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LOL, have they ever done a study (I'm sure they have since they do studies on everything) to see if people who are "Cancer" get cancer more than people with other signs?

Well since masturbation apparently help aid in the prevention of prostate cancer, we can check that off the list... :headbang



But my question is, if this were the case, why does prostate cancer still exist? :huh:

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Man I am just waiting for everyone to start telling their signs...

Gemini, the third sign of the zodiac, is symbolized by the twins and ruled by the planet Mercury. As the name of their ruling planet suggests, these natives are pure 'quicksilver,' dazzling you with their mental brilliance and intriguing you with their quick-witted charm. Have you ever tried to hold onto a ball of mercury or quicksilver? It rolls around in your hand seeming to vibrate electrically as it darts every which way, trying to escape your grasp. Just when you think you have it under control, it splits into two, each ball shooting in different directions until you've lost them both. The average Gemini is just about as difficult to hold on to. Just when you think you've caught their attention, they're off in a flash, racing to another rendezvous or finding new adventure. Even the more sedate Geminis will seem to escape your scrutiny, as if shrouded in a silver cloud of mercurial vapor, ready to disappear like Merlin or change personalities as easily as a chameleon changes color, all at a moment's notice. Sometimes they'll even split into two, right before your eyes, and you'll swear you're talking to two different people.


If the Gemini native sounds a little puzzling to you, you're not alone. Few can fully understand the whimsical nature of this truly enigmatic sign. Now you see them, now you don't, and sometimes you'll see double. Gemini is the sign of the twins, remember, and you'll have to consider you're dealing with more than one personality. Within each Gemini man or woman is at least two people, sometimes more, and you'll have to learn to tell them apart if you are going to have any success at all in dealing with the capricious sign of the twins.


You can expect June-born to exemplify the qualities of their ruling planet, Mercury. There is an electrical quality, an alert cheerfulness, especially in the eyes, which can make them some of the most engaging people you'd ever want to meet. Their mental alacrity is matched only by the quickness and eagerness of their movements, all bound up in an almost inexhaustible supply of nervous energy. You'll think their only speed is fast forward, but in the next moment, they'll be suave, cool and collected, endearing you with their wit and charm. On again, off again; up again, down again; this is the restless pattern of the natives of Mercury, and you need only visualize tiny spurts and sparks of electrical energy emanating from within their animated personalities to complete the picture. Their eyes sparkle with all the effervescence of champagne, and you'll be reminded of the children's song, Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star. In their devilish smiles and knowing glances, you'll find an impish quality which keeps them eternally youthful .


The Gemini's build is usually slender, of average height or slightly taller, with a certain litheness of limb and movement. The arms may be unusually long, having the appearance of being loosely connected at the shoulders, and the natives may swing them when they walk in long sweeping movements. The features are finely chiseled but soft, with pleasing proportions. The eyes are most often light-colored, and the eyelashes are unusually dark and long, giving some female Geminis a somewhat feline appearance. Even the males will sometimes have eyelashes that would be the envy of many a female. The nose is usually straight, ranging from long to dainty, but never sharp, and the chin is usually well-proportioned and reserved. The general countenance is very alert and intelligent-looking, with a high degree of sensibility in all of the features.


The sign Gemini represents primarily the intellect and its communicative function, as quite apart from the functions of logic, analysis, and reasoning, which are perhaps better relegated to other signs. The Gemini has by no means been cut short of these latter faculties and can even bring them to quite magnificent expression. It's just that he generally becomes bored with their belabored intricacies, and would rather keep things on the light side. Thus we see born under this sign many newscasters, reporters, salesman, joke writers, clerks, actors and comedians, where dealing with the facts, or the topics themselves is all important, without delving too much into their ramifications or relationship to other things. The Gemini delights in the processing of information through his highly sophisticated, finely-tuned brain, and often he'll add twists of his own— an analogy, an alliteration, a rhyme, a quip, witticism, or double meaning to the subject at hand, with such speed, facility, and finesse, that you are left only to marvel at the high development of his mental faculty. Sometimes you can almost hear the computer-like clicking of mental synapses behind matter-of-fact but intelligent eyes, as he comes up with ingenious turns of phrase, one after the other, without raising an eyebrow or even changing expression. Not all Geminis will demonstrate such quick minds, but with these natives there will always be an element of cool objective detachment.


