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Iran's solution for the mideast war?


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QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Aug 3, 2006 -> 05:55 PM)
So, given that Israel has launched surprise attacks on Iraq, Syria, Jordan, and Egypt in the past, would your argument then grant that those countries are allowed to ship weapons to organizations fighting Israel? (I sure don't believe this, but I'm just trying to show you the hole in your argument here).


Speaking of holes in arguments, Syria, Jordan, Egypt, and Iraq attacked Israel unprovoked in 1948, long before these retalitory surprise attacks that you speak of. The Middle East launched a war on Israel, not the other way around.

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QUOTE(Soxbadger @ Aug 3, 2006 -> 02:59 PM)


Your right, Iran has never threated the US.


But prior to the declaration after Pearl Harbor, Germany had never threated the US either.


So if Germany had never declared on the US, we should of just stayed out because they only wanted to kill "Every Jew", "take over Europe", but never had any specific statements on eyeing the US?


We were in limited shooting naval combat with the Germans as early as 1940.

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QUOTE(Gregory Pratt @ Aug 3, 2006 -> 06:10 PM)
That's not what I said. I'm not buying the notion that by funding Hezbollah Iran is at War with Israel or that it justifies us going to war with Iran or any of the stretch conclusions that can come from that.


Sure they fund it, but everyone in the Middle East funds a terrorist group.


ahh, the old "everyone else" arguement. since everyone else is funding and supporting terrorism, its ok for iran to? i recall the same argument from high school parties, it went something like this: everyone is drinking and smoking weed, so its alright. is that where you picked up this infinitely wise line of reasoning?

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QUOTE(WCSox @ Aug 3, 2006 -> 06:51 PM)
I find it amusing that a 17-year-old is calling somebody else "son."


Your argument doesn't account for the fact that the U.S. gives foreign aid to pretty much everybody. I'm not sure if they're still doing it, but that list has historically included the Palestinians.


Open Letter to WCSox:


My response to you regarding the seventeen-year-old crack would get me suspended from SoxTalk, and so I'm simply going to say that I don't feel you add anything worth responding to, I think your points are usually bogus, and I don't particularly care what you have to say, considering. I am officially putting you on my ignore list because I don't like you and never have.


Respectfully submitted,


-Gregory Pratt


ahh, the old "everyone else" arguement. since everyone else is funding and supporting terrorism, its ok for iran to? i recall the same argument from high school parties, it went something like this: everyone is drinking and smoking weed, so its alright. is that where you picked up this infinitely wise line of reasoning?



I'm stunned nobody's made a crack about my title ("Brokeback Pratt"), given the maturity level.


No, since I don't drink or smoke weed, I haven't picked it up from there. And I never said that it's all right that Iran funds Hezbollah to begin with -- merely that there are mitigating circumstances that change things, one being that Iran isn't the sole sponsor of Hezbollah and that presenting its support of Hezbollah as evidence that we need to go to War with Iran to be foolhardy.


But thanks for misrepresenting what I said.

Go on, add a, "YOU DON'T WANT ISRAEL TO SUCCEED LOL WHY DON'T YOU SUPPORT THE JEWS!" while you're at it so we can go full circle.

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QUOTE(Gregory Pratt @ Aug 3, 2006 -> 11:45 PM)
Open Letter to WCSox:


My response to you regarding the seventeen-year-old crack would get me suspended from SoxTalk, and so I'm simply going to say that I don't feel you add anything worth responding to, I think your points are usually bogus, and I don't particularly care what you have to say, considering. I am officially putting you on my ignore list because I don't like you and never have.


Respectfully submitted,


-Gregory Pratt


I'm stunned nobody's made a crack about my title ("Brokeback Pratt"), given the maturity level.


No, since I don't drink or smoke weed, I haven't picked it up from there. And I never said that it's all right that Iran funds Hezbollah to begin with -- merely that there are mitigating circumstances that change things, one being that Iran isn't the sole sponsor of Hezbollah and that presenting its support of Hezbollah as evidence that we need to go to War with Iran to be foolhardy.


But thanks for misrepresenting what I said.

Go on, add a, "YOU DON'T WANT ISRAEL TO SUCCEED LOL WHY DON'T YOU SUPPORT THE JEWS!" while you're at it so we can go full circle.


see the forest through the trees, pratt. im not implying you smoke weed or drink illegally; it was an example used to illustrate how infantile the line of reasoning was. the last time i honestly heard it was as a sophmore in high school in reference to weed. the argument just blows.


you are qualifying your answer after the fact. instead of funding and arming known terrorists being ok, now its a "mitigating circumstance". then, to disguise your retreat, you throw in an all-caps (classy) comment about how i must be accusing you of wanting israel not to succeed. did you not tell me earlier to stop putting words in your mouth [pot calling kettle black]?


i support israel in this fight because the other side happens to be terrorists. the same goes for many here, i would imagine. islamic fundamental facism and oppression is a plague to this world. you seem to spend a lot of time defending it.

