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Everything posted by kane0730

  1. Dodger stadium plays big, especially at night. We are going to need to score some runs without, gulp...HR's.
  2. QUOTE (Controlled Chaos @ Jun 19, 2008 -> 01:19 PM) uggh...f***in Rongy.... Listening to this guy ALMOST makes me miss Singleton.
  3. God is there a worse broadcast team then Farmer/Rongey?? Where the hell is Stone????
  4. Anbody know where Steve Stone has been all week? The Ranger is brutal.
  5. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jun 17, 2008 -> 03:04 PM) No, it isn't. You're right. We face a Lefty on Wed & Thurs. BA will play then.
  6. Xavier Nady should miss this series, so that should help.
  7. QUOTE (maggsmaggs @ Jun 16, 2008 -> 12:37 PM) Others have said this as well. It's not that far-fetched, on the road, you are tired, jet lagged, you need something to get you "energized." How about 10 Red Bull's
  8. QUOTE (Kalapse @ Jun 5, 2008 -> 03:06 PM) See Gordon Beckham LIVE!! Tomorrow 11 AM CT ESPN: NCST vs UGA in a Super-Regional Playoff game! Good catch! Georgia is also on Sat. & Sun (If nec.).
  9. QUOTE (SoxFan562004 @ Jun 5, 2008 -> 02:57 PM) O's help us, they beat the Twins 3-2 The Twins with a Sox like performance: 2 Runs on 12 hits.
  10. QUOTE (DBAH0 @ Jun 5, 2008 -> 02:08 PM) Keep him away from Walker; Hitting Ability: Beckham is a line-drive hitter who consistently squares up on the ball and works the count to his advantage.
  11. QUOTE (BFirebird @ Jun 5, 2008 -> 01:28 PM) I never realized how much of a d bag he was. How is that possible
  12. Same line-up as last night: OC AJ CQ KONG THOME DYE SWISHER CREDE LEXI
  13. QUOTE (fathom @ Jun 4, 2008 -> 03:05 PM) Last time I saw highlights of him, he had a very good change-up. Great. The Sox hitters own pitchers with good change-ups. The right side of the Royals D better be ready for some big league pop-ups!
  14. QUOTE (fathom @ Jun 3, 2008 -> 03:00 PM) No...but maybe Swisher will take 6 pitches in each at bat and run his pitch count up.
  15. QUOTE (letsgoarow @ Jun 3, 2008 -> 02:10 PM) 12-3 sox Hope you're right!!!
  16. QUOTE (Gregory Pratt @ Jun 3, 2008 -> 01:35 PM) I'm going, but I want to know but have limited internet capabilities at the place I'm at so I'm asking the SoxTalk Maybe some delays, but they should get it in.
  17. My predicted line-up: Lexi OC CQ Dye AJ Kong Thome Crude Swisher Final Score: KC 4 Sox 2
  18. I just listened to Swisher's intview with North on the Score's homepage. Wow. Its amazing how much that guy talks without saying anything.
  19. QUOTE (whitesoxbrian @ Jun 2, 2008 -> 03:19 PM) First off, let me start out by saing F*** YOU FUKUDOME for not wanting to play here, and instead play for the North Siders because you'd be their first Japanese player. We could have easily traded JD for something and you could have played RF. Secondly, I think we have to package up PK, Crede, and Swisher for a guy like Matt Kemp or Jason Bay. They are both under-rated, since not many know who they are, however, they both are .290-.310 hitters who could help us a.s.a.p. Though, who would play 1st if we traded Konerko AND Swisher?? Fukudome would have played CF, thus the Swisher trade wouldn't have happened. Why do you think anybody would want our garbage?? These trade idea are becoming more and more absurd.
  20. Swisher sucks my ass for a living.
  21. Nice call on that Farmer. Could you been any LESS excited on a huge out!
  22. QUOTE (kane0730 @ May 28, 2008 -> 01:30 PM) i don't like pitching to victor here. I LOVE IT!!
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