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Posts posted by ChiSox59

  1. QUOTE (Paulstar @ Jul 16, 2013 -> 07:33 PM)
    I agree, a Crain for Parker trade would be awesome. Parker can be a young guy to build the team around and play RF next year if Rios is traded. I don't think he is a stud prospect, but a guy who can possibly put up a .250 BA and .350 OBP, knock out 20-25 homers, and drive in 75 plus every year while playing above average D (although he might wind up in LF if he gets any slower).


    So pretty much Dayan's floor? Who everyone around here is ready to give up on.

  2. QUOTE (Y2JImmy0 @ Jul 14, 2013 -> 12:11 PM)
    There's a lot of chatter about Morales and Schierholtz for Pittsburgh. That might be a better scenario for Pirates. They could get Kendrys Morales to play 1B and Schierholtz to platoon with Tabata in RF and it's still cheaper than Rios.


    Schierholtz blows.

  3. QUOTE (SoxPride18 @ Jul 12, 2013 -> 11:00 AM)
    If everyone including bucket thinks the player out of favor is De Aza, does anyone think we can actually get value for him? Offensively, minus the strikeouts, he has had a great year so far out of the leadoff hole. I do not think he is a leadoff hitter but lower in the order that can provide speed can be lethal especially in the NL.


    DeAza is another one of those guys that the SOX may be better off just keeping him for now. I doubt he'd fetch much, and he is actually pretty productive offensively. He is frustrating defensively for sure, and even at the plate, but I think the SOX are better off holding onto him, moving him to the 7 or 8 spot next year. Problem is, where does he play if Tank is in LF, which is where he should be for now. He is not great in CF, and to me doesn't really seem to be a winner.


    IF the SOX can move DeAza for something of value, he's probably gone.

  4. The only way you move Sale is if you literally get 5 of a teams top 8 prospects, in a farm that is highly regarded. It is just not worth it. Sale's contract is a steal, and he is one of the best 5 pitchers in the game. The SOX may not compete next year, or even in 2015, but they still have control over him for 4 more season after that. No way he is traded, because the package would literally have to decimate one of the best farm systems in baseball.

  5. QUOTE (IowaSoxFan @ Jul 9, 2013 -> 11:47 AM)
    Sounds like the Yanks have moved to Michael Young to play 3B/1B.


    The Phillies have said they are not very inclined to move him, so we'll see.


    Sadly, Kepp has been one of, if not the best, hitter on the SOX since mid May. I am all for trading him, but he really is a useful UT guy on a playoff team. I wouldn't trade him for salary relief only.

  6. QUOTE (fathom @ Jul 8, 2013 -> 03:56 PM)
    He'd be a great for a "bust for bust" change of scenery type trade


    Not many busts hit 25 homers and drove in 80 last year. SOX are way, way, way better off keeping Tank around for another year before giving up on him.

  7. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Jul 8, 2013 -> 12:46 PM)
    When Rios came to the Sox, he was basically having the same year in Toronto that he is having now, and all the Blue Jays got for him was salary relief. The question will be do the Sox want to pay him to play here the rest of this year or next, because the return probably isn't going to be a highly rated prospect.


    He also had 5.5 years remaining on his contract at an average annual value north of $10M. Now he has 1.5 years left at a reasonable rate and an option year. Far different circumstances.


    I have said this several times regarding the possibility of moving Rios - the SOX are not going to trade him if they don't get a meaningful piece back. Why on earth would they? No one is knocking on the door the minors in RF, he is paid what he deserves to be paid, if not less, and he is one of the guys that actually improves this team. If he a mental midget? Yes. Is he soft? Yes. Does he always play hard? No. But Rios is a very solid everyday player that is signed to a reasonable contract. If they can't get a very good prospect for him, keep him in RF until 2015, or until someone gets desperate and overpays. There is ZERO point in trading him off for nothing more than salary relief.

  8. QUOTE (TaylorStSox @ Jul 7, 2013 -> 03:06 PM)
    I've been saying it for a while, but we've been spoiled with good play at SS for about a decade.


    Ramirez might be the most under appreciated Sox player of my lifetime. Seriously.


    I agree, and that's what makes moving Alexei so hard. Maybe he is more respected / appreciated among GMs themselves, but I just don't see it likely that the SOX will win a trade involving Ramirez, short term or long term. With that said, Alexei has been one of the SOX biggest problems this year, while he at times is one of the most valuable players on the team. Hard to understand.


    I'd personally keep Alexei, Alex and Peavy around if the SOX cannot get 1 major league ready prospect who is ready to legitimately contribute in return for each of them. Move everybody else.

  9. QUOTE (flavum @ Jul 7, 2013 -> 10:21 AM)
    Ramirez SS Beckham 2B Rios RF Keppinger 1B Phegley C Viciedo DH Morel 3B Wells LF Tekotte CF


    50 losses down. 50 to go. Let's do this!


    That is one gross lineup.

  10. QUOTE (greg775 @ Jul 6, 2013 -> 11:31 PM)
    But he also stunk in 2011. Seeing what we get for Rios is really going to be interesting. We're going to learn what people think of Alex Rios.


