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Everything posted by toasty

  1. who's got the list of the most asg nominees we have had at one time?
  2. QUOTE(greg775 @ May 13, 2005 -> 05:12 PM) WGN showed a close up after the K, Garland let out a brief smile. Great reaction, then he walked off the field. I hope nobody turns on him if and when he has some s*** outings. It will be weird to see him in the All Star game if he keeps this up a few more weeks. only issue with garland and the all star game, is Francona will not see him untill after the ASG... so he will have to go on stats/news/stories dunno
  3. LOL .... i got it now.... i think i WILL stay away from that jersey on ebay after all... CANSECO .... ICK
  4. ... i did look @ wsi's list and it is too old
  5. i cant seem to find who wore number 31 in the 2001 season... any help?
  6. QUOTE(fathom @ Apr 25, 2005 -> 10:07 PM) You think Ozzie will leave Garland in for the 9th? he may start the inning.... why mess with a good thing
  7. QUOTE(fathom @ Apr 25, 2005 -> 10:04 PM) Marte should start warming up with all the A's lefties coming up. prophetic!
  8. wow... hawk is desperate... yelling STRETCH.... and the ball was almost not even at the track! yikes
  9. QUOTE(Fotop @ Apr 25, 2005 -> 09:58 PM) Timo as a defensive replacement instead of Pods? Doesn't really make much sense... ozie likes to get people at bats, and maybe also ensures spod's hammy is ok
  10. QUOTE(fathom @ Apr 25, 2005 -> 09:57 PM) Crede didn't look like he was too hurt running around the bases, so hopefully it's just precautionary. was probably as a result of running the bases
  11. QUOTE(chunk23 @ Apr 25, 2005 -> 09:56 PM) What's with the defense substition? Why is Timo in the game? see crede out of the game ^
  12. while talking about lame color guys... did anyone else catch the espn call of the day over the weekend, where the guy basically missed the homer, then said, 'Oh, a homer.... laughs and says that was the worst home run call ever!' ? almost worse than DJ
  13. hawk ... and his names.... and DJ! UH... Hawk... Harrelson! ROFL
  14. did anyone else hear hawk throw in the 'go bulls' at the break? they aint playin tonight!
  15. QUOTE(SAVVY18 @ Apr 22, 2005 -> 12:16 AM) What the hell are you reading Junior??? Where did I say anything about anyone else being able to see? Please go back and re-read what I posted. Try to comprehend it and then reply. And this isn't about hearing the play, it is about seeing it right? And you were the one that said it isn't a big deal to misss a pitch. I merely pointed out that it may just be a big deal and gave an example of it. what i was pointing out is that unless the person passing/standing in front of you is doing so for more than 2 seconds, you will indeed not miss the hit/homer... especially if you are aware of the other fan's reactions arround you... thus the reason no biggie if you miss the actual pitch... its the reaction to the outcome of the pitch that is important, and you wouldnt miss out on that unless you were in the toilet!
  16. QUOTE(SAVVY18 @ Apr 21, 2005 -> 11:50 PM) Ah yes, but how can you jump up if you don't see the pitch and the contact? You won't know that it is on the way out of the park, now will you? Will you jump up for no reason? yeah... no one else in the whole park can see either if you cant...and whats that you say?you dont have ears to hear either? .... you would have to be in the bathroom to not know from fan reaction that someone hit a ball that might go out
  17. QUOTE(SAVVY18 @ Apr 21, 2005 -> 11:28 PM) You can't say that. Maybe that one pitch is the game winning homer!! if, indeed someone is in front of you when someone hits a homer, EVERYONE that is a fan is going to be jumping to their feet, including you... so ... yeah whatever! I really do understand courtesy, but like someone said, this isnt an opera.... nor a funeral i say
  18. QUOTE(Tony82087 @ Apr 21, 2005 -> 04:49 PM) That is when you stand up and wait on the concourse to go back to your seats. Simple solution. Get up between innings to get your food. Go Eat your food on the concourse, or bring it back to your seat between innings. When your finished, come back to your seats in between another inning. Wow... don't get me wrong, but I am not going to eat on the concourse, when i have food for my family with me, or make them eat on the concourse too. I usually do not like to leave my seat during an at bat, but if i need to, i will ask politlely to be let out, between pitches. One pitch isnt going to ruin you night. Neither will I wait on the concourse to sit down.... as long as you are not just staning on the stairs chatting, and are moving, you are not going to block anyones view for more than a few seconds. As for passing people in an aisle, I will wait between pitches..... my tickets do not allow me (nor anyone) to be a jerk about stuff like that, but if i paid for SEATS i will sit in them when i want to. QUOTE(SoxFan101 @ Apr 21, 2005 -> 08:06 PM) Wow complain much? Baseball is a slow sport you arent going to miss much if someone has to go and get some food or go to the bathroom in the middle of an inning. And if someone is blowing smoke in your face politely ask them to stop and if they continue than go and get an usher. If they are just smoking deal with it, a little second hand smoke from going to a baseball game once a year isnt going to hurt you. Btw im a non smoker so I know it can be bothersome at times but if they arent blowing it in your face, live with it. What a rude comment that is! Many many people have alergies and asthma, both of which can be bothered by smoke... so you are saying just buck up and deal with it?? yeah right!
  19. sweet, I have tickets for that saturday vs LA game! ...free to boot!
  20. "They, like the F&F seats" I may be dense, but what are F&F seats?
  21. heh.. i figured it out a long while back... but kept my mouth shut!
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