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Everything posted by BearSox

  1. Anderson hasn't looked that good at the plate for almost a month.
  2. are you serious Javy? God damn, are you retarded? Throw the f***ing change up low and away. What did I tell you. f*** yeah.
  3. come on Javy, change up low and away here please.
  4. okay, good pitch there. One more Javy. Why doesn't Javy use his changeup more often?
  5. Come on Javy, stop being such a f***ing women and pitch. Get the damn ground ball already and get out of this inning.
  6. Come on Javy. I believe in you! We need you!
  7. QUOTE(fathom @ Sep 10, 2006 -> 01:52 PM) Sandy Alomar Jr. is the answer to the trivia question. I guessed Ellis Burks. His was the first name that popped into my head.
  8. I would love to see Jimmy Rollins in a white sox uni next year. You think Pods and Uribe would get it done? Probably would have to throw in a prospect...
  9. If you asked me a couple months ago if I thought Javy would still be a white "sock" in 07, I would have said hell no. But if he keeps pitching this way, he might stay. He has the stuff to be an ace, but has had obvious mental issues and confidence problems.
  10. Razor Shines, how can you not like that name? It is still no where compared to Thump Belton.
  11. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Sep 9, 2006 -> 11:40 PM) No offense to Neal....who we'll all still love for 2005, and who will spend decades telling his family tales of what its like to pitch in the ALCS...I am more and more thinking that this is exactly what we should do this offseason. My reasoning: 1. Thor's hammer. If we only had 1 left in the pen, this would be a terrible idea, because I honeslty don't want Logan pitching into the 8th inning in a tie game against Hafner yet. But we have a freaking NASTY lefty sitting down there in the pen to come in otherwise. So Logan's innings would be more limited, and less high-pressure than Thor's, and he'd have time to develop in that role. 2. Marte. Marte was the best lefty reliever in baseball in 2003 IMO (outside of closers). In 2004, he was a step worse, and in 2005, he was even worse. If we'd traded him after 2004, we'd have gotten a lot more than Mackowiak. If Cotts were to stay with us in 2007 and then we decide to give the Legend his role...his trade value would decline significantly if he were 2 years away from a good season instead of 1. 3. Our minor leagues. Seriously...the value of a Loogy who put up a 2.00 ERA and a 4.xx ERA in 2 years is vastly higher than it should be for most contending teams. We might be able to get people to overpay for Cotts more than anyone else in our lineup. 4. Logan. I really like what I've seen from the kid, he has a very tricky motion, and I think he really will be a good LOOGY very soon. I really want him to go to winterball this season, and hopefully he'll come back next season even more acclimated to his delivery. 5. $. Logan will hit arbitration several years after Cotts. That's a difference of 5-10 million dollars, depending on how Cotts performs the next year or two. Whether or not this team hits the playoffs, and especially if they don't, I think penciling in Logan into the #2 Lefty role next year is probably the smart move, if we can find the right trade partner. that makes sense. If we can get a good deal for Cotts, we trade him. If we can't get a good offer, we could Just let Logan develop more in AAA, and see if Cotts can bounce back. If Cotts sucks it up, we could always DFA him and call up Loagn.
  12. QUOTE(CWSGuy406 @ Sep 9, 2006 -> 09:36 PM) ... waits for Flash post ... 11 K's? Nice... On another note, who should we expect to get called up? Fields would be a nice bat off the bench, Owens would be decent for his speed. Other than that, we really don't need anybody. Maybe one of Redding/Tracey/Montero as an extra blowout bullpen arm, but that's it. Yeah, that will probably be it. Crede might need a couple more days off, and it would give us a chance to see Fields play. And Owens is a good speed option, and it never hurts to have extra bullpen arms.
  13. QUOTE(qwerty @ Sep 9, 2006 -> 07:01 PM) Where did sweeney get all this speed from? His speed is slighty above average. Pods is only slightly above average speed wise.
  14. Even though Boone Logan didn't do so well tonight, he has good stuff. A nice breaking ball, and a fastball that can reach 96 at times. So, what I am getting at, do any of you think Kenny might trade Cotts, and use Logan in the pen? I am a bit hesitant to trade Cotts, because he is still cheap, young, and did have a 2 era a year ago. And, he hasn't looked right this second half, either he is injured, or has to work out some mental issues.
  15. Bring back the Whimpster. Whimpy and Hawk were the best. I miss Whimpy.
  16. As far as the starting rotation goes, I think you keep Vazquez over Buehrle, and Buehrle over Garcia. Trade Garcia to some national league team for some sort of pitching prospect (I've heard the Padres and Ceasar Carrilo tossed around). And Buehrle only for a mlb ready pitcher. Maybe we can pull a fast one on the cards, and get Reyes
  17. QUOTE(loltrain @ Sep 7, 2006 -> 10:09 PM) I would choose the Twins, they only have one reliable pitcher right now and their offense is still not very good. We only have one reliable pitcher, and our offense isn't that good, and maybe even worse then the twins.
  18. I'd probably choice us as well.
  19. QUOTE(SinkingShip06 @ Sep 7, 2006 -> 10:05 PM) no one should get frustrated anymore. this is the team we've had all year. no surprises. i'm just sitting back, relaxin, and shruggin my shoulders It would have been a whole lot easier if this wasn't a team filled with underachievers.
  20. Offensive wise, not that bad Pitching wise, not so good.
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