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Everything posted by Jenksismyhero

  1. QUOTE(Soxy @ Dec 1, 2006 -> 05:52 PM) What about the kids of those don't have healthcare? For the record, I have a masters and am currently employed, but I don't have dental or vision insurance. Nor are any x-rays or other imaging techniques available to me if I don't have pre-approval from my company. And should I ever need to be hospitalized, well, I don't even want to think about that. So, I think you can get off your high horse a bit, not everyone with advanced degrees and a history of hard work gets good healthcare coverage. On a somewhat related note, we didn't have decent health insurance until my dad (who has a college degree and has worked 50-60 hours a week my whole life) joined a union--which I imagine you're also against. The vast majority do. And does your employer force you to work daily? Is there a reason you can't get a different job that offers you those benefits? I'm not opposed to unions. They were needed 50-75 years ago and grew way too powerful 25 years ago. I think they do some good and some bad, but it evens out in the end I'm sure. I have no problem with people coming together and demanding something they feel they're entitled to receive. Why don't you and your co-workers do that? My main problem is I have little sympathy for the hardships of life. You choose your path, you choose what you make of your life. If you decide to spend hundreds of thousands to get an advanced degree in a field notorious for low wages and poor benefits, well, you made a poor choice. Or, like me, you're taking a big risk. Thats what you do in life. Also, like another poster mentioned, more often than not the peope complaining about not getting enough from the government are the same people who buy/own ridiculous things. I used to work at a grocery store and would get the women with Link/Wic and food stamps (all welfare for food programs). They'd buy everything they could on whatever program they were on and then have a second cart full of premo items and drop 250-300 bucks on crap. Where did they get money to do that? I have no problem assisting people in getting a leg up in life, or a little help now and again. But no one should be given a hand out just because life is difficult. There are exceptions. As you pointed out, children growing up in a crappy home with irresponible parents shouldn't be punished for being born in the wrong family. Our great moronic governor of Illinois had a good idea to give all children in the state free education/healthcare. I would have been for it if our state had the money to fund such a program. But unfortunately he's running our state into the ground and we don't. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Dec 1, 2006 -> 06:10 PM) The question is, what do you do with them? If you simply abandon them, they'll end up costing all of us money later anyway in some way. Preventative health care may be the cheaper option. I have no doubt this happens. More rare than the handouts I suspect, but in such a case they're most likely contributing to society and I have no problem helping them. Again though, ASSISTANCE is the key. Oh and just so everyone knows I'm not coming from the position of the safe and secured either. I do have full benefits now, but ill be taking a law clerk position in January that has zero benefits. If something happens to me I'm screwed and I'll be paying out the wahzoo for it. But I don't expect the government (your tax dollars) to help me because I chose to take that job.
  2. QUOTE(Controlled Chaos @ Dec 1, 2006 -> 03:58 PM) Richards, offended club guests to meet Fri Dec 1, 12:45 PM ET LOS ANGELES - Michael Richards will apologize in person to the four black men he targeted in a tirade of racial slurs during a recent comedy club performance. A retired judge will mediate the meeting and determine whether he should take any other action to resolve the matter, Richards' spokesman and an attorney for the men said Friday. A cash settlement could be part of the resolution, said Howard J. Rubenstein, who represents Richards. "My client Michael hopes to put it behind him," Rubenstein said. A time and place for the meeting has not been set. Rubenstein complimented attorney Gloria Allred, who is representing the four comedy club patrons, for recommending the meeting. Allred said Richards should meet with her clients "to hear the pain that he inflicted on them and to apologize to them." She and the four men were scheduled to hold a press conference later Friday. Richards, who played the wacky neighbor Kramer on 'Seinfeld,' has been on a campaign of contrition since videotaped footage of his Nov. 17 outburst at the Laugh Factory nightclub surfaced on the Web site TMZ.com. He has apologized on the Rev. Jesse Jackson's nationally syndicated radio program "Keep Hope Alive" and the "Late Show with David Letterman." He also apologized to civil rights leader the Rev. Al Sharpton. Richards has said the tirade was fueled by anger at being heckled and not bigotry. Ugh. Enough of this crap already. He should have said his piece on Letterman and then disappeared for 6 months. He keeps dragging this thing out as if it's going to help him. It's just making it worse.
