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Everything posted by CaliSoxFan

  1. sound like the Royal announcers are not doing their homework. Still basing everything on last year.
  2. probably because the board was down for an hour or so. At least that was my experience.
  3. that would make sense since he is not at pitcher
  4. Ok that really sucked. I use headphones, and let me just say :fyou I never moved so fast in my life
  5. neither 680 or 1050 am are broadcasting the games. I checked them both out and it their regulars.
  6. Giants must be doing a split squad game because the radio here has the Giants and the Cubs
  7. I don't see him lasting much longer if he continues to pitch like this.
  8. ya I remember now. Its been a while that I have been on this long and posted
  9. all they said made a diving catch. They talking about some other bs
  10. I peronally think their insight is priceless, and this broardcast and all their broadcast should go into the hall of fame should be in green to lazy
  11. Rowand just hit a double two rbi's; all five of the sox runs
  12. Annoucers just said this is the sox B squad playing against the Royals A squad. And were still winning
  13. I think one of the annoucers is Brian Mcrae (sp)
  14. Are these announcers the royals annoucers, or MLB regulars.
  15. CaliSoxFan

    blue moon beer

    Np, I went to Albion. Don't know if they have it anymore, but in November or December they have some kind of festival. LOT-O-BEER. I never went, but a friend of mine went and had a blast.
  16. CaliSoxFan

    blue moon beer

    CW: Why go for the Blue Moon beer. When there is a great Micro-Brew out there, its from K-zoo, Bells. The one thing I miss about living out there and going to college was bells beer espcially during the late summer when oberahan (SP) came out.
  17. I think that is in interesting idea. Don't know if it would really happen, but has someone else mentioned earlier he is working on a building in Chicago. He also has some other investments in NWI. alla the Boats. I can see it happening, but like all Whitesox news/rumors/possibilities/shots in the dark I won't get my hopes up.
  18. Ya, that rotation is great, but talk out of Oakland is harden may go to the pen. Their bullpen isn't that great, and the sports stations, at least the day aurther rhodes was signed, was questioning the signing because it was for three years. In the past the team has been used a closer for one year and moved on, see Foulke and koch.
  19. By the way. What is with the Sox signing Wunsch one year deals every year
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