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Winning Ugly

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Everything posted by Winning Ugly

  1. THAT'S IT!!! Unpin this freakin thread!!! LMAO
  2. MUHAHAHAHAHA!!! I don't want to hear another Scrub fan state they have the best rotation in baseball in 2005. Top to bottom, Peavy, Lawrence, Wells, Woody and Eaton are the best 5 in the NL, hands down. Pads also signed Geoff Blum from the D'Rays, AND, get this, are talking to the Mariners about trading Klesko, Burroughs and a lower-tier prospect for Winn, Spezio and JEREMY REED!
  3. In terms of what? As for Peavy being better then Perez, well better command and better bats behind him, yes. Perez is a power pitcher the likes of Pedro. Peavy is a Maddux in the making. However, The Padres COULD have given up Dennis Tankersley (whom they just traded to KC for May) and X Nady for Giles and kept Perez, but somehow Kevin Towers saw more upside in Tank and ranked the 3 pitchers Peavy, Tank then Perez. It wasn't a Todd-Ritchie type deal, but will come back to haunt my Pads.
  4. Yes, indeedy. http://www.signonsandiego.com/sports/padre...-1s8padres.html
  5. YESSSS!!!! Phillies signed Lieber. Boomer will be staying in SD! Hopefully Woody will be signing soon also.
  6. Also, there has not be as big a noticeable increase in Frank's size as there has been for Sosa and Bonds.
  7. Brees for sure ain't leaving SD now. They are talking about trading Rivers.
  8. C-stand pat my azz. We need SOMEBODY, anybody now. How about we enter the Lieberthal sweepstakes? Jason Phillips is expected to be dealt, why not try him? Injuries and a new position slowed him last season, but he's a good contact hitter, and what we need.
  9. In other news, Jose Lima is being sued for giving a woman herpes, also in 2003. True story. First roids, now STDs. What's next for this sport we all love? And who's going to reap the rewards when his hot wife divorces him?
  10. http://www.theonion.com/news/index.php?issue=4048 The color chart is hillarious.
  11. Jason is unavailable right now. Although there are no sources, it is believed the Yankees have an interest in him.
  12. Ok well that's the pic. Hopefully you can link it for me, Gold. Love those SBB hotties... http://sportsbybrooks.com/
  13. Back to the reason for this thread. Giants officially signed Benitez today: http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c...PGTKA3NBQ13.DTL
  14. Thanks, bud. I'll have to do it later from home, as the firewall here at work denied me access to the site: Access to this web page is restricted at this time. Reason: The Websense category "Personal Network Storage and Backup" is filtered.
  15. It's actually 3 pics I saved separately, then with Microsoft Paint I combined all three pics into one and resaved it as a JPEG.
  16. It's on my PC. I saved the pic from the net into a JPEG format.
  17. How do I do that, Gold? Click File then Save As?
  18. Those of you that make sigs (Goldmember, etc.), how do you save a JPEG image as a link so you are able to add the link to your sig?
  19. Right now, I'm "proud" of the fact our GM makes bold moves when nobody expects it. Yeah, they haven't exactly panned out, but we got Garcia and Contreras to watch for years now. I'm "proud" of the fact that our name has been mentioned in some significant player rumors, and some of those rumors can quite possibly come true. I'm "proud" of the fact our team doesn't make excuses for mistakes they make on the field. They blame themselves 99% of the time, which is how it should be. Finally, I'm proud of the fact that our farm system isn't completely dismantled.
  20. Brees, Gates and company looking like a baby-version of the Colts offense. The NFL is sleeping on them big time.
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