The Gemini's prime directive is communication, and he'll engage in witty conversation, read you the stock market report or give you a rundown of current events all with apparent ease. There may be an apparent lack of reaction to what he has said, keeping you to guess whether he has been affected by the impact of his words. Just listen to any newscaster on the evening news, and you can appreciate the Geminian matter-of-fact delivery. In every case, it is a planetary influence in Gemini which allows the newsperson to talk about hundreds killed in Afghanistan, tornados in the Mid-West, and the weather, all with about the same tone of expression.


Though cool as a cucumber they may be, Geminis can never be accused of callousness. Actually, once you get to know them, they can be as warm, as concerned as any sign in the zodiac. Their cheerful affability can brighten up even the worst of doldrums, and they will always be the first ones there when you need them. Mercurial expression, however, is not particularly emotional, and therein lies the crux of the Gemini duality. With these natives, the focus of consciousness tends more toward their intellectual side, sometimes outweighing the emotional perspective. There appears to be a predominance of intellect over emotion, but it is appearance only. Just because their focus is intellectual does not mean that these natives are without heart. The emotions are highly developed and intact, but the Gemini's "modus operandi" so to speak, is usually from an intellectual perspective, not precluding emotions, but merely overshadowing them a good deal of the time. When the Gemini does show his feelings, they are expressed through a veil of intellectualism, and have the appearance of being acted out rather than genuine, superficial rather than real. Thus emerges the other twin of the Gemini duality, where giddiness may represent love, and glibness genuine caring. This second twin actually becomes a psychological necessity, providing the emotional balance to the Gemini's intellectual nature.


By now you may have deduced that the Gemini can be quite a gadabout. It's true. Like Mercury, the "winged messenger of the gods," these light-footed couriers seem to be in constant motion, running household errands, off to an appointment at the manicurist (Geminis love to have their nails done), grabbing a bite to eat at a fast food place (they hate to take the time to sit down and eat), picking up the kids at school, stopping off at the local bookstore and returning books to the library, all in an afternoon. In their never-ending crusade against sedentariness, Geminis manage to find an endless array of mobile activities to occupy themselves, and never enough time to do them all. Try and accuse them of gallivanting around town, and they'll defend themselves indignantly, "But all those things have to be done!" They do have a point, but now that you've caught the Gemini between mercurial assignments, can he or she just sit down and relax? No. Right away, the June-born will get on the telephone, make appointments with the hairdresser or barber, chat with friends, discuss some business arrangements with a colleague and order some hors d'oeuvres for a party that night. Before you know it they are back on the road again. Needless to say, life is never dull with the sons or daughters of Mercury around. When their bodies stop moving, their minds click back into action, keeping mercurial winds blowing in the whirlwind of activity that always seems to surround them. They'll never get along with stick-in-the-muds who want to just sit around all day. A Gemini just won't be held down.


As you might expect, Geminis can never aspire to a monotonous occupation or profession, or any humdrum activity that doesn't give vent to their restless natures. Gemini natives are endowed with an insatiable curiosity, and they need variety in everything they do—their occupation, hobbies, interests, foods, recreation, and romance. If you're married to a Gemini, take heart. June born will rarely seek variety outside of the marriage, but they'll look to you for that extra measure of spice. Their romantic escapades rarely go beyond flirtation, but they are flirts! You may have to get used to calls in the wee hours from certain impressionable admirers who had fallen prey to your Gemini's cool, suave charms, and had taken them seriously.


It is a well-known fact that Geminis may tend to have a little 'larceny in their blood.' Their keen intelligence, their suave, debonair manner, their lightning-fast responses when under fire, and their superior mental abilities, all add up to the perfect attributes for a manipulator of any kind. Few Geminis will sink to the level of orchestrating schemes, but when they do, they are usually very good at it, and seldom get caught. To them, capers are just another mental game, and the Gemini can find immense pleasure in matching wits with the law or the public and coming out the victor. The average Gemini, however, manages to restrict his lower impulses to activities of less consequence. Little white lies are their foible, and they'll practice their art of verbal houdinism just for the fun of it. Next time you're in the market for a used car, better check out the salesman's birthday. If he's a Gemini, you could go home thinking you've bought a cherry of an automobile and end up with less than you bargained for.


