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Everything posted by Heads22

  1. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=fhqwhgads
  2. I get 12-14 more than anything. But I am 17. And a Sox fan.
  3. I've posted nmerous basketball pictures. We have no idea what dan looks like.
  4. I wondered who messed with my story!
  5. I would imagine so. Charlotte's down a closer.
  6. http://www.futuresox.com/modules.php?op=mo...order=0&thold=0
  7. It's 15 degrees here. I'm off to bed.
  8. You have metre's down there, correct? and litres?
  9. You crazy Aussies, sticking U's in the middle of words......can't get enough vowels can ya. DBAH0's a vowel whore.
  10. I dunno if this has been posted before but found the link on the Cheat's blog. The Cheat's blog is also very good if you haven't seen it. http://www.blogmaverick.com/
  11. http://www.zwire.com/site/news.cfm?newsid=..._id=25270&rfi=6
  12. Happy Bday to a fellow clone fan!
  13. To be truthful I've only drank twice in my life....once on new years...once at a wedding...miller lite sucks
  14. Jeez dan...someone slip rat poison in your cake?
  15. Kinda like your writing before we told ya to change it? I'm off my game at the moment.
  16. Hey, he's also tallest player in the org now, isn't he?
  17. No reason not to be. The only other guy they could give a look at is Matt Smith.
  18. It is now 9:44 on Sunday July 18 where you are. How long til ya find this?
  19. Awww come on....soon enough pitcher of the week will be named the "Brandon McCarthy Impersonation Award"
  20. It was really cool seeing the answers for this and then Dan's crappy information. When we were compiling the stuff everyone was to write a blip saying why they chose.....we all write paragraphs....and dan has one sentence answers.....
  21. I'd really like to see both succeed in Montreal.
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