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Everything posted by SoxFanForever

  1. Oh man, Konerko has just been so bad the second half...
  2. Roman, do you not hate Crede now?
  3. I'm not really surprised. I just wonder how long this "pain" has been affecting him and if it is something serious. I guess we will know soon.
  4. I guess never working with his catcher, not getting any rest and not getting to know how the game was going to be called had nothing to do with it? Give him a break Jordan...I have seen many worse outings from Danny boy and I am not worried about Cotts. I think if he is given another start he will be able to do much better and show what he can do. Nothing like kicking a guy when he is down, huh?
  5. I would like to see Wright given a shot as a closer. He has the stuff and could let it all out in one inning and not worry about conserving himself and not have to worry about showing all his pitches if he only faces guys once. He is usually very strong the first time guys face him. I would like to see him given a shot.
  6. Hey guys, just got back from the game. Got some pretty bad seats but not horrible. Was sitting at Section 554, Row 28 Seat 1. Last row from the top and middle left in the upper deck. It wasn't bad as I was told and I actually enjoyed the high view of everything. Just had a few annoying Royals fans behind me saying "Good eye" every time a Sox pitcher threw a ball. Was really wearing on me. Also saw a small fight in the upper deck and then a drunk moron try to start a fight and get cuffed and arrested near the gates. Looked like one of the guys from the Gamboa attack. Trash big time. Anyways, had a really good time and wondered who else went to the game?
  7. I'm about the last person to get uptight but, when I come here and read some peoples opinions I don't need to see your doom and gloom s*** every time. I understand you are depressive about the team and losing. Yet, it gets very old very fast. If you can make insightful and intelligent posts that state your opinion well then I wont have a problem with it. But, when you post "This team sucks!! Were 3 Games Back! BAHAHAHAH!" do you think anyone will respect that? Seriously? Most of the people on this board are older than you and do not overreact to every bad thing that happens. You need to view the season with an even head. Otherwise you are gonna have an ulcer and freak out every day. If anyone is uptight and not relaxed it is you. Relax and don't get so depressed about the small s***. It is only a game and there are plenty of teams that are better than ours statistically right now and win more. If you don't like this then you can go cheer them on.
  8. The stupid and childish posts outnumber the few and far between intelligent posts. Trust me.
  9. Yeah, enough of this childish s***. If he is going to act like this and rub losses in our faces and talk crap about over half of the team then he shouldn't even be here.
  10. Lol, one of the best crowds they draw all year and they have to get beat like this. This hurts. I will probably be going to the game tomorrow. Lets hope the result is different.
  11. I wouldn't miss Jose if he were gone next season.
  12. Rauch and Borchard already are im pretty sure and the others will be also. Also, does anyone know what is going to happen with White now? Is he gone or what?
  13. Guess this proves they aren't a secret partner with the Tribune company. Otherwise it would have a link about Frank Thomas and his contract.
  14. Haven't been posting on here much but been reading some of the posts. I am hoping to go to the mon and tues games with a few buddies. The place should be really packed. I'm stoked about this team right now.
  15. No doubt DK. That would just about sum up our season.
  16. Haha, I just made the same post. Guess we are all thinking the same thing.
  17. Title says it all. Good ol' Nate Cornejo, another nobody is putting up a no-no against us through 6. Part of me wants him to get it so we can lose Manuel. Then again, I doubt that would be enough of a clue for Sox brass to get rid of him. How about one lousy hit guys? That would be great right about now.
  18. Man, this lineup f***ing blows. Someone shoot Manuel now and get his ass out of town. :fyou JM
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