    Meh, I disagree. If the SOX don't get what they want for Rios, they won't move him. I think the SOX should trade everyone they can, but Rios is a guy that actually makes the team better. If they can't get what they want for him, keep him in RF through 2015.

  11. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jun 28, 2013 -> 03:47 PM)
    We'll get garbage for Keppinger, maybe a really raw low level prospect at best. Its either that or a AAAA type player.


    Sign me up. I don't have a problem with Kepp, but I'd rather give his ABs to someone else at this point, like Morel. A Gillaspie / Morel platoon would be fine.

  12. C Flowers/Phegley

    1B Dunn

    2B Beckham

    SS Ramirez

    3B Gillaspie / Keppinger

    LF De Aza

    CF Trayce Thompson

    RF Granderson

    DH Viciedo


    SP Chris Sale

    SP John Danks

    SP Jose Quintana

    SP Hector Santiago

    SP Erik Johnson



    CL Addison Reed

    RP Nate Jones

    RP Simon Castro

    RP Dylan Axelrod

    RP Free agent

    RP Daniel Webb




  13. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jun 25, 2013 -> 04:46 PM)
    Granderson actually makes a ton of sense to me if they hire a manager willing to view the DH as a rotating spot. Granderson could play some corner OF and some DH and Granderson, Dunn, and Viciedo could all rotate through that spot.


    If you add in another player who can play 1b and hit from the right side (crazy idea, Morneau) this could actually work, be fairly effective, and keep the veteran guys in the lineup as well.


    Morneau bats left handed.

  14. QUOTE (witesoxfan @ Jun 25, 2013 -> 03:39 PM)
    August and September should hopefully be exciting months for the die hards who have wanted to rebuild for a while. I think you could see as many as 6 new starters offensively and a whole slew of new pitchers in the bullpen.


    I'd be floored if that were the case. Not against it, but don't see it happening.

  15. QUOTE (beautox @ Jun 21, 2013 -> 12:59 PM)
    I would really like to see Axelrod get traded for a high upside low floor major league player that hasn't figured it out yet someone like the following: moustakas, conger, ackley, montero, or ike davis and a low minors live arm coming back as well.


    There is no way on God's green earth the SOX could get Moustakas, Ackley, Montero or Ike Davis for Axe straight up, let alone with another piece coming the SOX way.

  16. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Jun 20, 2013 -> 08:17 PM)
    That is what people are suggestimg. Thinking drafting in the top 10 is a guarantee to get good players is hogwash. The Sox drafted Aaron Poreda 25th in the first round in 2007. Do you know that 4 of the first 8 players selected in that draft have lower career WARS than Poreda?


    Many here think Gordon Beckham is a bust. He was the Sox pick in 2008. Did you know of the first 46 selections of that draft only Buster Posey and Brett Lawrie have highrt career WARS than Beckham. Losing really sucks. To think it pays off down the line is a hope not anywhere near a guarantee.


    Hell of a post. Even though I am at the point in which I want to say f*** it, trade what we can, and get ready for a good run at it in 2015. But you're right, unless you're getting a top 3-4 pick, it is still a crapshoot.

  17. QUOTE (greg775 @ Jun 18, 2013 -> 03:00 PM)
    Don't the White Sox need a plan before they start dealing pitching? Or are we planning on a last place stay of 5-10 years? Seriously. We have good pitching. Do we trade it all and become a 50-win team for a long time to come? What is the plan?I've yet to see anybody on here talk about what Hahn's plan will be. We're just talking about trading all facets of the team for I presume minor leaguers.


    Well, because no one here has any f'in' clue what Hahn's plan is. I am sure his plan was to let the season play out, hopefully come July the SOX are in a position to add a piece here or there and be a contender through September. Clearly that is not going to happen unless the SOX roll of 25 of 30 again, which is nearly impossible.


    I doubt the SOX trade much pitching. I like Reed alot, but as others have noted, if someone wants to pay a king's ransom for him, it is hard to ignore. Relievers are relievers, and while he looks primed to be a good one for awhile, they are somewhat replaceable. If someone wants to send you a player who can be plugged into the everyday lineup and produce for years to come, it is hard to ignore.


    We will all find out soon enough what Hahn's plan is. I think the most likely scenario is that the players who have contracts expiring at the end of this year will be moved (sans Paulie, for a multitude of reasons, one being no one will want him at this point), and the others will stay. Hahn will try to land a fish or two in the FA market (give me Morales and/or McCann or Granderson) and try again in 2014. One player who is not close to free agency that I could see moved is De Aza. I think his lazy defensive play is starting to wear a little thin with the organization, and if the SOX can get a team to give up a decent piece, he will be moved. Problem is that no one is really ready to take over the CF slot for 2014, but heck, let Thompson, Walker and Mitchell battle it out, even though none are ready. Let Danks get the abs for the rest of 2013 if De Aza is moved. Granderson could be an option in CF, but his days in CF are numbered and he doesn't exactly fit the type of player the SOX need (high OBP, high average), but he is decent buy low candidate.

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