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Everything posted by clyons

  1. QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ Jan 15, 2009 -> 01:46 PM) Dude...there is no such thing as a courtesy flush....I consider it better to give people a courtesy whiff. And for the complete sensory experience, don't forget to provide the courtesy soundtrack; from grunt to splash.
  2. From the picture (and from my thorough and intimate familiarity with women across the seven continents ) I suspected UK sizes might be slightly larger than American sizes. A quick google search seemed to confirm this. http://www.usatourist.com/english/tips/Womens-Sizes.html FWIW, I voted for the "middle," which probably translates to an American size 6.
  3. ". . . and now we return you to your regularly scheduled NHL season." Good riddance. Parts of it were cool; other parts were really lame (three pucks and you're out? good Lord). As stated, I'm glad its over. I hope all those who went still had a good time.
  4. QUOTE (IlliniKrush @ Dec 31, 2008 -> 04:36 PM) It makes the whole thing look a lot more crisp, instead of watching a game in the middle of what looks like a park or a parking lot. There's got to be mud, grass, walkways, materials all over the place. I have no problem with it. If you are concerned with gimmicks and it being phony, you should have been turned off by this game a long, long, long time ago. You got that right; I'm just getting turned off even more lately. Hockey to me is what happens inside the boards and between the pipes. Makes no difference to me if its surrounded by snow and dead ivy, or a half-empty indoor arena. As Hawk always says, "they don't put pictures on scorecards." I'm all for looking at pretty pictures after whistles and time outs, but just like the "Shoot the Puck" contestants, its a turn off to me if they're fake. To each his own, I guess. Happy New Year and "Let's Go Hawks!"
  5. QUOTE (IlliniKrush @ Dec 31, 2008 -> 04:13 PM) I have no idea why you are concerned about that. Not so much "concerned", just turned off by the phoniness. I don't need fake snow to enjoy hockey anymore than I need fake laughter to enjoy a TV sitcom. I guess I kind of resent the implication that I do.
  6. I was checking out the live Wrigley webcam on the Hawks' official site and was wondering why all of Wrigley's playing surface appeared to be covered with snow when it hasn't snowed for days and there isn't so much as a flake in the seating section. Then I clicked on another link and saw some NHL wonk explain that they had put up fans in the outfield in order to "supplement" Mother Nature and create the same snowy "appearance" that the game had last year during the snow storm in Buffalo. I posted in the NHL thread about how the classic has been obviously designed as a made-for-tv event, but manufacturing fake snow for telegenic ambiance just strikes me as phony and going too far. I'll watch the game and root on my Hawks like always, but as it approaches, I'm getting less and less excited about it and just more turned off by the hype.
  7. The Winter Classic is a total made-for-TV event. Any doubt as to that went out the window when they announced the rink configuration with the goals at first and third, so that NBC could shoot the iconic Wrigley scoreboard over center ice. If they had cared about the paying customers even getting to see the puck, they would have put the goals near left field and the visitors' on-deck circle, where the Bears used to have their endzones. Then at least fans along the third base line could have followed some of the game.
  8. I gotta stand up for Mike Brown. That guy is a stud, and he has flat out busted his hump to come back from injuries that would have sent lesser men to the golf course. And Mike Brown at diminshed capacity is better than just about anything else the Bears could run out at DB. He may be finally done this time, but I've thought that several times before. That said, I was disappointed the Bears lost, but I'll admit that this team was really hard to get behind this year. They were certainly a crappy 9-7. I don't think you need to be a screamer to be a good NFL head coach, but I'd love to see Cowher here next year. It'll never happen though; Lovie isn't going anywhere.
  9. QUOTE (whitesoxbrian @ Dec 26, 2008 -> 12:46 PM) BTW- for those attending, a man outside the UC always sells this paper. Buy it. It's called The Committed Indian and it analyzes the other team and the Hawks but with humor. It's $3 but it's well worth it. Is this the latest incarnation of the old "Blue Line," or something completely different? The guy (Mark Weinberg) who did the "Blue Line" was hilarious, but boy did he hate the old man. Somewhere in my basement, I have an autographed copy of his book, "Career Misconduct." Weinberg was a practicing lawyer and actually sued and deposed WWW in litigation related to the "Blue Line."
  10. Thanks, K, I appreciate your efforts. Great job and Merry Christmas!
  11. clyons

    MP3 Earbuds

    QUOTE (robinventura23 @ Dec 21, 2008 -> 12:00 PM) My wife works at Shure, so I'm probably biased. Shure SE110 earphones http://www.amazon.com/Shure-Isolating-Earp...2218&sr=1-1 fit your price range. They're sound isolating - they have these foam sleeves that isolate the audio you want to hear, and block out external noises from your surroundings. But make sure to play around with the different sizes of foams provided - they are key in getting good bass response and external sound isolation. We always use these earphones when flying. Gotta block out babies crying or having tantrums mid-flight. Much obliged, RV23. I had read several good reviews of the Shure SE210, which Amazon lists for just a little bit more than the 110s. Shure's two year warranty is impressive too, and its obviously a well respected name. Plus, it would be nice to make a purchase that made a small contribution towards keeping a friendly Sox fan employed! Thanks and Happy Holidays!
  12. clyons