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QUOTE(samclemens @ Aug 3, 2006 -> 11:21 PM)
see the forest through the trees, pratt. im not implying you smoke weed or drink illegally; it was an example used to illustrate how infantile the line of reasoning was. the last time i honestly heard it was as a sophmore in high school in reference to weed. the argument just blows.


you are qualifying your answer after the fact. instead of funding and arming known terrorists being ok, now its a "mitigating circumstance". then, to disguise your retreat, you throw in an all-caps (classy) comment about how i must be accusing you of wanting israel not to succeed. did you not tell me earlier to stop putting words in your mouth [pot calling kettle black]?


i support israel in this fight because the other side happens to be terrorists. the same goes for many here, i would imagine. islamic fundamental facism and oppression is a plague to this world. you seem to spend a lot of time defending it.


You've got a lot of nerve to imply that I am defending Islamic Fascism. Do point me where I did such a thing, because I'm not so simple as to believe that saying, "War with Iran isn't inevitable, let's not go nuts!" is the same as, "I hate Israel," or even, "I'm indifferent to Israel." President Truman's my personal favorite partly because of his courage with Israel, and so to accuse me of supporting "the other side" is bull. Hell, I even said that an attack on Israel would call for American internvention, but the facts don't matter much. Iran is a lock to destroy Israel, the only thing to do is War, and no in-between exists.


About the all-caps comments: I was quite clearly satirizing the nature of Republican indignation. Sarcasm on the Internet doesn't have to be green.

About the substance: I never said that funding terrorism was okay to begin with. I was merely pointing out the nuance of the issue, the fact that Iran isn't the only one and that its support of terrorist groups does not necessarily call for War.

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QUOTE(Gregory Pratt @ Aug 4, 2006 -> 12:33 AM)
You've got a lot of nerve to imply that I am defending Islamic Fascism. Do point me where I did such a thing, because I'm not so simple as to believe that saying, "War with Iran isn't inevitable, let's not go nuts!" is the same as, "I hate Israel," or even, "I'm indifferent to Israel." President Truman's my personal favorite partly because of his courage with Israel, and so to accuse me of supporting "the other side" is bull. Hell, I even said that an attack on Israel would call for American internvention, but the facts don't matter much. Iran is a lock to destroy Israel, the only thing to do is War, and no in-between exists.


About the all-caps comments: I was quite clearly satirizing the nature of Republican indignation. Sarcasm on the Internet doesn't have to be green.

About the substance: I never said that funding terrorism was okay to begin with. I was merely pointing out the nuance of the issue, the fact that Iran isn't the only one and that its support of terrorist groups does not necessarily call for War.


hey, thats really great that you like truman and he happened to support israel. truman's first name was harry, and i like dirty harry movies, and clint eastwood played dirty harry, and clint eastwood knew...kevin bacon.


and no, i dont think i have a lot of nerve saying that to you. im only calling it like i see it. in this thread, you have been firmly anti-israel. AND you are a hypocrit, because earlier today you told me not to put words in your mouth, then you did it to me (was that before or after you called me son...). but, in another backtrack, its now been dubbed unmarked sarcasm by you, again after the fact. im being civil here but you are insulting everyone that disagrees with you.


when debating, you ought to concentrate more on the content of your argument, and worry less about finding ways to subtly insult people. i cant wait to see your play on my words used in this last sentence in your reply. im sure it will be extra witty and dry-but-not-outright-insulting. and because you are so good, i wont even catch it.

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QUOTE(samclemens @ Aug 3, 2006 -> 11:45 PM)
hey, thats really great that you like truman and he happened to support israel. truman's first name was harry, and i like dirty harry movies, and clint eastwood played dirty harry, and clint eastwood knew...kevin bacon.


Okay, I concede, I don't really like Jews, or Israel.

Homosexuals either, but that's beside the point.


and no, i dont think i have a lot of nerve saying that to you. im only calling it like i see it. in this thread, you have been firmly anti-israel. AND you are a hypocrit, because earlier today you told me not to put words in your mouth, then you did it to me (was that before or after you called me son...). but, in another backtrack, its now been dubbed unmarked sarcasm by you, again after the fact. im being civil here but you are insulting everyone that disagrees with you.


Blah, blah blah blah, blah blah blah blah, blaaaaaah.


I told you to tell me where I said something anti-Israel rather than anti-War. Either do that, or there's no reason for this to continue. You can call it as you see it all you'd like, but unless you have anything that a reasonable person would consider support of Islamic Facism, you're just looking at pink elephants.


when debating, you ought to concentrate more on the content of your argument, and worry less about finding ways to subtly insult people. i cant wait to see your play on my words used in this last sentence in your reply. im sure it will be extra witty and dry-but-not-outright-insulting. and because you are so good, i wont even catch it.


Blah, blah blah blah.

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Okay, I concede, I don't really like Jews, or Israel.

Homosexuals either, but that's beside the point.

Blah, blah blah blah, blah blah blah blah, blaaaaaah.


I told you to tell me where I said something anti-Israel rather than anti-War. Either do that, or there's no reason for this to continue. You can call it as you see it all you'd like, but unless you have anything that a reasonable person would consider support of Islamic Facism, you're just looking at pink elephants.

