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Everything posted by greg775

  1. Great post! I tip my cap to Flash. I also was horrified at his performance early and wanted to get rid of him. Hopefully he can keep it up. Koch scares me to death.
  2. You said it Donkey, we sure are pitching well. Hope we can start playing better on the road.
  3. Great test for us at this time. Let's see if we can suck it up and bag a big victory or get 4 hits and lose.
  4. If we make another trade for Ponson I say we give up 2 f***ing stiff minor leaguers that nobody cares about and give them money. I'm sick of making "real" trades that involve "real" prospects.
  5. I'm just glad we don't have Lofton. Yuk.
  6. Well, it's happening again. We're playing well. Our 2 new guys appear to be now fitting in pretty well (Alomar's defense is great and Everett has been playing team ball and been very aggressive at the plate), we are hitting home runs pretty consistently and as usual our starting pitching has been good. And oh yes, Frank is hitting the crud out of the ball and resembling a star again. Ditto Maggs. We've crept back to .500 and are again within striking distance of a first-place team (Royals) that could go in the tank at any time. The question is ... do we dare believe we have our act together and aside from the problem with Koch we are going to contend and maybe win the division? Or are we the same team that will soon lose 5 of 6 and dip down again with Minn. continuing to win and win the division? What is the verdict? I dare not guess. I liked what I saw in watching today's game but this team has fooled me before on the negative side of the ledger. Are we gonna win the division or not? Are we a good team or not?
  7. At least Gordon got the job done tonight, so we should be elated. Right? We win.
  8. greg775


    Great post, Steff. I heard Brantley say that too. Geez ... how can he blame Koch's miseries on Manuel? Koch has sucked because of Koch.
  9. D'Angelo was this year's Kenny Lofton. Looked great early and got me excited, then he sucked so badly. He is another Clayton/Todd Ritchie in my book. I never want to hear about him again.
  10. greg775


    He sure has pitched poorly for us most of the time. I wouldn't be against getting rid of him. Maybe we can get some prospects back.
  11. greg775


    The Royals are capable of losing 10 in a row at some point because they are the Royals. But they are playing damn hard and pitching well and fielding well. Their closer can implode, but they have heart and I don't think we do.
  12. Nice to win 3 of 4 vs. the s*** Tigers. We did win three, right? I've been out of town. 3 of 4 is acceptable against that team.
  13. Oops, I forgot, our hitting has been horrific, though it's nice to see Paulie coming around. And nice hitting by Frank again today and of course Maggs.
  14. I don't really have hope but anything is possible. Our starting pitching has been pretty good. Our defense is pretty s***ty. Our closing sucks. I still expect Minn. to win it. Amazing how the Royals beat the M's 3 of 4 while Minn was winning 4 straight. Think how quickly things could have changed had the Royals lost all 4 to the M's (like we would have) and Minn won all four. Things can change in a hurry but yes I've given up, though I wouldn't bet my life on us NOT winning the division.
  15. greg775

    Tonights game

    If we win and show some passion, they will come. We have to win to draw fans. It's been that way forever.
  16. greg775


    I'm amazed that we never could replace Durham. I thought second basemen were a dime a dozen. I like alomar better than Everett.
  17. greg775


    The only way we'll compete is if we go crazy right after the break and become a totally different team. One that cares. It may sound crazy but that iin my opinion is our only hope. To go 8-1 or something like that and truly treat it like a second season. If we play like we did the first half, I predict we will finish about 10 below .500.
  18. It is amazing how slow we are as a team. Now that I've given up mentally, it's been easier to relax and enjoy the games. I'm not even mad watching Manuel leave Porzio in too long. It's rather amusing. p.s. Nice job by Paulie in game one. I give him kudos for another clutch moment.
  19. Nice. He is our best player. Decent job by Porzio tonight, but I have a feeling we're gonna lose Game Two.
  20. I have no problem with Mark B. He gives us a great effort every time out. Hell, he should go to the Cardinals. No doubt they have a better organization that this horses*** organization. If he stays healthy, it's obvious he'll be signing with st. looie as soon as possible.
  21. We ought to rebuild around defense and pitching. We can't hit, that's for sure.
  22. The Sun Times writer called the Sox the laughingstocks of baseball. That should be our new nickname The Chicago LaughingSox. All the hype about our two great trades last week has stopped. Now all we have left is the reality of the situation: Those 2 trades did nothing to help our club. Nice game tonight, boys. Great effort vs. the Indians, who soon figure to pass us in the standings. Oh well, at least we beat the Cubs four of six.
  23. greg775


    It's funny how when we win the first two games of a series (I know it's rare) we might as well concede Game 3 cause we ain't gonna sweep. Notice how Det. had no problem finishing off the Sox? Another alarming sign is we have no pride to at least win game 3.
  24. We might as well wait until the offseason and find a real manager somewhere. If we promote Backman and we play .550 ball or something, we'll probably keep him and he could also prove out to be a schumuck. Is laRussa happy in St. Looie? Would he return after the season?
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