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Ozzie's Double Standard


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It appears Ozzie has a double standard of how he manages certain players. I remember an incident with Uribe, I think it was in 2006 where he had a minor muschle injury. Ozzie was PO'd that he wasn't straight forward with him because Uribe wanted to play and thought he can play through it. He sat Uribe a couple of games to rest, but to also teach him a lesson. He ranted about how he needs open communication and he wasn't going to put an injured player out there if he was going to hurt the team.


Now we're in 2008. And while PK has probably been 100% truthful of his injury, he has clearly hurt the team (unless .200 hitters are in vogue now). Why isn't Ozzie sitting or DLing him so he can heal a bit. If he can't swing a bat because of a bad thumb, I see no reason to keep him playing everyday. Is it because he's the captain? His ability to turn the 3-6-3 DP a few times we need it a year?


And before I hear this crap about how we're in first place and I should relax, I would like to point out that if this team could hit a little better we could have a 7-8 game lead. I didnt' realize certain people are happy to struggly to stay in first and didn't want the "pressure" of a big lead. I'll take the big lead any day.


This situation isn't helping. I could understand hiding PK's bat if everyone else was hot, but we have 2 other guys who are bad right now and Ozzie is still playing them.




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Friday night Konerko hit the ball hard three times, including the home run. Before that DJ and Hawk said that PK was having better BPs. Maybe Ozzie saw the same thing. Besides, who ya gonna put in for PK? We're not exactly brimming with hitters on the bench.


I do think Ozzie has double standards, but I think the Uribe problem from a couple of years ago was that Ozzie felt Uribe was stringing him along.

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Ozzie's job is to get the best out of every player. To do that, he better not have a double standard, he better have 25 different standards, one for each player. What might be great for Buerhle, could be a disaster foir Jenks.

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Paul Konerko is a team leader and admited his injury. It seems as if a discussion has been held on his hand and he did sit out some time, but I don't think PK deceived Ozzie on his injury problem. I think he will break out of this slump soon and we have seen some pretty good at bats from him.

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I'm coming close to putting Konerko on the DL for at least 15 days. Maybe he's washed up, but hopefully it's just this injury, but he is hurting the team. Thome and Swisher aren't helping either, but you can't replace everyone, and I'm only suggesting this as a temporary fix to get Konerko healthy.


I'd seriously consider DLing Konerko, moving Swisher to 1B, and playing Anderson in CF for the next 15 days.

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Keep in mind that Konerko started out last year pretty much just like this one...


And then caught fire in June and July and carried the ballclub offensively for 2 months.


In fact, over the course of his career, April and May are his worst two months... and June is his best month.




Let's just hope the pattern repeats itself.

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QUOTE (Texsox @ Jun 1, 2008 -> 10:10 AM)
Ozzie's job is to get the best out of every player. To do that, he better not have a double standard, he better have 25 different standards, one for each player. What might be great for Buerhle, could be a disaster foir Jenks.



I see your point but what about what's best for the team?

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QUOTE (gosox41 @ Jun 1, 2008 -> 04:12 PM)
I see your point but what about what's best for the team?


That is what's best for the team. Each person is unique and motivated in a different way.

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