Blah, blah blah blah.




Need to take a chill pill Greg

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QUOTE(Gregory Pratt @ Aug 4, 2006 -> 12:49 AM)
Okay, I concede, I don't really like Jews, or Israel.

Homosexuals either, but that's beside the point.

Blah, blah blah blah, blah blah blah blah, blaaaaaah.


I told you to tell me where I said something anti-Israel rather than anti-War. Either do that, or there's no reason for this to continue. You can call it as you see it all you'd like, but unless you have anything that a reasonable person would consider support of Islamic Facism, you're just looking at pink elephants.

Blah, blah blah blah.


are we having some trouble admitting hypocrisy? aww, so stubborn. its ok.


how about when you quoted that crap study calling israel war criminals, and failed to include the findings on hezbollah? thats one example off the top of my head.


yes, blah blah blah. your arguments in this thread have pretty much been shot down, and you should stop insulting people who have a different viewpoint than you. like how you talked to WCsox, there was no reason for that. and to top it off you put him on your ignore list so that you dont have to deal with other points of view.

call it constructive criticism. you are going to find everyone confronting you if you argue this way. just try to act a little more mature.

Edited by samclemens
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QUOTE(samclemens @ Aug 3, 2006 -> 11:58 PM)
are we having some trouble admitting hypocrisy? aww, so stubborn. its ok.


how about when you quoted that crap study calling israel war criminals, and failed to include the findings on hezbollah? thats one example off the top of my head.


You made a mistake earlier in the thread that you conceded, and now you've made anoter. I haven't cited any studies. I think you're confusing me for another poster. :P


yes, blah blah blah. your arguments in this thread have pretty much been shot down, and you should stop insulting people who have a different viewpoint than you. like how you talked to WCsox, there was no reason for that. and to top it off you put him on your ignore list so that you dont have to deal with other points of view.

call is constructive criticism. you are going to find everyone confronting you if you argue this way. just try to act a little more mature.


I think it was more mature for me to let WCSox know that I don't care for his patronizing comments about my age, especially when he knows that I call everyone "son" or "dear boy" out of habit, and he knows that because we talked about it in private and I told him that I meant no harm by it.


I refuse to be baited by someone who's going to be taunting me about my age over a comment I made that they're all-too-aware of and all-too-okay of, and so I'm ignoring him. I'm sure his feelings aren't hurt by it.

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You made a mistake earlier in the thread that you conceded, and now you've made anoter. I haven't cited any studies. I think you're confusing me for another poster. :P

I think it was more mature for me to let WCSox know that I don't care for his patronizing comments about my age, especially when he knows that I call everyone "son" or "dear boy" out of habit, and he knows that because we talked about it in private and I told him that I meant no harm by it.


I refuse to be baited by someone who's going to be taunting me about my age over a comment I made that they're all-too-aware of and all-too-okay of, and so I'm ignoring him. I'm sure his feelings aren't hurt by it.



Happy 17th by the way making me feel old

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QUOTE(Gregory Pratt @ Aug 4, 2006 -> 01:04 AM)
You made a mistake earlier in the thread that you conceded, and now you've made anoter. I haven't cited any studies. I think you're confusing me for another poster. :P

I think it was more mature for me to let WCSox know that I don't care for his patronizing comments about my age, especially when he knows that I call everyone "son" or "dear boy" out of habit, and he knows that because we talked about it in private and I told him that I meant no harm by it.


I refuse to be baited by someone who's going to be taunting me about my age over a comment I made that they're all-too-aware of and all-too-okay of, and so I'm ignoring him. I'm sure his feelings aren't hurt by it.

dude, you are clearly on the ropes. i'll take my leave at this point in time. peace out.

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QUOTE(samclemens @ Aug 4, 2006 -> 12:07 AM)
dude, you are clearly on the ropes. i'll take my leave at this point in time. peace out.


how about when you quoted that crap study calling israel war criminals, and failed to include the findings on hezbollah? thats one example off the top of my head.


I didn't cite any such study. You're absolutely confused.

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I got a five out of five on the AP Test.


Why'd you stop teaching history?


Well I don't have much patience I am going through and getting a CJ degree and work with Forensic Science and work with crime scene science


One of the reason was I couldn't handle Answers like this:



What country did we purchase the Louisana Territory from: Answer Mexico

Who was involved in the corrupt bargin of 1824-25: Jefferson Davis

What was the Civil war fought over: Sugar Taxes

And the best one what is the Maine: A state in New England

Edited by minors
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QUOTE(minors @ Aug 4, 2006 -> 12:17 AM)
Well I don't have much patience I am going through and getting a CJ degree and work with Forensic Science and work with crime scene science


One of the reason was I couldn't handle Answers like this:

What country did we purchase the Louisana Territory from: Answer Mexico

Who was involved in the corrupt bargin of 1824-25: Jefferson Davis

What was the Civil war fought over: Sugar Taxes

And the best one what is the Maine: A state in New England


Yeah, I couldn't tolerate being a teacher, either. I wouldn't mind mentoring someone, provided they do everything I tell them! :D

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