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Winamp Question


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Alright, so when im listening to a song the next song starts 6 seconds before the first song is done playing.. I put it that way, but now its pissing me off and I cant remember what I did to mess with that feature.. does anyone know where to go on winamp to change this? I cant seem to find it anymore

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Go to the drop down equalizer. Near the bottom of the player there should be a button that says "CONFIG" press the button and that should bring up th equalizer. On the left side there should be a button with a light next to it and then a couple arrows with a number in the middle. That number is the set crossfade which should be a 6, just turn the light off or adjust the number.

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QUOTE(Kalapse @ Apr 25, 2007 -> 10:38 PM)
Go to the drop down equalizer. Near the bottom of the player there should be a button that says "CONFIG" press the button and that should bring up th equalizer. On the left side there should be a button with a light next to it and then a couple arrows with a number in the middle. That number is the set crossfade which should be a 6, just turn the light off or adjust the number.


Haha, I was just coming back here to post I found it.. For some reason I don't remember doing it like that, I thought I actually typed in how long for it to take.. I couldn't stand it cutting off my favorite part of "Them Bones" by Alice in Chains, was making me so mad..


However, I was expecting you would be the one to answer this..

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QUOTE(Kalapse @ Apr 26, 2007 -> 01:01 PM)
It doesn't do a single thing better than Winamp atleast from what I've seen.


I utilize ITunes' music store. Not to purchase music, but to listen to samples/search for oldies but goodies that I don't already have downloaded.


For instance, IMix' are fun to browse through and find some hidden gems.

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QUOTE(aboz56 @ Apr 26, 2007 -> 05:56 PM)
Winamp is obsolete in my eyes, I had it back in 2000 or so though.


It's not, actually. It just depends what the user wants. I got rid of iTunes because it took up too much RAM, always wanted me to update, had limited customability (is that a word?), and too many useless features that I couldn't get rid of. I don't use Winamp either, but it's certainly not obsolete.

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