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Everything posted by dagotony06

  1. That's unacceptable!!!!!!!!! Not even trying out there!!!
  2. This isn't a funk Hawk. Fundamentally there is something wrong with all these guys approach at the plate.
  3. How come Dye makes everything look difficult no matter what. He looks so unsteady out there and slow.
  4. QUOTE(caulfield12 @ May 29, 2007 -> 08:10 PM) Terrero Erstad Masset Danks (until tonight) some of the Sox hitters SEEM to be coming around, somewhat (LOL) Thome's healthy, I guess 21 pitches, 20 pitches, 30 pitches already I'll give you some of those. Listen I'm as big a Sox fan as anyone here, have been for 36 years, but the way this team is playing, since the season began, I'm not positive about too much. Since the 2nd half of last year until now really, this team just doesn't exude confidence or positivity.
  5. QUOTE(Iguchicago @ May 29, 2007 -> 08:06 PM) Forgive me I forgot how this team was the worst in baseball at everything. Also, has the worst manager ever in history. And that there's clearly no hope for anything whatsoever. Your not giving me any examples. What is so positive about this team right now??
  6. QUOTE(Iguchicago @ May 29, 2007 -> 08:03 PM) That's because hardly anything positive is ever said. It's always like OMG HAWK SAID THIS or OMG OZZIE IS THE WORST MANAGER EVER. I've noticed that 100% of your posts have something ridiculously negative in them ,even if the subject is positive. What can you possibly say that is positive concerning this team???
  7. QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ May 29, 2007 -> 07:57 PM) Next years ST, we need to teach what a strikezone is and how to protect on 2 strikes. We are one of the worst teams with 2 strikes in all of baseball. Ozzie doesn't think spring training games are important enough to play the regulars. He likes to see the kids play.
  8. QUOTE(TitoMB345 @ May 29, 2007 -> 04:40 PM) You're opinion is wrong. /end thread This post has been edited by the Soxtalk staff to remove objectionable material. Soxtalk encourages a free discussion between its members, but does not allow personal attacks, threats, graphic sexual material, nudity, or any other materials judged offensive by the Administrators and Moderators. Thank you.
  9. QUOTE(Iguchicago @ May 29, 2007 -> 04:34 PM) Jesus, you complain about everything. Who's complaining, I'm just staing my opinion on something.
  10. QUOTE(Steff @ May 29, 2007 -> 04:29 PM) Nice chattin with ya. My point is I believe he clipped his foot!!
  11. QUOTE(Steff @ May 29, 2007 -> 04:21 PM) He also said he didn't know he did it. If I step on someone, I'm aware of it. AJ was being PC. It's rare. But it happens. Whatever. I'm not gonna get into an argument with you about it. I believe he did something, and it was bush league. He had the whole bag to hit, and he came close to hitting Morneau's foot twice. You can really injure someone that way. If it was the other way around and someone like AJ did that to PK then everyone would be up in arms.
  12. QUOTE(Steff @ May 29, 2007 -> 04:12 PM) Baseball players don't ever lie or stretch the truth. Well AJ apologized to both Gardenhire and Mroneau, so something happened. Why would someone apologize for something that didn't happen???
  13. QUOTE(RockRaines @ May 29, 2007 -> 04:07 PM) No he didnt, Morneau's foot didnt even move. AJ just hit the inside of the bag. I'm going by what Morneau said. I think the first time AJ grounded out he clipped him, and the second time he grounded into the DP he came close again. Wheteher he did or not I really don't give a s***. But whatever he did, he fired up that team. I wish we had half the heart the Twins show when they play.
  14. QUOTE(briguy27 @ May 29, 2007 -> 07:26 AM) sox need to get on a streak here, and with a good start by danks today, and with those bats heating up (dye, konerko, terrero), this could be a good spot to start a hot streak I hope you are right. I have been hoping that they go on a run since the beginning of the season. I just don't see this team going on any type of sustained winning streak, because they are just too inconsistent offensively, and in the bullpen.
  15. He clipped Morneau's foot. Just AJ being AJ. He will get thrown at tonight probably.
  16. My problem with Ozzie is that he didn't quit after the 2005 season like he said he was gonna.
  17. QUOTE(Soxfest @ May 28, 2007 -> 03:49 PM) I really am tired of smugass KW sitting on his ass doing nothing but looking for guys on the cheap! He's always been like that. But he gave 11 million a year to Vazquez, still can't figure that out??
  18. QUOTE(fathom @ May 28, 2007 -> 03:39 PM) No offense, as you know I like negative posts, but you're the dumbass for betting on the Sox. I've been called worse!! I really felt we had a good chance at taking todays game. Oh well, s*** happens. I took the Marlins today too, so hopefully I will still make money today even with tis loss!!
  19. QUOTE(chisox72 @ May 28, 2007 -> 03:38 PM) Why would you put money on Sox vs. Johan?? That's a little bit ballsy and a lot INSANE. They were +160, and I honestly thought we were gonna get to santana today, which we did, but as usual our manager lost another game for us!!!
  20. QUOTE(WSoxMatt @ May 28, 2007 -> 03:35 PM) The smiley faces say it was a joke, but you arent bright enough to notice the 3 of them there... calm down man, its a baseball game. I saw the smiley faces. I'm just pissed cause I had money on this game, and Ozziee f***ed me. No hard feelings bro
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