    MP3 Earbuds

    Can anyone recommend a good pair of "canal phone" earbuds between $50-$100? I've gone through 3 sets of Sennheiser CX-300's (which I love) in the last year, but on each one the left channel has gone out after a couple months. I can get another pair on Amazon for about $20 right now, but I'd rather pay more for some greater durability. FWIW, I have a Creative Zen MP3 and I mostly listen to Rock (both "Classic" and "Alternative"); Not too much House, Rap or Electronica. Bass is important, but not to the extent it muddies everything else. I'm thinking about just going with these, which seem ok, but nothing special: http://www.amazon.com/JBuds-Premium-Hi-FI-...s/dp/B001GS8FZ2 Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
  13. QUOTE (Texsox @ Dec 18, 2008 -> 07:32 AM) You must sing this (at least in your head) while reading to the tune of "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen": Get packin', Rod Blagojevich The state's in disarray The Tribune wants you unemployed At least by Christmas Day The TV pundits want your head Could there be pay to play? O Tidings of Comfort and Joy, SAVE ILLINOIS! O Tidings of Comfort and Joy Good riddance, Rod Blagojevich Your Elvis look's inane The Senate's mad, so's Lisa's dad,, You drive us all insane Our transit's broke, the state's a joke, The Tollway's one big pain O Tidings of Comfort and Joy SAVE ILLINOIS! O Tidings of Comfort and Joy Good luck old Rod Blagojevich The feds have quite a place Fitzgerald's poked his nose around And if he has a case George Ryan's moving stuff around Creating extra space O Tidings of Comfort and Joy SAVE ILLINOIS! O Tidings of Comfort and Joy
  14. QUOTE (MHizzle85 @ Dec 19, 2008 -> 11:02 AM) I'd just out run him, you really think he has the ability to chase you in a mile radius? He couldn't catch me running down a block. In that condition anyway... I figure he's still got a posse that can run me down for him. I'm not takin' any chances.
  15. As far as I'm concerned, Mike still looks amazingly trim. And fabulously handsome, intelligent and sane. I want my opinions on the record in case I am ever within a mile radius of him.
  16. QUOTE (Rex Hudler @ Dec 18, 2008 -> 04:59 PM) This is not news at all. It was widely speculated that the three players Sampson suspended for three games each last year was for getting caught smoking pot. News about last year's team has no bearing on what is happening today, which is IU is getting their brains beat in while rebuilding the program the right way. Two big yawns on that story! "The Indianapolis Star first reported the story on its website Wednesday." This quote suggests it was news to the Indianapolis Star. The posted link suggests it was news to CBS Sportsline. I certainly had never heard any talk of this before. Like the ads used to say for re-runs of Must See TV: "If you haven't seen it, its new to you." Boring or irrelevant as it might be, it was "new" to me, so I thought I'd share. Sorry if I struck a nerve.
  17. I've said before that depending on salary (duh), Jon Garland + Atlanta prospects > Javy Vazquez; same as Abreu + Reds prospects (Bailey) > Jermaine Dye. You don't lose too much short term, and gain more in the long.
  18. QUOTE (Kalapse @ Dec 18, 2008 -> 03:22 PM) He . . . failed to throw 200 innings. That's kind of pimpy, considering he threw 196.2 and made 32 starts. Especially in light of the Angels pen.
  19. The bad press for Indiana basketball continues: Eric Gordon says some of his Hoosier teammates last year [no names mentioned; current players exonerated] were on dope. Kelvin Sampson tried to stop it, but was too focused "on winning and everything" [his cell phone?]. http://www.sportsline.com/collegebasketball/story/11178479 I'm not a huge IU fan, but I feel sorry for Tom Crean. That's one more distraction he doesn't need.
  20. QUOTE (Jenks Heat @ Dec 15, 2008 -> 12:30 PM) Also the Blackhawk W flag that was flying yesterday in the third balcony me throw up in my mouth. You and me both. The Cub-ification of the franchise continues. On balance, however, its hard to be too upset with everything McDonough and Rocky have done. All things considered, I'll take it. Hopefully, the Hawks can distinguish themselves from the "lovable" losers by winning a championship soon.
  21. You just want someone to talk to, They can't wait to get their hands on you, You can't believe your reviews. Oh no, you can't do that, Once they start a throwin' their shoes . . .
  22. Almost happened to me once, when my special girl opened a special present that I gave her; my d*** in a box. Andy Samberg rules.
  23. QUOTE (The Critic @ Dec 14, 2008 -> 03:07 PM) And the over-reaction continues. You sign a guy for the "emotion" and "grit" he brings, knowing full well he's an asshole, then you cut him for being an asshole. Hilarious. Agreed on the over-reaction, but it was somewhat of a questionable signing for that team to begin with, and I understand that even before this, Avery had become a pariah in his own locker room. Ironically, this (latest) controversy gives the Stars cover for a decision which they may not have made otherwise, but it also makes sense for hockey reasons. Brett Hull just got stripped of his co-GM duties, in part because it was his decision to bring Avery in. Looking forward to watching the Home Team tonight against Columbus. I fell asleep and missed the end of Friday night's game against the Avs after a long week of work.
  24. The Stars cut Sean Avery. http://sports.espn.go.com/nhl/news/story?id=3768552 Karma's a b****.
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