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The Game by Jon Pessah...

Lip Man 1

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Didn't know this book came out in 2015. It's basically the follow up to The Lords of the Realm by John Helyar.

Sox Machine's Jim Magalus as part of a story today has some fascinating material from it focusing on the Sox signing of Albert Belle and MLB's reaction to it.


The MLB owners were so angry at JR after it that they removed him from the committee that advised the commissioner on labor matters.

Many felt that JR signed Belle for one reason only, to pay the other owners back for ending the labor dispute on terms that JR didn't like. 



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The owners have no credibility right now. Over the years seasons have been delayed, interrupted and cancelled due to work stoppages. Then there is the Ohtani deal and other mega rich deals. If they are so poor, they wouldn't be throwing money around like this. And, of course, one that is not throwing money around is Jerry Reinsdorf. Hope everyone is enjoying this tank, Just one of many.

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4 hours ago, Lip Man 1 said:

Didn't know this book came out in 2015. It's basically the follow up to The Lords of the Realm by John Helyar.

Sox Machine's Jim Magalus as part of a story today has some fascinating material from it focusing on the Sox signing of Albert Belle and MLB's reaction to it.


The MLB owners were so angry at JR after it that they removed him from the committee that advised the commissioner on labor matters.

Many felt that JR signed Belle for one reason only, to pay the other owners back for ending the labor dispute on terms that JR didn't like. 



This article is great, thanks for linking! I didn't realize Frank Thomas was the person responsible for recommending Belle to Jerry, before he signed him on his own (and then dumped him shortly thereafter once his hissy fit against the other owners was finished).

This is another great article about the period.


And this article lays out when Larry Lucchino b**** slapped Jerry Reinsdorf in the owners meeting, with Wayne Huizenga, Drayton McLane and Fred Wilpon joining in on the fun.



According to sources among the owners, before the 26-4 vote to approve the labor deal in Chicago, San Diego Padres president Larry Lucchino, Mets co-owner Fred Wilpon, Houston Astros owner Drayton McLane and one other unidentified owner all made speeches denouncing Reinsdorf for his destructive role in the four-year civil war with the players.

"Jerry, we've listened to you for four years. You've been on every committee and you've been wrong every time you've told us we had to do something. It's time for you to stop talking and get out of the way."

- Larry Lucchino

Jerry Reinsdorf - Ludacris since 1981.


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