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Everything posted by JoshPR

  1. You can only win the awARD once and i think THomas won in 2000
  2. Well John Tudor Started 1-7 and Finished 21-9 in 1985 and Floyd Bannister in 1983 started bad too
  3. At Least Skinny Macdougal Hits 100 on the fastball
  4. Dammit Donkey is the good Luck Charm.
  5. MMMmmm Best sox Pitcher. I'm gonna go with the modern sox. (No especific Order) Jack Mcdowell Lammar Hoyt Gary Peters Joel Horlen You could Throw Alex Fernandez in there for a couple of seasons The Worst Jaime Navarro Steve Trout .....
  6. Hell tommorow we'll give up 2 and lose 2-1
  7. Manuel is not fired cause of Jerry's stupid loyalty and his cheap ass. I guess he's not loyal to his fans who want a World Series title and all he does is make a profit and F the fans
  8. Ohhh Mr. Manuel.. What went on in your Head.......Ohhh Mr. Manuel why do you play the dead.... Your Managining style to me seems so lifeless, with no thrill at all.... You fooled our Owner with Bulls***, yeah you waited on Kenny's call..... Mr. Boring... Did you think you would win....
  9. Can anybody on this board tellme why Manuel still has a Job?
  10. 1st base for me. I bet i can teach Kong some tricks around the bag and scooping up throws
  11. Why is he DH'ing???? Cause Manuel is a MOron??
  12. DJ has came a Long way, But he doesn't mix with Hawk. Bring back Wimpy!!!
  13. Who the home plate Ump was... Guccione.. Sucks Monkey balls, not the first game i've heard about or seen that he has a bad Strike Zone Iassogna is awful too
  14. I wouldn't mind having Willis Roberts or Kerry Lightenberg on the team either, just to let you know Roberts is a head case too
  15. 1991 Baltimore Orioles. Game was on WGN on a Saturday afternoon. Dave Johnson started for the Orioles. Karkovice caught and it was Wilson's second major league start 1st witht he Sox
  16. Wait a minute. I tought that in the last collective barganing agreement one of the issues was that the compensation picks were going to be eliminated after last year?? I could be wrong but i know it's gonna end one of these years
  17. Martin was a good utility guy with a good bat. Sheesh everybody sucks. Just because the guy isn't a superstar it doesn't mean he sucks. Hell i'd prefer paco over graffy http://www.baseball-reference.com/m/martino01.shtml
  18. Sox won 11-9 in 10 innings http://www.baseballlibrary.com/baseballlib...997whitesox.stm
  19. Wilson Alvarez Pitched a NO-NO against Baltimore in 1991 and it was a complete one. Melido Perez no hit the Ynanks in 1990 but it was rain shortend. The game on classice has to do something with comebacks maybe
  20. I'm gonna get in trouble here, I like Tejada. But I wouldn't want to see Jose gone. He's the sparkplug in the dugout right now and is cheering hard for the team. The Chemestry looks good Right now. Onw more thing, The Sox look like there going for Broke. A lot of FA after the year
  21. I don't know if it would happen but remember Texas is Dumping salary. Giles would be cool
  22. Rex posted on the other board that' it's for a position player. At least that's what he heard. Add Vazquez, to blow my socks off. Hell maybe even ARod
  23. JoshPR

    i like it

    Wow 28 pages in the game thread. Only used to be 9-11 pages. I'm hyped. Go Sox Hey A.J And Dougie.. Can you say SWEEP!!
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