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Danny Dravot

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Everything posted by Danny Dravot

  1. He drilled the one yesterday. Can’t fault him for that. This one, OTOH...
  2. So much for the “who the fuck is starting” debate.
  3. They showed an angle where the ball hit the cutoff man at the moment Nick hit third. He would have been out.
  4. Eh. He would have been doomed at the plate. Cmon Yaz.
  5. Uh I really don’t want to run up his pitch count, not score, and deal with the As bullpen for the rest of the day.
  6. “Ball 1, did he go?” Yeah this announcer is a doofus.
  7. ESPN2 and ESPNews both have the same basketball dogshit on. Fucking lame.
  8. I would 100% contract the entire NBA. Basketball sucks.
  9. I found it on ESPN3 in Spanish, but the screen is black. Seriously, I fucking hate ESPN.
  10. Are we on ESPNews until this snooze fest in Atlanta is over?
  11. I’ve been looking forward to this all day, so please please PLEASE don’t let the game be totally over in the first thirty minutes or so. I feel like that happens too much.
  12. Except Keuchel was actually good in the regular season.
  13. To be fair, owning “us” from 2011-19 was a lot easier than owning us now.
  14. I agree. I thought it was a hit off the bat. Not really much to blame in this game, other than Madrigal’s inexperience. Terrified of Dunning going tomorrow, but I thought Keuchel was going to dominate today, so what do I know. Baseball is weird.
  15. Whatever buddy, it was a joke. I’ll remember to just fuss about the umps with the same exact verbiage as everybody else in the future, though. Thanks!
  16. I want Collins to get more playing time, but I don’t want him to get 16 ABs all year and then come in after a month off and hit in a big spot. Renteria is EASILY the worst manager in my lifetime. And I have some memory of Terry Bevington.
  17. Since 2004, we are 13 games better than the Twins in postseason play. I really want to advance, but the Twins losing combined with knowing this division is pretty much ours from here forward, makes me OK with whatever happens. Although I’m getting to a point where I want Little Dick Nick to go away.
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