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Everything posted by greg775

  1. How old is Everett? I don't want to become the Baltimore Orioles of a few years ago and have aging stiffs on the team.
  2. Glad you guys like the trade. Hopefully it'll work out. It's really all up to Roberto because we gave up a No. 1 draft pick for him. Royce is a future star, right?
  3. Please don't make it Lofton. You said: "Man some of you guys are really crazy. WE b**** because we dont have enough to win, and then when the GM goes out and makes a good trade, and is trying to make another, you b****. To those selected few, are you EVER happy? KW is TRYING." I don't think they were b****ing, just saying KW better not give away all our good prospects by this evening. That ain't b****ing with KW's track record. I mean Alomar's stats suck, pure and simple. Look at them. And he's 36 if he's not lying about his age. I hope it's a great trade for us. But it's OK to question KW in my opinion because KW is an idiot.
  4. If we trade Maggs I'm done with baseball. I won't follow it any more. Anybody a little worried Alomar is over the hill? Not to be a pessimist, but I thought Ring was a god.
  5. Roman you are not the devil, but why not just enjoy the players who are producing? And how do you feel about Mark B now? I haven't seen all your posts. You been giving him some kudos? Roman smell the roses. We're winning. Keep Esteban and enjoy his magical season.
  6. We do draw well on special promotion nights. It does show baseball has outpriced itself. There is no f***ing reason baseball needed to overspend for players like it did when all the owners ruined the game by outbidding each other. Ticket prices are way too high and our fans prove it. Our fans come out on these Monday night deals. Tomorrow night if there's no promotion, it'll be 19,500 at max. right? Shame on you, baseball. You charge too much loot.
  7. Two hits tonight for Willie ain't half bad. Rios and Olivo were the only 0-fers in the lineup. And I like Olivo. Rios blows however. I like our lineup better when only one of the Harris-D'Angelo combo plays, though Aaron only got 1 hit in the No. 2 slot.
  8. Good point Mathew. You don't deserved to be called names. Your opinion is as good as anybody's. Go Sox!
  9. I'm sick of talking about trading guys who are producing. Trade prospects who will never pan out for Roberto alomar or better yet, Beltran when the Royals are ready to ship him.
  10. Great crowd; great win. Garland does well; even Willie triples and gets 2 hits. Home runs galore. Wow. Very nice win to kick their ass after the game 3 loss to the Scrubs.
  11. Good point Molto. Loaiza has been awesome. He gets an A plus right now on the first half.
  12. I like the positive posts on Aaron. Roman, why not just enjoy the fact Rowand had a helluva series and saved us in Game 2. It was a great hit, a great moment and like somebody said on here that was at the game, we just knew we were gonna win it in the ninth. It was not if, but when. Great post by whoever said the Cub fans were hiding in the exits ready to exit quickly. If he rallies and makes a career of it, good for him. Why say he sucks completely? He's hot and we're hot.
  13. I did not realize White had been doing that well. Nice. And hasn't Gordon been better of late? As far as PK, I don't sense hatred of him on here or people bagging on him too much, just people shaking their head wondering how he could be so pathetic after being a star. It's almost like give Paul a break and give the fans a break by just shutting it down til next season. Also, not too many on here turned on Mark B. Just Roman basically. I sense the others wished he'd get it together but gave him some slack. I simply don't like Harris or D'Angelo. We were spoiled with Durham and Harris simply can't hit.
  14. Can never complain of four of six. The key is to keep it going and start hitting more consistently somehow. I'm afraid the hitting thing is not gonna happen, however, though we have had some better performances of late. Today was not one of them, five hits? not good.
  15. Hey Jim I just saw your post in the other thread. We are thinking the same. Hope we don't give up too much for Singleton, but Harris and D'Angelo at the top of the order are abysmal.
  16. greg775

    Its okay

    2 of 3 isn't bad with our payroll and management. The Yanks should take all 6 from the Mets and are doing so.
  17. Willie Harris cannot hit the baseball. What is our infatuation with him? Do any of you on here like Harris? If so please tell me what positives he has? What does our organization see in this guy besides speed?
  18. Not me. Koch actually looked good today, didn't he? He looked fairly strong.
  19. Jim said: That was a great swing by Rowand. I hope JM realizes he hit it off a right hander and leaves him out there for a few days. Man, I agree. Though Jerry has been pushing the right buttons of late. At this point in time, however, I like the way Aaron is swinging the bat and would rather see him in there than Willie. But JM is the man right now with his moves.
  20. I believe you ncorbl but why wouldn't he want to be here of late? We are showing some life. We have several fellow Spanish players. As far as the look on his face, give me a break people. WHo gives a f*** what look he has on his face. That is absurd stuff right there.
  21. I agree. When this team gets fired up like against Cubs and Minn., it's been pretty good baseball. Can we keep it up?
  22. Do you think he's another Ron Kittle? Good for a while then one day it was all over at a young age. Couldn't hit any more.
  23. Good God, maybe Aaron is gonna be a player after all. Hasn't been nice lately to see so many aggressive swings from Aaron, Jose V and some other guys? Very nice.
  24. greg775


    He is no dumbf*** today. That kind of hit shows me something. I think I need to give him some slack. One wise coach once told me he told his college players, "the best way to shut people up is to produce." D'Angelo produced as did Aaron shutting people up! Now as far as paulie ... poor paulie.
  25. I'm like you. Holy s*** are the words that come to mind. We won despite those incredible cub catches at the fence! Many contributors! Guys picking up guys who flopped in the game! Nice win, White Sox. Very nice. These guys deserve credit today. Many heroes. Good job.
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