tits and where R. Kelly's allegedly sticking his meat than we are with a potential global crisis. It's the lowest common denominator at an all-time low, and it's sad.

    I cant remember the exact numbers but in a poll for 18 year olds I think it was, a good majority of them could not locate the Pacific Ocean. That is just sad. Fortunately there are enough smart kids to keep this country dominant in the future...


    And just thinking about it, can you imagine the current generation running the country? Like me, wsc, wsf and bighurt as Americas leaders? Thats kinda insane. Some of the vocabulary they may use and such... :lol:

    I believe it was locating Iraq and/or Afghanistan. You'd have to be in a coma not to be able to locate the Pacific.


    I'm just about you're age and aside from some people being put off by my liberalness, I'd like to think I have a fair amount of knowledge about quite a few places in the world. Maybe not, though.

  4. I still don't know why NK would fire missles at us. Their country would be f***ing crushed. They have no reason to start anything. :huh:

    Don't blame the country because most of the time its just one f***ed up asshole that's f***ing everything up. NK's leaders don't care what happens to there people and if they go down they want to take a lot of people with them.


    Don't worry, the US wont attack North Korea. Bush won't have that kind of support needed to take down a country as powerfull as them. In the end NK will promise to shut down there nuclear weapons program, and the US (and UN) will buy them off in some way.

    Yeah, I meant Kim Jong Il and his cronies.

  5. They haven't even tested the warhead and highly doubt that it would even detonate or be active if it was fired.


    But I guess we still need to worry about Iraq, right?  We got George W. Bush who thinks he is John f***ing Wayne.  Anyway, I am out to go bake cookies for our Peace Action action on campus (remember everybody, tomorrow is a national day of action with protests in Chicago, NYC, London, etc. to name a few).

    Are they going these peace cookies going to have any secret sauce in them ;) :D

    No, they are just going to be vegan cookies cuz everybody who is making them is vegan, haha.

    The cookie is back!



  6. Regarding intelligence, Bush's Binet IQ score is 119, the same as JFK. That puts him at the 88th percentile. His SAT score was at about the 84th percentile but his math was much higher than his verbal. As far as public education in this country goes well let's be charitable and say it's lacking. We spend more money per capita now than we ever did. Most college graduates today couldn't pass turn of the 20th Century tests to graduate from elementary school. 150K for a Chicago Public School teacher?? Do a school by school analysis of standardized test scores. It's enough to make you cry. Disagree with Bush, it's your right as an American. Quit demonizing him. He's got more deadly serious problems to deal with than any President since FDR. History will judge him.

    I dunno. JFK with the USSR and the Cuban Missle Crisis? Lots of people fail to realize just how close the Soviets were to launching.

  7. Long time  & no see so I thought Id see how you all were doing.  Watch CNN & you should have a good idea whats going on over here.  Later guys.

    I hope you get back home safely, Nuke. :headbang


    Yah....... I think I'll do it........


    Murcielago Lead Developer, Chat Cordinator, Pussy eater!

    There's something wrong with that, but I just can't put my finger on it. :lol:

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