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Tennis anyone??


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I dont know if anyone watches tennis, but in the US Open going on right now in USA, Henin Hardene and Capriti are putting on one hell of a match... henin hardene just came back a break to get it to 5-4 in the 3rd set, and its past midnight over there, lots of drama...


lol.. anyway... go sox + #45!

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GO ANNA  :lol:


Sssshhh...don't tell me she's just an analyst.

Lol... i wont...


Anyway, that was one of the best womens matches i've ever seen, sure is nice seeing tennis without those damn william sisters.... God i hate venus!

Great come back for Justine, down 5-3, and winning the tiebreaker convincenly.



Tomorrows final should be good...


Clisters or however you spell it is one gritty player though...

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Man that was one hell of a match. I was watching it today when da Sox were playing. I'm glad Hewitt got knocked out even though I'm an Aussie. Most ppl down here including myself think he's nothing but a stupid insensitive little punk brat who deserves all the bad luck he's got coming to him. I hope Roddick wins, cos he deserves to win a major the way he's serving and playing at da moment.

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Man that was one hell of a match. I was watching it today when da Sox were playing. I'm glad Hewitt got knocked out even though I'm an Aussie. Most ppl down here including myself think he's nothing but a stupid insensitive little punk brat who deserves all the bad luck he's got coming to him. I hope Roddick wins, cos he deserves to win a major the way he's serving and playing at da moment.

Holy s***, I've seen just a little of ARodd.....that's not fair. How do you beat that guy? He only serves it 140-150 MPH.....if he's getting that in, just retire. It's better then getting hit in the face by it(which one guy did earlier this week).


He's a cock-ass, but he's in that Jeremy Shockey group as far as I'm concerned. If you can back it up, you can talk. If not, don't open you're mouth.

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Holy s***, I've seen just a little of ARodd.....that's not fair.  How do you beat that guy?  He only serves it 140-150 MPH.....if he's getting that in, just retire.  It's better then getting hit in the face by it(which one guy did earlier this week).

His mental game and decision making is just brutal. That's how he loses. He has the talent to be a Sampras caliber player, but he won't be until he gets his head on straight.

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His mental game and decision making is just brutal. That's how he loses. He has the talent to be a Sampras caliber player, but he won't be until he gets his head on straight.

Oh, speaking of that, Agassi....it is a thing of beauty watching him play sometimes. Those drop shots and lob shots.....in-frickin-credible.


I can only wonder how good their(speaking of Steffi and Andre's kid here) is going to be.

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