  3. My favorite part: "Punch him in the nose!" "I can't!"
  4. QUOTE(Finkelstein @ Dec 1, 2006 -> 03:19 PM) The first time that I saw her video on TV, I said that she would be doing porn in 5 years. My timetable was just a bit off. BTW, after seeing those pictures I don't know who would want to see her in porn anymore. Bingo. That's where I was going with this. A few years back I would have camped out at a store for the video/magazine of her. Seeing her now it didn't phase me at all. I missed the Lohan pics. If it's anything like her grammar, I'll pass.
  5. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Dec 1, 2006 -> 02:37 PM) You wouldn't say that if you had a family member sitting around suffering because they don't have health insurance. You're right. My family members all invested in themselves, went to school, and have decent jobs that give them the choice of obtaining health insurance. They're not sitting around waiting for handouts. And before you ask, no, my parents weren't all that wealthy. They assisted three children in going to college as much as they could, but both of my siblings, and myself took out massive amounts of federal aid. I'm taking an extra 80k out to go to law school. I have zero sympathy for people who don't work for what is available. Me working my ass off and taking the risk of recieving these loans equates to me being able to go to a doctor I choose and get treated when I want to, instead of waiting next to the bum on the street who hasn't done a damned thing to deserve it. Goverment assistance to those that contribute? Sure. I'll sign up for that. Universal healthcare for everyone? Not a chance.
  6. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Dec 1, 2006 -> 01:46 PM) http://www.ipsos-na.com/news/pressrelease.cfm?id=3287 quick! universal health care for all! let's set it up like the Canadian system cuz it works so well!
  7. After viewing her 'revealing' pictures, I'm upset this didn't happen 2-3 years ago. Back then these pictures would have been great. I looked at them last night and thought... 'eh' Anyone else?
  8. QUOTE(chimpy2121 @ Dec 1, 2006 -> 12:37 PM) At least I have chicken. That video is hilarious. Here's another good one. It's a recording of a guy talking (and yelling) with a movie created around it. Some bad language FYI. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DU0AB6xAtMg
  9. QUOTE(sox4lifeinPA @ Dec 1, 2006 -> 07:29 AM) it can be tedious.... it doesn't have to be, but it often does. Agreed. I just started playing a couple of months ago at the behest of some friends who have been playing for over a year. Normally I'm a sports, some WWII shooters, SimCity, Civilization, etc etc type gamer. I have played the Warcraft series since battlenet a decade ago (still a classic). I found WoW to be great at the beginning because of the ridiculous size of the world you can play in. But the usualy complaints I agree with: repetitive, not a lot as much reward for the time spent playing, etc. I'm only up to level 28 and I hear it slows down even more after level 30. I think the key is to not burn yourself out right away. Play a couple hours every couple of days and you'll be fine. The first couple days I had the game I spent entire Saturday and Sunday mornings/afternoons running around (great to play while bball/football is on in the background). I got burned out pretty quick and ended up not playing for a couple weeks. The key is to get some friends to play with and then it becomes more social. I have a few friends I don't get to talk to as much because they live throughout the states, but we can get together and run through some quests and chat while we do it. Anyone play Medieval II: Total War? I'm thinking about getting that but have never played any of the Total War games.
  10. QUOTE(Texsox @ Dec 1, 2006 -> 08:52 AM) that about sums it up. Lol, yep.
  11. Jenksismyhero


    QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ Nov 30, 2006 -> 06:34 PM) I was always Tim Henman. Anyone ever play a game called Wetrix on the Dreamcast? I think it was a 10 dollar cheap-o I bought at a Wal-mart when I was bored one night. Ended up being of the greatest games for the short-lived console. Essentially it was tetris style where you build up walls to keep as much water (from rain) in as you could. I wish I still had it. It was a great game.
  12. QUOTE(Texsox @ Nov 30, 2006 -> 07:06 AM) Here is the exchange, I guess you passed over it. Not just the people of Iran, but all humans, including you and me. I think you missed my clarification. In circumstances like this, with religion playing such a deep role, history shows that people don't change.
