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Anyone else see that brawl last night? After last year's spring training incident, you'd think Mota would learn...instead, he throws at him first pitch and misses him, then drill him on the next pitch. Piazza charged the mound, but couldn't get to Mota because the Dodgers infielders got there too quickly.Then Burnitz almost got to him, but Mota kept running away until he reached the dugout, and he left the ballpark before the end of the innings. Piazza's eyes were so intense they were described as "cartoonish" on sportscenter.


Anyway, what suspsension does this warrant for Mota? I honestly think something like this, especially being a pitcher, warrants a month suspension when the season starts. I mean, that was COMPLETELY intentional. And it happened last year. There's no room for that crap in the game.

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Guest hotsoxchick1
Anyone else see that brawl last night? After last year's spring training incident, you'd think Mota would learn...instead, he throws at him first pitch and misses him, then drill him on the next pitch. Piazza charged the mound, but couldn't get to Mota because the Dodgers infielders got there too quickly.Then Burnitz almost got to him, but Mota kept running away until he reached the dugout, and he left the ballpark before the end of the innings. Piazza's eyes were so intense they were described as "cartoonish" on sportscenter.


Anyway, what suspsension does this warrant for Mota? I honestly think something like this, especially being a pitcher, warrants a month suspension when the season starts.  I mean, that was COMPLETELY intentional. And it happened last year. There's no room for that crap in the game.

hmmm.... you think that piazza would be able to sue mota for some kind of endangerment or intent to harm with a lethal weapon.... i mean a 90 or so mph fast ball should be registered as a lethal weapon dont ya think.....if directed right it could do some serious damage....(just ask whats his face from the scrubs what he did to that kid he drilled in college ball).......if i were piazza i would be seeking legal council and if i were mota i would seek refuge in mexico or something..........piazza did look pissed.......

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i mean a 90 or so mph fast ball should be registered as a lethal weapon dont ya think.....if directed right it could do some serious damage....(just ask whats his face from the scrubs what he did to that kid he drilled in college ball

That would be "Beanball" Ben Christensen. Mota should be suspended for 81 games at least for undisputed intentionality.

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I just read that Piazza drove over to the Dodgers clubhouse after the game and was screaming "Where's Mota Where's Mota", but Mota left a long time ago. I wouldn't want to be Mota right now.

Why does Piazza care so much. He makes millions and the game was over. Sure he probably did beam him on purpose. Big woop, Piazza will always be a bigger star than Mota and he should be confident with that, and not have to try to fight him after the bloody game. :nono

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Cmon man, if a guy threw at you after what happened last year, on 2 consecutive pitches, you'd be pissed as hell. You just don't let people do that crap to you just because they are holding the ball and have the ability to. I don't blame him. That's pure bulls*** and has no place in the game.

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Yeah I don't know what Mota's problem is but he couldn't backpedal fast enough getting away from the Mets. Piazza just came tearing after him before getting tackled by the infielders...then all of a sudden Jeromy Burnitz got onto Mota's trail and was barreling down on him before getting tackled...then little Joe Ewing came flying in and slipped as Mota ran into the dugout and into the clubhouse. The Met's were PISSED and Mota is lucky he didn't get the hell beat out of him.

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Anyone else see that brawl last night? After last year's spring training incident, you'd think Mota would learn...instead, he throws at him first pitch and misses him, then drill him on the next pitch. Piazza charged the mound, but couldn't get to Mota because the Dodgers infielders got there too quickly.Then Burnitz almost got to him, but Mota kept running away until he reached the dugout, and he left the ballpark before the end of the innings. Piazza's eyes were so intense they were described as "cartoonish" on sportscenter.


Anyway, what suspsension does this warrant for Mota? I honestly think something like this, especially being a pitcher, warrants a month suspension when the season starts.  I mean, that was COMPLETELY intentional. And it happened last year. There's no room for that crap in the game.

I wouldnt suspend any pitcher for throwing at a batter. I would just let the batter or the baddest motherf***er on the team beat the living piss out of the pitcher.they wanna give it, they should take it.

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Mota should be suspended a real long time. This is ridiculous. Mota can get it up there (I'm talking 98 or so) and I don't know whether he was throwing that hard, but enough is enough. If your going to hit a guy, go for it, but you don't hurt them. Plus, what the hell are you throwing at a guy in a spring training game for. Gimme a break Mota. Plus, I'm sure Piazza is more pissed on this subject after the Clemens incident.

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when the mets and dodgers play im sure shawn green will be taking one in the ribs...actually the guy who should go beat the s*** out of mota...he'll be the one to pay


what it is about piazza??...he seems like a nice guy..but everyone wants to throw at him..lol

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Guest hotsoxchick1
what it is about piazza??...he seems like a nice guy..but everyone wants to throw at him..lol

maybe cause hes the catcher baggs....lol..... :D

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Guest hotsoxchick1


what it is about piazza??...he seems like a nice guy..but everyone wants to throw at him..lol

maybe cause hes the catcher baggs....lol..... :D

Maybe because he's gay? :rolleyes:

now why would him being gay matter?????????? surely shouldnt make anyone want to hit him.........

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when the mets and dodgers play im sure shawn green will be taking one in the ribs...actually the guy who should go beat the s*** out of mota...he'll be the one to pay


what it is about piazza??...he seems like a nice guy..but everyone wants to throw at him..lol

It's because of those stupid 10-10-220 commercials with Hulk Hogan and Alf! :lol:

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evans is gonna file a complaint on the security at the park because piazza got into their clubhouse.......


you know..piazza could pass for a terrorist..he has that dark kind of look...anmd he just walked in the clubhouse w/o being stopped...wonder if ecans is thinking a terrorist could do the same thing????..come to think of it..piazza probably was in a terrorist state of mind :lol:

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evans is gonna file a complaint on the security at the park because piazza got into their clubhouse.......


you know..piazza could pass for a terrorist..he has that dark kind of look...anmd he just walked in the clubhouse w/o being stopped...wonder if ecans is thinking a terrorist could do the same thing????..come to think of it..piazza probably was in a terrorist state of mind :lol:

And it appears Mota was terrorized enough to run away. You have a good point here, Baggs. :lol:

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Man what was Mota thinking running away like that...you either don't throw at him or if you do you fight him like a man. I remember being at the fight game in 2000 vs. Detroit and Parque (who is a small guy) stood up to Dean Palmer... Mota should have just charged right into Piazzas gut...Damn Mota had to flee to the clubhouse, I bet you his teamates gave him hell for that

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Man what was Mota thinking running away like that...you either don't throw at him or if you do you fight him like a man. I remember being at the fight game in 2000 vs. Detroit and Parque (who is a small guy) stood up to Dean Palmer... Mota should have just charged right into Piazzas gut...Damn Mota had to flee to the clubhouse, I bet you his teamates gave him hell for that

Yeah..... Mota came off like a real b**** back-pedaling like he was. If you're gonna throw at a guy and he charges, drop your glove and stand there like a man. Mota is a f***ing wimp.

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