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Southside hitmen

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Everything posted by Southside hitmen

  1. We need a stud pitcher to go along with Buherle and Garcia like a Vasquez or AJ Burnett
  2. We got a good rotation but not solid... I wont count on Hernandez being healthy for the entire year and Contreras and Garland are avg pitchers
  3. Im hoping we sign both AJ and Iguchi along with trading Garland and Marte for Javier Vasquez& cash. Than just maybe we can take on the Yankees and than advance to the series for the first time in 45 years..
  4. If KW signs AJ and a 2nd baseman he deserves a high five and hopefully no one will bash him at sox fest... My lineup would be 1Podsednik 2 Uribe 3 Rowand 4 Thomas 5 Konerko 6 Dye 7 Pierzynski 8 Iguchi 9 Crede
  5. WSCR just reported that we offer AJ a deal hopefully he signs with us soon
  6. yes another starter I dont trust Hernandez being healthy... If we can get Loaiza to pitch long relief like he did in the playoffs. I would trust Loaiza alot more than Adkins
  7. If KW can sign Iguchi and AJ as well as getting another cheap veteran starter like Loaiza we should be favs to take the central division...
  8. I miss the Willie Harris interview on the score this morning just curious what he had to say.. Did anyone hear it so I can get a small recap
  9. May he rest in peace he was truly a hero on and off the field...
  10. A friend of mine who lives in NY says the Whitesox are talking to the Yankees about Vasquez according to WFAN.. I think maybe Marte and a high prospect might bring Javier to the south side.. If we do get Vasquez and sign Hernandez... We will have 3 pitchers who started for the yankees last year
  11. He wont becoming to the southside..KW mentions he doesnt fit into our plans after investigating him Source whitesox.com
  12. One player so far who wasnt offer a contract was Eric Munson of Detroit
  13. Just curious all last week the Score and Bruce Levine reported that AJ would sign with a team by monday... Does anyone have any updates who he might sign with im still hoping the Whitesox are going to sign him today
  14. Who to believe Gammons and the Score saying that the WSOX are huge part of the RJ trade and Bruce Levine saying its not going to happen.. If something is going to happen just do it now cant take it anymore with all the false reports
  15. I hope the Sox sign Steve Kline if they trade marte... Still have my fingers cross that we will be signing AJ in the next few days.. How about signing Tino Martinez if Korenko is traded
  16. I know KW is really high on Carlos Delgado from what I read during the season when he tried to make a trade for Delgado so just maybe if we trade Konerko. He will sign Delgado.. I think if KW trade Konerko,Marte and Garland we will get alot m ore back than just Vasquez
  17. Flash you dont know we might sign Perez tomorrow just let KW do his job and if the roster sucks on opening day than bash him than.. Just because Clement went to another team today doesnt mean that KW will stop looking for a quality starter..
  18. God all you people need to settle down and relax... KW didnt drop the ball their are still 4 quality free agent pitchers out there and if we sign one of them soon or make a trade for someone like a Washburn or Burnett. Than all the same people bashing KW now would be kissing his ass.. I cant believe how many wind socks we have here... Plus opening day is 4 months away it is not tomorrow so relax
  19. Would love to get Washburn he would be a solid addition to the Sox
  20. Does anyone know what pitchers might be Non-Tender this upcoming week
  21. I guess we will have to go after Perez now...
  22. Perez signs a one year deal according to the trib
  23. 1 Podsednik LF 2 Uribe SS 3 Rowand CF 4 Thomas DH 5 Korenko 1B 6 Dye RF 7 Pierzynski C 8 Crede 3B 9 Cairo 2B
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