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Everything posted by GoSox05

  1. Kaine leads Stewart by 23 points in poll from VCU's Wilder school Pro-slavery and Trump ally is having a rough time. Also, congrats to Republicans for voting for a guy who keeps on praising the confederacy and the secession. Can't wait to read ten thousand more pieces about how the Democrats are becoming "radical".
  2. What does Brent Welder yelling at someone have to do with Bernie Sanders? Your obsession with Bernie Sanders is weird.
  3. This is the hottest of hot takes. Remember it's always someone elses fault. Always blame the voters. It wasn't that young people were in disenfranchised because the candidates were two people who seemed out of touch with their problems. It wasn't that the Dem nominee was just in general a very unpopular candidate. It was clearly Russia and the infamous "Bernie Bros"
  4. We are the richest country in the world. I just don't see how we apparently can't afford anything. That money is always there when we need to expand the military and start another war or when the rich want another tax break. I guess we could could always just continue with the way things are going. Seems to be going great.
  5. First, prove the bolded. Second, there is lower voter turn out because no gets excited for a candidate who says, let's raise the minimum wage a nickel a year!!! How about more Charter schools!!! Also, I forgot when Vlad Putin came to America and physically stopped Clinton from visiting Wisconsin and Michigan. Third, you picked her. The Dem establishment loved her. Obama backed her. She ran an election of someone that was promised and owed the presidency. That is the fault of her and moderate dems who pushed that for years. If they had someone better they should have ran them. Moderate Dems failed in 2016. Now, they are still in charge and telling everyone what's best. So, we will see what happens.
  6. Moderate Dems have been the main face of the party for a while and probably will be during this election and in two years for a presidential election. If they fail, like they have in the past, we are looking at historical problems. So, you better be right. Although, I'm sure if they fail they will find someone else to blame. Russia again or the Green Party.
  7. The Radical Left’s Agenda Is More Popular Than the Mainstream GOP’s Socialist polices are becoming more popular. It's not just young people.
  8. Tell me, what do they want?
  9. Norway is the happiest country in the world. A large reason for that is because of things in America that are seen as "easy path" or "radical". It's really pretty crazy that people in Norway are that happy because most of the year it has similar weather as the planet Hoth.
  10. It's not the easy path. It's the normal path to want to take time off to spend with your family or friends. Sometimes to just do nothing, it's good for people to just take a day off and relax. I guess we could just keep going the way we have. People in this country are just so happy and we have no problems. We are the best.
  11. They didn't endorse her because she doesn't support medicare for all. AOC said she would support her in the general election. I don't remember hearing AOC or anyone on the left ever say, "we are 100% guaranteed to win ever election ever." They only ever said, we can do better in rural areas and the Midwest than you think we can. I could care less about "goalposts". A 33 year old Democratic Socialist Muslim doing that well is a great step. He would have gotten about 100 votes 10 years ago. I can not tell you how much I love being told who will and will not make a good POTUS choice, by the people that backed the candidate who lost to a game show host. It never gets old.
  12. They 100% do. If you take time off your considered lazy. Sometimes they just threaten to replace you and since we have no labor laws in this country, they can. I know people who are terrified to take time off work. In some cases they can, but it's non paid time off, which most people cannot afford to do.
  13. Americans also work more hours per week than most of those countries.
  14. Dems should also run on more time off. More time off, better wages and complete health care coverage. I'm not sure these radical ideas will win in the Midwest. They hate time off, like not making any money and don't really need healthcare.
  15. Missouri Blocks Right-To-Work Law Garbage law gets crushed.
  16. Rashida Tlaib won. She is going unopposed in the general. So the first Muslim women in congress. James Thompson won. Looks like Brent Welder lost, but to a pretty progressive candidate as well. Abdul El-Sayed, a 33 Muslim Democratic Socialist finished with 330,000 votes in a red state. Not to bad. Moving in the right direction.
  17. Socialism has never been as popular in America as it has in other countries. So the fact that it is gaining ground should say something about our current system now.
  18. Seems like a normal guy. The Sandy Hook truther people may be the worst of the conspiracy theory nuts. Was reading about one of the Sandy Hook families that is suing Alex Jones. They've had to move like 17 times because of these people harass them. Imagine harassing parents whose child was lost in a mass shooting. Disgusting.
  19. He seems obsessed with this. Is he generally just confused about this or is this some sort of attempt to call it England for some kind of political reason?
  20. Data shows a surprising campus free speech problem: left-wingers being fired for their opinions Where are all the free speech warriors who go out of their way to defend Nazi and white supremacists? Something tells me they were never really about free speech.
  21. I didn't watch the game, but a lot of people were talking about the helmet rule. Was there a lot of penalties being called?
  22. Just unreal. This country can't do normal things that just about every other country does. What a nightmare timeline we are traveling down.
  23. Yeah, I saw Johnathan Cyprien tore his ACL today. It happens every year, but it's always shocking how many players get hurt.
  24. Preseason time! Otherwise known as the "oh god no one on the team I like get hurt" season.
  25. That QAnon stuff is pure crazy. It's probably going to get someone killed.
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