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Everything posted by ScootsMcGoots

  1. QUOTE (SonofaRoache @ May 10, 2016 -> 10:39 PM) The Sox need to trade for a number 2 type pitcher. Rodon and Latos are about to crash and burn. The Sox have the best pitching staff in the AL by ERA. I don't think pitching is a priority right now. If anything they look for another bat, one that can drive in runs, preferably left handed and under 32 years of age.
  2. At this rate it will take more than 8 runs to win the game.
  3. Like I said...gonna take a lot more than 4 runs to win this game lol
  4. That wind must be doing some magical things up above that ballpark
  5. I have a feeling its going to take a lot more than 4 runs to win this ballgame...I also think the Sox are gonna have a nice offensive night so shouldn't be an issue. Don't count out Texas yet, remember they can hit. Need to score those runs out there on the bases right now.
  6. That was a good job by Todd not trying to do too much with that pitch.
  7. QUOTE (joegraz @ May 10, 2016 -> 08:32 PM) Lawrie has been swinging for the fences for the past few games. Hopefully they aren't trying to swing for the fences in this wind
  8. QUOTE (flavum @ May 10, 2016 -> 08:30 PM) Rodon has been pitching like a guy starting his 30th big league game. He'll be fine. I think he will get better as the season progresses like at the end of last season
  9. QUOTE (soxfan85 @ May 10, 2016 -> 08:29 PM) Rodon has been garbage. I wouldn't say garbage quite yet. I would say ineffective however.
  10. QUOTE (Alexeihyeess @ May 10, 2016 -> 08:24 PM) I'm going to keep saying until you people stroke my ego and acknowledge it: 1 Sale 2 Q (but really a 1) 3 4 Latos 5 Miguel Gonzalez/Carlos Rodon There's a glaring hole on this team. I agree with you. I would say he is a number 4 though, with Latos out best number 3. Everytime I see Rodon pitch he has very poor command, and gets behind in the count more often than not. Wastes a lot of pitches, and when he misses his spot he really misses. However when he hits his spot, he definitely hits it. It just feels like every hitter gets into a 2-1 or 3-1 count though.
  11. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ May 9, 2016 -> 10:15 PM) There really isn't a need for the last sentence. I edited it.
  12. QUOTE (AustinIllini @ May 9, 2016 -> 10:13 PM) Bunting is giving away outs. You should never give away outs. What are you kidding me? It's called sacrifice. Ever hear of a runner on 2nd with no one out and hitting a ball to the right side to advance the runner? How about a sacrifice fly? It's strategic and can be used very effectively in close games. Depends on the lineup, but it can and I believe should be utilized. Small ball.
  13. QUOTE (AustinIllini @ May 9, 2016 -> 10:10 PM) Bunting is mostly going away because bunting is generally pretty dumb. Well, bunting is not generally pretty dumb. It can actually be extremely effective, when executed well. It's just that generally most situations don't call for players to bunt. When you are talking about the White Sox, yes bunting is generally pretty dumb because most of them can't really bunt.
  14. That should have been strike 3. Too close to take, and it had the plate.
  15. QUOTE (OmarComing25 @ May 9, 2016 -> 09:15 PM) Astros up 5 on the Indians and the Nationals have the bases loaded no outs down 1 against the Tigers. Yankees up 5-1 on the Royals I think everyone is a little surprised at the American League central this year. The 3 teams that were projected to be at the top--DET KC CLE are sucking it up to begin the year and our Sox are the ones with a, not commanding, but comfortable lead. Can't get too comfortable though. I have to say I am quite surprised with KC, not so much with CLE or DET though.
  16. QUOTE (Quinarvy @ May 7, 2016 -> 09:26 PM) Hero worship is awesome! My MLB.tv fell way behind. Whoops. Yeah mine is pretty slow too lol
  17. QUOTE (chi4lyfe @ May 7, 2016 -> 09:24 PM) Confirmed: The song "Take Me Out to the Ball Game" turns the White Sox Super Saiyan. Haha nice
  18. Wow man hell of a piece of hitting there, pulled his hands in and roped the 96 mph pitch for a double. Excellent woodwork by Fraz
  19. Really would be nice to actually get these guys across the plate. Walking is nice, but doesn't do anything if you don't score the guys. Let's go boys!!!
  20. QUOTE (chitownsportsfan @ May 7, 2016 -> 09:18 PM) Yea but that was 25 year old Jackson. Current version isn't nearly the hitter but he is a good glove guy. Hopefully he picks it up some but hopefully also the guys around him make OK to carry a defensive first CF. True. Wonder what the odds are of the league adopting a designated fielder position??? (sarcasm)
  21. I really want to see Ajax start tearing it up. Living in Michigan, I've talked to some Tigers fans about his playing games in Detroit. They say when he gets hot, he really carries a team and it's like no one can get him out. Would be nice to get that from him soon.
  22. QUOTE (bmags @ May 7, 2016 -> 09:09 PM) Sale still out? Not a fan of robins decisions today Yeah, I think this could have gone both ways. He has the Twins' number right now, and he's rolling. Give the bullpen an extra inning of rest....and it worked. Robin would've been taking some heat though if the Twins did anything in that inning. That should be Sale's final hitter.
  23. QUOTE (chitownsportsfan @ May 7, 2016 -> 09:07 PM) little surprised it's a dead ball if it hits him in the batters box but guess he was out so it's moot point. And there's a double play. Yeah I'm pretty sure the rule is once it hits the runner anywhere it's a dead ball and the runner that the ball hit is out, and any other runners return to the bases they were occupying.
  24. QUOTE (chitownsportsfan @ May 7, 2016 -> 09:06 PM) just stupid managing if that came from the dugout. Navarro is too slow to bother trying to bunt into scoring position. Yeah...Saladino should have been swinging away.
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