Sincerity has never been one of their strong points, and Geminis can deliver a pretty convincing line of smooth flattery now and then, just for the sheer relish of the moment, without dreaming it could lead to anything. Intentional or not, their glib conversation can get them into some pretty embarrassing situations. As their dual natures would have it, however, they can talk themselves out of a jam just as easily as they got themselves into it, with equally convincing candor. What's worse is you'll believe them. Such is the Gemini's mastery of the language to be able to manipulate your thinking in any way he sees fit, to steer the bend of the conversation to any advantage he so desires, and have you love him for it. One minute you'll find yourself agreeing with him on a point, and in the next contradicting yourself by taking the opposite view, all through his ingeniously subtle prompting and mental sleight-of-hand. Some June-born will take devilish delight in bewildering you with their lightning-fast mental processes, and instead of being annoyed at their little game, you'll be fascinated by their mental adroitness. :D

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Well since masturbation apparently help aid in the prevention of prostate cancer, we can check that off the list... :headbang



But my question is, if this were the case, why does prostate cancer still exist? :huh:

Because men are too stubborn to go to the doctor once a year and have it checked out. No guy in 2003 should die from prostate cancer.

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Gemini, the third sign of the zodiac, is symbolized by the twins and ruled by the planet Mercury. As the name of their ruling planet suggests, these natives are pure 'quicksilver,' dazzling you with their mental brilliance and intriguing you with their quick-witted charm. Have you ever tried to hold onto a ball of mercury or quicksilver? It rolls around in your hand seeming to vibrate electrically as it darts every which way, trying to escape your grasp. Just when you think you have it under control, it splits into two, each ball shooting in different directions until you've lost them both. The average Gemini is just about as difficult to hold on to. Just when you think you've caught their attention, they're off in a flash, racing to another rendezvous or finding new adventure. Even the more sedate Geminis will seem to escape your scrutiny, as if shrouded in a silver cloud of mercurial vapor, ready to disappear like Merlin or change personalities as easily as a chameleon changes color, all at a moment's notice. Sometimes they'll even split into two, right before your eyes, and you'll swear you're talking to two different people.


If the Gemini native sounds a little puzzling to you, you're not alone. Few can fully understand the whimsical nature of this truly enigmatic sign. Now you see them, now you don't, and sometimes you'll see double. Gemini is the sign of the twins, remember, and you'll have to consider you're dealing with more than one personality. Within each Gemini man or woman is at least two people, sometimes more, and you'll have to learn to tell them apart if you are going to have any success at all in dealing with the capricious sign of the twins.


You can expect June-born to exemplify the qualities of their ruling planet, Mercury. There is an electrical quality, an alert cheerfulness, especially in the eyes, which can make them some of the most engaging people you'd ever want to meet. Their mental alacrity is matched only by the quickness and eagerness of their movements, all bound up in an almost inexhaustible supply of nervous energy. You'll think their only speed is fast forward, but in the next moment, they'll be suave, cool and collected, endearing you with their wit and charm. On again, off again; up again, down again; this is the restless pattern of the natives of Mercury, and you need only visualize tiny spurts and sparks of electrical energy emanating from within their animated personalities to complete the picture. Their eyes sparkle with all the effervescence of champagne, and you'll be reminded of the children's song, Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star. In their devilish smiles and knowing glances, you'll find an impish quality which keeps them eternally youthful .


The Gemini's build is usually slender, of average height or slightly taller, with a certain litheness of limb and movement. The arms may be unusually long, having the appearance of being loosely connected at the shoulders, and the natives may swing them when they walk in long sweeping movements. The features are finely chiseled but soft, with pleasing proportions. The eyes are most often light-colored, and the eyelashes are unusually dark and long, giving some female Geminis a somewhat feline appearance. Even the males will sometimes have eyelashes that would be the envy of many a female. The nose is usually straight, ranging from long to dainty, but never sharp, and the chin is usually well-proportioned and reserved. The general countenance is very alert and intelligent-looking, with a high degree of sensibility in all of the features.


