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Danny Dravot

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Everything posted by Danny Dravot

  1. Ok...so there’s a guy paddle boarding. He’s alone, 30-40 yards off an empty beach, minding his own business, presenting no danger to anyone. A police boat with 4-5 officers pulls up next to him, talks to him briefly, and then hauls him on board to take him to jail where a bunch of other actual vagabonds await. Guy went from being alone with no chance of infection to interacting with possibly dozens of strangers. Forget the Constitution for a minute. Is this course of action wise? I’m all for a mask mandate. I’m all for outside dining only. I’m all for virtual learning (with an eye towards returning based on actual data). I’ve also had a bout with corona. So I’m not some Trumpist dingbat who thinks it’s a hoax to destroy the economy and bring on the rule of the pedophiles, and I am taking this seriously. But our “lockdown” was a massive, idiotic cockup.
  2. What do you think should be done? Full lockdown? How would that work? Cops arresting everyone who isn’t a grocery store, fast food, or Door Dash worker? We were doing that back in March where cops were arresting paddleboarders for daring to be outside and it didn’t work and was also insanely unconstitutional. Not to mention society’s just too complex to shut down these days. I think TexSox is right on the money about responsibility. Trump should have been stressing duty and responsibility from the get go (not surprised he didn’t though). If you don’t wear a mask in a store, you’re out. If you want to challenge that, the cops will come and haul you out. Anyways, I’m super out of the loop. What is going on with Trump? They’re obfuscating his true condition, is that pretty much it?
  3. Anything else, and I’d agree with you. But for an abuser/stalker (she wanted a restraining order so I’ll make this assumption) who kills his ex girlfriend for having the audacity to break up with him? Yep. Handle this yourself and prevent us from having to do it for you.
  4. I am as livid as I can be about that GIDP. They totally quit on us.
  5. I wasn’t mad at his groundout last night or the one earlier, but the lack of hustle there infuriates me. Fuck this team. I’m out.
  6. I think @Baron has been making a really good point. We are taking next year’s playoffs for granted. 1- the format might be much narrower and 2- we’ve never made the playoffs in consecutive years, ever. I think our rebuild has given us a stronger core that can finally do it, but this “house money” attitude where we keep mediocre prospects because we need to find out what they are instead of plussing up and gunning it for the now is dangerous.
  7. I love this team. That’s why I loathe bad players on this team. We have a lot of them.
  8. I’m on a phone trying to pick up my kids and get dinner, so thanks. You are saying everything I’d say with more time.
  9. THANK YOU!!!! Have fun slobbering over Stiever’s potential for a 2 WAR career, y’all. Lynn or Clevinger with us means likely ALCS. Not having a third SP means this embarrassment.
  10. No he was our offseason prize. No way can we admit he’s a fucking clown and dump him.
  11. That’s the season. Lot of pieces of shit on this team that don’t need to be here next year.
  12. Grandal is such a fucking dope. Elite defense my ass.
  13. I would have kept going with Heuer. If that was absolutely unacceptable, I would have acted like Rodon didn’t exist. With all due respect, wanting Cease in this game is insanity.
  14. Who was? Who is going to pitch is the question. It’s looking a lot like Cease is going to be pitching late in a close game. Is that what you want?
  15. Dunning will probably be decent. Cease has a long way to go. Stiever will probably not amount to anything. Kopech is gonna be 25 w/o throwing an MLB pitch for two years. I want them to pan out, but prospects fail. It happens. Unless it’s a Vaughn or Robert, you ALWAYS give that future potential up for talent now.
  16. With no backing? Are you watching the game? Have you watched any of the games? People knew Rodon was a bad choice at the very moment Renteria made it. Some people were intrigued by his aggressiveness with Dunning, and we understand the Crochet issue, but we knew it was getting nutty with Bummer and Heuer. There’s no Monday morning QB here. Ricky gets criticized on the spot and the b****ers and moaners are usually right.
  17. Oh but it was a great manipulation of the three strike rule to relieve a pitcher who was wrongfully inserted into the game in the first place!
  18. I would have dumped Heuer, Stiever, Kopech, Dunning, Adolfo, Bailey...literally anyone except Vaughn and probably a massive combination of such, for Lynn, Clevinger, or the like.
  19. That IBB was idiotic. Honestly, he should have been fired on the spot. It was Chad fucking Pinder! Skip him and load them for Canha, just to get rid of a fucking schmuck who shouldn’t have been pitching in the first place??
  20. I’m swearing it right now, I will not watch next year if Renteria is still managing.
  21. This is stressful but also boring as fuck, if I’m being honest.
  22. Tie game. This is total fucking bullshit. Ricky needs to be fired as soon as the last pitch is thrown.
  23. Rodon shouldn’t have been in in the first place.
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