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Everything posted by BearSox

  1. QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ Sep 17, 2006 -> 03:59 PM) I would do that on him, and put the same thing on for Kong. That plus pitching low and away would really put this offense into the crapper. Konerko isn't a dead pull hitter. I hate when people think that. Konerko can hit the ball to all parts of the field. Especially when he is going good.
  2. If you bench Uribe, you lose some defense. But offense is more important, and it is not like Cintron can't play SS. He is a decent SS. If you bench Anderson, you have no one else who can come near him defensively, and he is a better hitter then Uribe. I think the whole world except Ozzie knows that Uribe and Podsednik need to benched.
  3. Gload sucks. He hit a solid fly ball to LF, just missing a home run. He should never play again.
  4. why can't he do that with no one on? Like when leading off a game?
  5. QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ Sep 17, 2006 -> 03:29 PM) Pods and Uribe should be sitting right next to each other on the bench. Cintron should be starting, and a Mack/Gload mix over at LF. Cintron should be the SS, and it should be a mixture of Sweeney, Fields, Ozuna, Mackowaik, and Gload in LF.
  6. Uribe looking foolish, as usual, and now we get to see Podsednik look like a little leaguer. Yay.
  7. hey, pierzynski just hit a grandslam! oh wait, it is just a solo homerun.
  8. QUOTE(fathom @ Sep 17, 2006 -> 03:19 PM) It would be the best thing that could happen to this organization. It's amazing to me how much slack Ozzie's being given lately. It was refreshing to read Phil Rogers' article blast him for the awful managing yesterday. do you have a link to that article? I would love to read it.
  9. QUOTE(fathom @ Sep 17, 2006 -> 03:12 PM) Because Ozzie likes his leadoff hitters to be scrawny, weak hitting guys who he thinks can bunt and steal bases. For those reasons, I'm predicting we'll sign Pierre this offseason. What are the chances the Media turns on Ozzie, Ozzie says some really stupid s***, and Kenny fires him for his dumbass mouth? I hope the chances are good.
  10. And that is where not having Konerko in the lineup screws us over.
  11. Will someone please tell me how Gload can't leadoff? He just got a basehit and got to second on a steal. When was the last time you saw Podsednik do that.
  12. Gload and Cintron should be playing, but not in the place of Konerko and Iguchi, but in the place of Podsednik and Uribe. The Lineup should be... 1. Cintron, SS 2. Iguchi, 2B 3. Dye, RF 4. Thome, DH 5. Konerko, 1B 6. Crede, 3B 7. Pierzynski, C 8. Gload, 1B 9. Anderson, CF But, that would make too much sense.
  13. what the f*** you f***ing idiot Ozzie. Why the f*** is Podsednik still starting. Ozzie, you are the only manager in the world that would still have Podsednik starting. and sorry for the swearing, but this team and manager are really starting to piss me off.
  14. I agree with ChiSoxFn. If we can get a top prospect(s) and a great bullpen arm or good starter, I wouldn't mind having Thome traded. And who can replace his production? We really wouldn't need another 40 home run hitter. I think Ross Gload earned a chance to start, and I think Ross would do very good. He has the potential to be a faster Lyle Overbay. IIRC, he was once a top prospect in the MLB. We would have to find a RH platoon partner for him though. (E. Perez?) Also, whoever thinks Dye and Konerko are having "career years" are way off. Jermaine Dye is finally healthy and at the top of his game. He would have been putting up numbers like he is this year 5 years ago if he didn't have all those injuries. And Konerko has always been a very good hitter, outside of that one year. He has been getting better year after year. In fact, I am going to work on my "offseason plan" if I was the GM right now.
  15. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Sep 16, 2006 -> 06:42 PM) Thorton put two runners on, and Ozzie went to the best pitcher in the pen. Second guess all you want, but on paper that seems like a smart move. no it isn't. Thornton has been your best reliever all year. He got into a little jam, but you have to have faith he'll get himself out of it.
  16. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Sep 16, 2006 -> 06:39 PM) Who would have have preferred? Cotts? BMAC? Jenks? Basically there is nobody who is reliable. Thornton shouldn't have been taken out of the game in the first place. Even McDougal shouldn't have. It was another case of Ozzie thinking lefties automatically get lefties out and righties automatically get righties out.
  17. Name one manager that would have Pods still playing everyday in LF. Not even Dusty would do this. The pitching has finally started to come around, so what does ozzie do, throw a horrible lineup and defense out there to back up the pitchers. This has become some type of sick joke, and Ozzie is probably laughing his ass off right now.
  18. I can't even believe I used to think this fool was a good manager... When everyone is not having great years, and the team not bailing him out on his "questionable decisions," we all get to see the true Ozzie Guillen. I so hope the media jumps off the Ozzie bandwagon, start asking him questions on why he is such an idiot, and then Ozzie saying something so stupid, that Kenny has to fire him. Lou Pinella in 07 campaign right here!
  19. QUOTE(witesoxfan @ Sep 14, 2006 -> 07:19 PM) You want to have a rookie leadoff? I love Sweeney as much as anyone(well actually, WHarris has a shrine in his room to him), but having him leadoff next year would just be dumb. no one loves Ryan Sweeney more then me. hell, we were both born on feb. 20. It is a sign! And I don't care who leads off to be honest with you, as long as they can get on base, and steal the occasional base.
  20. With our luck, Kenny would probably resign him to. Better win that ring, our we will have a senior citizan as our catcher again next season. He might only be, what?, 41, 42? But he looks like he is in his 50's.
  21. I will be very, very upset to see Uribe in a sox uni next year. Him, podsednik, and Garcia all have to go, no ifs, ands or buts about it. And to the original post, I think gooch needs to move down in the lineup to like no. 8. He is a good hitter and all, but strikes out way too much for the two hole. Sweeney and Rollins would be a pretty sweet way to start of the lineup next year.
  22. QUOTE(santo=dorf @ Sep 14, 2006 -> 04:32 PM) Jimmy Rollins. Looking at it some more, Rollins' career line is about par with Pods' first half this season, which wasn't that good to begin with. Rollins has the edge with SLG%, but OBP% is more important for a top of the order hitter. Why would anyone want to guaranteed $35 million to a 2006, not 2005, first half Podsednik? Rollins plays top notch D though. And even though .330 isn't that high, it is still better then pods. And he can hit for some power at least.
  23. You know what, Garcia had a great game today, no, a terrific game today, but still he needs to prove more then one good outing. We have seen this before. I'm not jumping on the Garcia bandwagon, and I think he got lucky a lot today. His fastball was still at 89-92 mph still, but he was locating his off-speed stuff well. But, in my book, Garcia is still a bum, and has to do a lot more then one good outing to make me think different of him this season. Go Sox.
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