The sign Gemini represents primarily the intellect and its communicative function, as quite apart from the functions of logic, analysis, and reasoning, which are perhaps better relegated to other signs. The Gemini has by no means been cut short of these latter faculties and can even bring them to quite magnificent expression. It's just that he generally becomes bored with their belabored intricacies, and would rather keep things on the light side. Thus we see born under this sign many newscasters, reporters, salesman, joke writers, clerks, actors and comedians, where dealing with the facts, or the topics themselves is all important, without delving too much into their ramifications or relationship to other things. The Gemini delights in the processing of information through his highly sophisticated, finely-tuned brain, and often he'll add twists of his own— an analogy, an alliteration, a rhyme, a quip, witticism, or double meaning to the subject at hand, with such speed, facility, and finesse, that you are left only to marvel at the high development of his mental faculty. Sometimes you can almost hear the computer-like clicking of mental synapses behind matter-of-fact but intelligent eyes, as he comes up with ingenious turns of phrase, one after the other, without raising an eyebrow or even changing expression. Not all Geminis will demonstrate such quick minds, but with these natives there will always be an element of cool objective detachment.


The Gemini's prime directive is communication, and he'll engage in witty conversation, read you the stock market report or give you a rundown of current events all with apparent ease. There may be an apparent lack of reaction to what he has said, keeping you to guess whether he has been affected by the impact of his words. Just listen to any newscaster on the evening news, and you can appreciate the Geminian matter-of-fact delivery. In every case, it is a planetary influence in Gemini which allows the newsperson to talk about hundreds killed in Afghanistan, tornados in the Mid-West, and the weather, all with about the same tone of expression.


Though cool as a cucumber they may be, Geminis can never be accused of callousness. Actually, once you get to know them, they can be as warm, as concerned as any sign in the zodiac. Their cheerful affability can brighten up even the worst of doldrums, and they will always be the first ones there when you need them. Mercurial expression, however, is not particularly emotional, and therein lies the crux of the Gemini duality. With these natives, the focus of consciousness tends more toward their intellectual side, sometimes outweighing the emotional perspective. There appears to be a predominance of intellect over emotion, but it is appearance only. Just because their focus is intellectual does not mean that these natives are without heart. The emotions are highly developed and intact, but the Gemini's "modus operandi" so to speak, is usually from an intellectual perspective, not precluding emotions, but merely overshadowing them a good deal of the time. When the Gemini does show his feelings, they are expressed through a veil of intellectualism, and have the appearance of being acted out rather than genuine, superficial rather than real. Thus emerges the other twin of the Gemini duality, where giddiness may represent love, and glibness genuine caring. This second twin actually becomes a psychological necessity, providing the emotional balance to the Gemini's intellectual nature.


By now you may have deduced that the Gemini can be quite a gadabout. It's true. Like Mercury, the "winged messenger of the gods," these light-footed couriers seem to be in constant motion, running household errands, off to an appointment at the manicurist (Geminis love to have their nails done), grabbing a bite to eat at a fast food place (they hate to take the time to sit down and eat), picking up the kids at school, stopping off at the local bookstore and returning books to the library, all in an afternoon. In their never-ending crusade against sedentariness, Geminis manage to find an endless array of mobile activities to occupy themselves, and never enough time to do them all. Try and accuse them of gallivanting around town, and they'll defend themselves indignantly, "But all those things have to be done!" They do have a point, but now that you've caught the Gemini between mercurial assignments, can he or she just sit down and relax? No. Right away, the June-born will get on the telephone, make appointments with the hairdresser or barber, chat with friends, discuss some business arrangements with a colleague and order some hors d'oeuvres for a party that night. Before you know it they are back on the road again. Needless to say, life is never dull with the sons or daughters of Mercury around. When their bodies stop moving, their minds click back into action, keeping mercurial winds blowing in the whirlwind of activity that always seems to surround them. They'll never get along with stick-in-the-muds who want to just sit around all day. A Gemini just won't be held down.


