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Everything posted by GoSox05

  1. Between this and liberals yesterday getting mad at Bernie Sanders for criticizing Jeff Bezos for his extreme wealth on Amazon prime day. Politics in America are just garbage.
  2. You sharing a tweet from a guy who works at the Daily Wire says a lot. A website owned by a guy who thinks that Palestinians should be ethnically cleansed. Are you sure you aren't a Republican? Maybe you should stop attacking the Democratic Party with right wing propaganda.
  3. They won't and they don't. People keep on trying to convince themselves that a party of insane people is going to one day just calm itself down.
  4. I honestly don't think Trump understands any of the stuff with Russia. I don't think he really cares to, it isn't hurting him and might be helping him, so why bother. People asking Trump about Crimea lol, do you think Trump even has a basic understanding of what the history of that situation is or even cares?
  5. AOC and Sanders went to campaign for Brent Welder. They aren't going to run against someone. It's not like they are going to run attack ads on Davids. Probably because Welder supports medicare for all and 15$ minimum wage.
  6. It's going be funny as hell when Roger Stone goes to prison.
  7. She did? I didn't see anything. All Crowley had to do was say "hey I know I'm on the ballot and i'm trying to figure out ways to remove my name". The one thing she did wrong was worry about a concession call from Crowley.
  8. Ah, yes the European countries that have never had issues, never had problems. Side note, I would have to imagine that Theresa May is done. Everything she has done is a mess and then she buddies up with Trump and he comes over there and just shit talks their country.
  9. Remember it's just "illegal immigration" that they don't like. Lmao, this could just be a quote from Richard Spencer or any other neo-nazi.
  10. Says the branch of the party that has lost over a 1000 seats in the past ten years. This idea of "I know how this works and you don't" shit is partly why people don't vote for Democrats.
  11. Trey Gowdy loves to put on these show trials. Sad to see him retire....
  12. Just one last thing, what does "ground them into dust" even mean?
  13. America is currently selling arms to Saudi Arabia as they are killing thousands of people in Yemen and causing starvation. Should America be "ground into dust" for that? What about invading Iraq and the loss of hundreds of thousands of lives. Do we get "ground into dust" for that? Or is it only bad if a treaty is broken?
  14. What about just invading other countries? How do you feel about that? Is that worthy of sanctions?
  15. I think this was the only time Russia/Ukraine and U.S have had a treaty. So I guess none. So sanctions on Russia. Then what?
  16. Nope, but it's hard to criticize other countries for something that you are also doing to other countries. Also, to what extent Russia interfered in our election is arguable. Putting up a few million dollars to run fake ads on Facebook isn't worthy to invade them.
  17. Joe Crowley and other Democrats like him just refuse to go away even after total failure. It's about one thing for them. Themselves.
  18. All things that this country has done in the past. In fact we have literally overthrown democratically elected officials. Kinda hard to criticize Russia for the same things we do.
  19. I'm not going into the whole Putin controls Trump stuff. It's just dumb to accuse a country that they are under control of Russia because they have a energy deal together. Russia continues to be the boogeyman to the U.S. Which is just beyond dumb.
  20. "Germany is totally controlled by Russia" - Trump What an absolute idiot and nutcase this guy is. Going to be a miracle nothing completely devastating happens during his presidency.
  21. Trump at NATO trying to get the others countries so spend more money. Wouldn't be awesome if we had a president who went and tried to convince the other countries, including ours to spend less money on it.
  22. It's almost like private insurance is bad.
  23. I have a feeling we are going to see a lot of that. Should be reminder that these people don't believe in some "party unity" or "backing blue", they believe in keeping power and keeping things status quo.
  24. Generally they tend to take more money from big donors. I don't think anyone said that progressives are better at generating money. I would actually think that they are bad at it and that has been part of their problem until recently. It's good though that she is getting down through small donations. She still has to win.
  25. Waters, Warren and even Sanders are pretty center-left compared to most of the political parties in the world. If they were in England, they would be the more conservative of the Labor Party. Right wing politics in this country are so extreme that it makes anyone left of Mitt Romney look like a communist.
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