  13. QUOTE(Texsox @ Nov 29, 2006 -> 06:01 PM) America's or Iran's? If human violence is hardwired as b**** believes, you would also have to believe then that we too are hardwired towards this violence. Unless we are somehow a different species than other humans. We are the most successful war machine this planet has ever experienced. If we are hardwired, then we too will choose war over peace. I do not believe that is true. Let's clarify. If by human violence you mean human struggles and disagreements and hatred and a want to be the most powerful at any cost, then yes, that is a natural trait in humans and is our nature. The ultimate end is to survive, so any threat to your survival will have a 'violent' response. Thats what I thought you were referencing, so I apologize for not reading your post as closesly as I should have if that's not the case. But to assume that a guy with so much hatred in his history (and recent history...like weeks old recent history) could magically change his stance and become an advocate of justice is laughable. Peoples can change once their position in life is altered. However people with deep rooted vendettas, who see the current landscape as a holy war, as a battle between fundamental enemies opposed to each other, will never change their ways. That has been proven over and over again throughout history, most especially when dealing with religion. You can hope all you want, just as you can hope tomorrow we'll wake up with no crime, but it's never going to happen. As to what we will do, yes, we'll choose war over peace when pushed into a corner, as would every country, unless your name is France, in which case you roll over and beg for mercy.
  14. QUOTE(Texsox @ Nov 29, 2006 -> 04:46 PM) Are you serious? That’s practically the definition of human nature. There’s how many thousands of years of evidence to prove that’s exactly what humans do. That’s the problem with certain people in the world. They hold out for this unimaginable fallacy that people aren’t hard-wired to be this way. They try and deal with irrational people in a rational way. They try to use logic with illogical people. Thousands of years full of evidence of human action. Two bombs. Yeah, that's the same thing...
  15. QUOTE(Texsox @ Nov 29, 2006 -> 04:19 PM) So after dropping an atomic bomb we will forever be the most blood thirsty country on the planet. OK, I can accept that. Not a good comparison. QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Nov 29, 2006 -> 04:28 PM) So, he's a nutjob. Established. But he's an established nutjob with a good point in this letter. Agreed, so long we keep in mind he has an ulterior motive in producing said letter. Sort of akin to a mass murderer preaching about the sanctity of life. Yeah, he makes a good point, but look at the source...
  16. QUOTE(Texsox @ Nov 29, 2006 -> 03:44 PM) The only hope for peace is that each player in the conflict has the same sort of epiphany. I pray this happens. However, if we follow b****'s lead, that will be impossible because of prior acts. I have an eternal optimism for all humankind and believe it can happen, to accept otherwise is to accept the depths of human violence and cruelty as inevitable and unchanging. Are you serious? That’s practically the definition of human nature. There’s how many thousands of years of evidence to prove that’s exactly what humans do. That’s the problem with certain people in the world. They hold out for this unimaginable fallacy that people aren’t hard-wired to be this way. They try and deal with irrational people in a rational way. They try to use logic with illogical people. You going to tell me socialism works too? And do you honestly believe this letter is a message to the American people to trust that Iran won't do anything bad in the future? That its sole aim is to uphold justice and be respectful of all other nations and peoples? Oh wait, we already know that's not true CUZ HE'S CALLING FOR THE ANNIHILATION OF AN ENTIRE ETHNIC GROUP. He's pandering to the rest of the world, promoting himself as a good guy against the evil Bush regime. God help us if people actually believe that crap.
  17. QUOTE(Texsox @ Nov 29, 2006 -> 03:06 PM) Yep, some balls. Oh yeah. A guy preaching about upholding justice after he calls for the annihilation of all Jews. There is nothing wrong with his words if you refuse to remember everything he has said and done in the past.
  18. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Nov 29, 2006 -> 01:35 PM) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/15952309/ Pot meet Kettle... Man this guy has some balls.
  19. QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ Nov 28, 2006 -> 12:27 PM) After they are done with the trial and get the guilty, just dig a hole in the back and throw her in, cover her up and forget that she existed. How can anyone do this to a child is beyond me. Just wait, there will be some whack-job apologists who will argue that some TV show influenced her enough to do this.
  20. QUOTE(bmags @ Nov 21, 2006 -> 07:12 PM) student protest groups are the media, y'know Do you consider a school newspaper media? I can dig through the paper and try to find the ridiculous articles they wrote that blamed US citizens for 9/11. But more to the point I don't think she said anything about the media writing it, just that they view it as legitimate. Proof of this is that they never really discount the 'crazy hippies' views about military. They continue to feed that crap by writing nothing but the negatives, which I admit they have a duty to cover, without ever pointing out the positives (when there were positives...)
