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Chicago White Sox

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Everything posted by Chicago White Sox

  1. The Rangers play tonight at 6pm and Lynn is scheduled to be on the mound for them. That could really accelerate things from a trade perspective. Also, just wanted to post the quote from Ken Rosenthal that I referenced earlier. If teams are truly unwilling to move a top 100 prospect for him and the Rangers figure now is the time to move him regardless, then we better be serious players with a 3 or 4 player quantity-based package similar to how we got the A’s to bite on a Shark deal. Fuck, I’d give up Stiever, Collins, & Adolfo plus Lopez at this point. That package lacks a true centerpiece, but gives them an arm they can instantly replace Lynn with that might benefit from a change of scenery, a pitching prospect that had some serious helium coming into the season, a major league ready LH power bat that could immediately factor into their 1B/DH mix, and a high risk / high reward OF prospect that may only be a year or so away. I’m sure they’d rather land a blue chipper plus lesser pieces, but if the market is suppressed because of COVID-related concerns, that‘s a deal I think they’d consider.
  2. Dunning’s stuff looked spectacular those first few innings. I feel like we must have been watching different pitchers.
  3. Apparently Ken Rosenthal has been speculating that teams may not be willing to pay a huge price for Lynn given the economic environment and the increased value of cheap young talent. I still think a quantity-based package (Stiever, Collins, & Adolfo) might be enough to get something done. I guess we’ll find out soon enough.
  4. I honestly think that’s him slowing things down in hopes of commanding his fastball better.
  5. We really need to see what he looks like coming out the pen, so we can make a decision on if he should return next year. Same applies to Rodon assuming he actually comes back at some point.
  6. We need to see how Lopez looks coming out the pen, because he isn’t going to make it as a starter, at least under Cooper...
  7. But they need a new owner first and until then they probably don’t sell an asset like DeGrom.
  8. Who are you talking about? Lynn? Did you see his 2019 numbers, he’s clearly evolved into a legit TOR starter.
  9. No one is going to say that if the other team gives up a Kopech level prospect.
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