As you might expect, Geminis can never aspire to a monotonous occupation or profession, or any humdrum activity that doesn't give vent to their restless natures. Gemini natives are endowed with an insatiable curiosity, and they need variety in everything they do—their occupation, hobbies, interests, foods, recreation, and romance. If you're married to a Gemini, take heart. June born will rarely seek variety outside of the marriage, but they'll look to you for that extra measure of spice. Their romantic escapades rarely go beyond flirtation, but they are flirts! You may have to get used to calls in the wee hours from certain impressionable admirers who had fallen prey to your Gemini's cool, suave charms, and had taken them seriously.


It is a well-known fact that Geminis may tend to have a little 'larceny in their blood.' Their keen intelligence, their suave, debonair manner, their lightning-fast responses when under fire, and their superior mental abilities, all add up to the perfect attributes for a manipulator of any kind. Few Geminis will sink to the level of orchestrating schemes, but when they do, they are usually very good at it, and seldom get caught. To them, capers are just another mental game, and the Gemini can find immense pleasure in matching wits with the law or the public and coming out the victor. The average Gemini, however, manages to restrict his lower impulses to activities of less consequence. Little white lies are their foible, and they'll practice their art of verbal houdinism just for the fun of it. Next time you're in the market for a used car, better check out the salesman's birthday. If he's a Gemini, you could go home thinking you've bought a cherry of an automobile and end up with less than you bargained for.


Sincerity has never been one of their strong points, and Geminis can deliver a pretty convincing line of smooth flattery now and then, just for the sheer relish of the moment, without dreaming it could lead to anything. Intentional or not, their glib conversation can get them into some pretty embarrassing situations. As their dual natures would have it, however, they can talk themselves out of a jam just as easily as they got themselves into it, with equally convincing candor. What's worse is you'll believe them. Such is the Gemini's mastery of the language to be able to manipulate your thinking in any way he sees fit, to steer the bend of the conversation to any advantage he so desires, and have you love him for it. One minute you'll find yourself agreeing with him on a point, and in the next contradicting yourself by taking the opposite view, all through his ingeniously subtle prompting and mental sleight-of-hand. Some June-born will take devilish delight in bewildering you with their lightning-fast mental processes, and instead of being annoyed at their little game, you'll be fascinated by their mental adroitness. :D

Virgo which somehow fit into the masturbate to avoid prostate cancer . . .

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Clujer, what is your weight? what are you trying to get down to?  How have you lost the initial 12.5?


I was 160, in 2 days I have gone down to 156, I hope to get down to 140.  It may sound ridiculous to be trying to lose 20 pounds at 16, but I need to do it for cross country.


So far my strategy is

A) Avoid sugary foods (soda, desserts, etc.)

B: No food between meals (except water and carrots)

C) Run

D) Avoid breakfast (this is easy because I usually wake up betwee 11-12 so I just go straight to lunch)

Do you have any suggestions for me

You're on track with staying away from sugar. Also, try and stay away from carbs and for even better results don't mix your carbs and protein. If you have a carb meal have it early in the day then wait three hours in between a carb and protein meal. You can eat veggies with both meals but fruit you should eat alone and wait two hours to eat another meal. It's a chemical balance thing. I've lost 25 lbs in six weeks doing this.


Don't forget to also drink 64oz of water a day (8 glasses). Good luck.

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Clujer, what is your weight? what are you trying to get down to?  How have you lost the initial 12.5?


I was 160, in 2 days I have gone down to 156, I hope to get down to 140.  It may sound ridiculous to be trying to lose 20 pounds at 16, but I need to do it for cross country.


So far my strategy is

A) Avoid sugary foods (soda, desserts, etc.)

B: No food between meals (except water and carrots)

C) Run

D) Avoid breakfast (this is easy because I usually wake up betwee 11-12 so I just go straight to lunch)

Do you have any suggestions for me

You're on track with staying away from sugar. Also, try and stay away from carbs and for even better results don't mix your carbs and protein. If you have a carb meal have it early in the day then wait three hours in between a carb and protein meal. You can eat veggies with both meals but fruit you should eat alone and wait two hours to eat another meal. It's a chemical balance thing. I've lost 25 lbs in six weeks doing this.


Don't forget to also drink 64oz of water a day (8 glasses). Good luck.

BTW, stay away from Carrots and Bananas. They are very high in sugar. You're better of with green beans (very good) and watermelon (mostly water).

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