  21. QUOTE(Gregory Pratt @ Nov 21, 2006 -> 06:27 PM) I don't see how anyone can take this serious: I don't know of any news agency that runs stories about how right on these people are who say that our troops are stormtroopers who love to burn babies. I'd never heard anything remotely like that before. It's crazy. Are you serious? Have you been on a college campus in the last 4-5 years? There are student groups who honestly believe military personnel are evil, regardless of whether they're defending the evil regime that is the US or actually being imperialistic. Hell, my alma mater Illinois Wesleyan had a student group that PROTESTED on VETERANS DAY. They disrupted the entire ceremony just to prove a point that US actions do more harm than good. The same morons believe that we are to blame for the terrorists trying to attack us. These are the people that she's talking about. And you'll find an unfortunately large number of college kids who really believe this. It's pretty sad.
  22. QUOTE(CanOfCorn @ Nov 21, 2006 -> 10:39 AM) Oh yeah, and where are all the people outraged at the hecklers using "cracker." Pot...meet kettle. But, but, but, white people have been so advantaged over the years! Black people have been beaten down and enslaved for centuries. It's ok for them to do things like that. It's just them 'getting even.' Seriously though, I think it's all BS. I think this country is a bunch of whiny PC panzies. EVERYONE has a prejudice. Racism is just a prejudice taken too far. It's not right, it shouldn't be condoned, but why are we making such a huge deal out of it? By any chance does anyone listen to Opie and Anthony in the morning? Great show, 105.9 fm in the morn here in Chicago. Anyway they had Patrice Oneal, a big black comedian that often jokes about race ('white people are so crazy...') and it's role in todays society. I completely agree with his assessment of the entire Richards incident. Basically he didn't mind it. He, like me, thought that ass*oles being ass*oles deserved to be treated like an ass*ole. He said he got a call from other comedians who performed at the same place, right after Richards, who said that the hecklers were well known for being ass*oles and they were trying to ruin shows for a long time. Further he went on to 'blame' white people for this entire incident. He said he didn't think too many black people really cared about this, not only because they didn't know who Richards was, but also that it's not as big of a deal to black people as white people make it out to be. Basically his point was that he hopes for the day when he can be called a racist because that will finally make everyone equal. Instead of considering an incident such as this racist, why not just call Richards an ass*ole for doing it? So what that he used a bad word or that he attacked someones ethnicity. Would it make it better if he called him a retard? A child abuser? A sexual deviant? Would he have to go on Letterman to apologize for it? Obviously the answer is a big no. Call Richards an ass*ole. Making him out to be the worst person ever is just ridiculous. QUOTE(Jeckle2000 @ Nov 21, 2006 -> 01:53 AM) This post has been edited by the Soxtalk staff to remove objectionable material. Soxtalk encourages a free discussion between its members, but does not allow personal attacks, threats, graphic sexual material, nudity, or any other materials judged offensive by the Administrators and Moderators. Thank you. I'm sorry but I felt it had to be said. And if I get suspended it's worth it. Wow, seriously? I don't think anyone is approving his actions. Most people don't see the severity of it when so many other people do the same types of things with little to no response. Ignorant boobs like you who are so far out of touch with reality make me sick. I guess I'll meet you in the bathroom.
  23. I agree with all of what was written. However she should have added two things: - admit that Bush (whom I voted for twice...) and his admn really messed up and although his policy might be the best thing for the country, its implementation was a complete and utter embarassment. -that ubber-religious conservatives could destroy the country just as easily as wacko hippies.
  24. QUOTE(Kid Gleason @ Nov 20, 2006 -> 04:07 PM) I've only seen a little bit of Mancia's act, but it was enough to keep me away from it. Bah. Mencia is a breath of fresh air. Some of his skits are lame, but he's got some good racial humor and does it with some tact. I think it's better for people to play on racial stereotypes like he does rather than ignore it all together. People in this country are too-damned sensitive in my opinion. Richards obviously went way over the line, but I find it funny that no one says anything about the hecklers. If you're going to be an ass*ole you should be prepared to deal with an ass*ole coming back at you. And to continue highjacking the thread a little, does anyone else chuckle a little when the media says things like 'he used the n-word?' Maybe it's just me, but when I listen to rap on the radio and 'the n-word' is thrown around left and right freely, and then I read an article that doesn't dare spell out the word, I just laugh. Such a double-standard. I'm not advocating the words use. I just don't understand why that particular word is so taboo (only when white people use it) but we still can call women ho's and b****es and no one really says anything.
  25. QUOTE(The Critic @ Nov 16, 2006 -> 06:42 PM) If airline passengers can no longer nuzzle each other's vaginal areas, the terrorists have truly won. This is an outrage. Lol, that's gotta go on the qoute thread. Seriously though. We don't need that kind of PDA, but 20 years?! Come on.
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