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Everything posted by Rockysdadswife

  1. WOW! what a dumbf*** you are :fyou . HSC would NEVER root for the Sox to do poorly and your remark about her needing to be banned is more assinine than anything I've read in a VERY LONG TIME . HSC LOVES this team and she does support them with more than her pocket book. It's NOT about that for HSC and if you knew HER you would know THAT. I think the tampon you have shoved up your ass is clogging your brain cells. :fyou :fyou :fyou If you would please, define a "real sox fan" for me. Is it someone that sings their praises no matter how badly they are playing? :puke Someone with his lips so firmly attached to each and every players nuts he can't see that they really do SUCK this year??????? Guess that would be YOU. HSC is just disappointed in the team. We all had great hopes for OUR Sox this year - we're disappointed - again. Ban HSC???????LMFAO - you're the one who needs banning, from this board, from Comiskey Park (it will always be Comiskey to me) and from any small child you may come in contact with. Wouldn't want your idiocy to rub off on anyone. :puke :puke :puke :puke What a jerk!
  2. KW - not with the team.....GOOD maybe we'll win this f'n game!
  3. Ah, I loves ya too! I did get AIM reinstalled and even *gasp* remembered my password so I have my same nic LOL (This time I wrote it down)....now if I can only remember where I put down my beer.
  4. Ah I sure would like to HSC but RD's still in the hospital. He was supposed to be released this morning but post-surgical complications paid us a visit just as he was about to sprint out of the room. He's really PISSED!
  5. It sounds like this is gonna be a LOT of fun. I'll be tuning in. Listening to you guys on the internet with one eye on the basketball playoffs. Sure wish we could just cruise on over to RPS' place. I'll try to get AIM reinstalled (if I can remember my password LOL) so I can chat with ya'll.
  6. All I kept thinking while watching the replay, again and again ad nauseum, was "Hmmmmmmmmmm wonder if he now feels what his wife felt when he clocked her with that rum bottle." I am however glad that he's okay. I wouldn't wish a serious injury on anyone.
  7. *heavy sigh* - if only.......................
  8. "the most beautiful woman in America who is not you!" Damn - you're such a sweet talker!
  9. You misunderstood my post my friend - I don't want to fight WITH HSC - I was coming to fight FOR her and to tell those that were being nasty to her to EAT s***, DROP DEAD & GO TO HELL - You are a bad, bad boy cwsox for what you said! For THAT you must watch 897 hours of Laverne & Shirley reruns!
  10. No HSC - nobody rips on you without ME telling them to eat s***, drop dead and go to hell. I feel cheated.
  11. trying to find out why ANYONE would call out HSC and the whole friggin thread just disappeared. mmmmmmmmmmm
  13. Hey Baggio!!!!!!!!! I meant every word - Lee & I are WHITE SOX fans - not Rocky fans - in fact - he can kiss my ass. LOL - Can't wait for the moving van - we are OUT of California and moving on to Chicago by the end of April - let Rocky & Tina learn to speak French LMAO.
  14. CWSOX - my dear, dear friend - her name is NOT Tina BIDDLE - her name is Tina GOO-TEE-AIR-EZZZ. Rocky hasn't been brain dead long enough to marry her worthless ass yet.
  15. What do you mean you wish the best to me and Lee? We're not going anywhere. I sure as hell am not going to become a Montreal fan - Holy crow! We're still moving to Chicago and it is not now nor has it ever been about Rocky. Actually I'm very glad he was traded. Now when we attend games we won't have to see his skanky girlfriend's face in the stands LOLOLOL - GO WHITE SOX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
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